Chaper 16: Amazing

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Stiles' pov

It has been 8 years since Derek and I have started our lives together.  We have been through so much but we always end up on top.  Today is our annual pack reunion, we started after everyone left for college.  This is the 7th one and we have it at the Argent lake house which is now called the McCall pack house. 

Everyone comes and when I mean everyone I mean everyone, we always have the best time.  I get snapped out of my thoughts when my little Avery walks in, more like runs in.  Yes we have a little girl, she is 3 years old.  "Hey sweetheart, are ready to see our family?"  She smiles and screams yes. 

"What happened I heard screaming?"  My handsome husband asked running into the room.  Yup we have been married for 4 years.  "Nothing's wrong Sourwolf.  Avery is just excited to see everyone."  I walk over and kiss him on the cheek and start grabbing my stuff.

"Daddy, will Uncle Scotty and Aunty Lyia be there?"  They are like her favorite people Lydia come around more often than the rest and when she was a baby she couldn't say her d's so she still calls her Lyia.  Scott always gets her stuff so she's excited for her new toy.  "Yes, they will and so will everyone else even Grandpa and Grandma."  She jumps up and starts laughing.

"Babe?  Do you want to leave yet, it's a couple hour drive?"  Derek could hear me I know so I just waited till he came down to answer.  "Sure let me grab Avery's stuff to put in the car." 

We head out the house and get into my jeep, yes I still have my jeep.  Well kinda, we had to replace most of the stuff after years of taping it, but the outside is exactly the same.  Derek still hates that we keep it but it's easier to have the carseat in here.  'Hey guess what?'  Derek says in my head. 'What?'  'I love you.'  He grabs my hand and kisses the back of it.  'I love you too!'  He is so cute, he just hates when I call him that.

We have been driving for a while now and we are almost there.  Avery has been asleep for most of the ride so it has been pretty quiet.  I should wake her up or else she will be very cranky at the party.  "Avery.  We are almost there it's time to wake up.  She growls, she gets more like Derek everyday.  I look at him and he just smirks.

" You won't be able to get your present for Uncle Scotty if you don't wake up.  He will be very sad if he doesn't get to see you."  Then she automatically sat up and rubbed her eyes.  "I'm up now Daddy and Papa!"  She is hilarious.  She only listens when she wants something.

We finally get  on the driveway but we still have 2 minutes before we get there because Argent wanted it at the time to be hidden away. 

Derek's pov

We finally make it and from what so can hear only Scott, Allison, and Argent are the only ones hear besides their daughter Madison.  Yup, the true alpha is married with a little girl to protect just like Stiles and I.  My life has been amazing in my opinion, and so has the rest of the pack.  Our girls are only a few months apart, we asked Lydia to be our surrogate around the same time Allison was pregnant. 

"Stiles!!!"  Scott came running out the house, just because its has been 8 years they have not really changed.  My Stiles maybe matured because of being in the FBI, and Scott now runs his own vet clinic so he is responsible.  But overall there is no difference.  "Scotty!!!"  They run up for give each other a hug.

"Uncle Scotty!"  "Uncle Stiyals!"  Both Avery and Madison yelled and ran towards them.  I start laughing as they crash into them and they end up in a pile on the ground.  "Come on kids lets get inside, everyone will be here soon."  Argent said from the door way.  I walk over to greet him.  "Hey Chris. Nice to see you."  "You too Derek.  How have you been?"  "Great actually.  What about you?"  "I'm good too."

Before we knew it everyone had arrived and it was CROWDED.  And loud.  Malia and Kira came with their son Tyler, and him, Madison, and Avery started to play.  "Gramma, Gramba!!"  Avery called, just then Sheriff and Melissa walked in.  Yeah, Sheriff and Melissa are together now.  Avery calls Melissa Grandma because she technically is and Stiles calls her mom.

"There's my little princess!"  Sheriff picks Avery up and gives her a kiss on her forehead.  I'm guessing Avery heard Lydia's voice from out side because she ran out the door before anyone could stop her and grabbed onto Lydia's legs.  "Aunt Lyia!!!"  She screamed and started laughing.  "Hey sweetheart.  Grayson and Gale are in the car, go get them."  Avery smiled and ran to get the twins.

"Derek honey, hi."  I walk over to Lydia and I hug her, I've missed her she's always been one of my favorite people.  "Hey Lydia."  I hold out my arm and she grabs it then we walk into the house.

"Lydia!"  Both Allison and Stiles yell at the same time.  "It has been way too frea- long."  Supernatural kids and not good language don't mix."  We all started laughing and go into the living room.  I guess Peter came in through the back because when we walked in he was sitting on the sofa talking to Argent.  I wouldn't call them friends but they were able to have a decent conversation.

"Hello Derek."  Ugh that smug voice. "Peter."  When was he invited?  "How have you been Derek?"  "Amazing."  I didn't care to say more.  "That's good.  Oh, how are you doing Peter?  I'm doing fine, thanks for asking."  Peter said sarcastically, I rolled my eyes and walked away. I was about to say hi to Liam who was in the kitchen talking to Kira but then I heard growling from outside.

"Grrr Grrr.  Give it back!"  I heard Madison and Avery say.  I run outside and catch up with Scott.  I see Avery and Madison glowing eyes and claws out facing Tyler.  "What's going on here?"  Scott said with his alpha voice. "Tyler won't give back my toy." Madison said with tears in her eyes while Avery looked like she wanted to rip his throat out with her teeth with the twins standing behind her. She is so taking after me.

"Malia." I call out so she can see what's happening. "What is happening?" Malia ask once she saw the tiny stand off. "Your kid is about to get his throat ripped out by my daughter." I smirked and she walked up by Scott. "Tyler, why did you take her toy?" The little boy looked down in shame and shrugged his shoulders. "Okay well since you don't know, I want you to apologize to Madison. And then come back inside with me." Malia told him. She has grown a lot since she first joined, it makes me proud to she her. "Sorry Maddie." He handed the toy back and followed his mom inside.

At almost 10 years of being an alpha for Scott, kids fighting should not be a problem. I walk up to where Scott is standing and give him a pat on the back. "Since the problem is fixed you guys can go play now." They go run off and we make our way back inside.

"Was everything okay?" Stiles ask when we sit back down. "Yup all taken care of." "Yeah and if we didn't go out Avery probably would have ripped his throat out with her teeth." Scott added mouthing the last part. Lydia looked shocked while me and Stiles were just laughing. "I told you she took after you." Stiles cracked up which just made me laugh more. 'I love you Stiles' I said into his mind. "Love you too Derek." He smiled and we all just started talking.

Once we were ready, all of us went into the back around the fire pit. "Happy 7th year reunion!" Liam yelled. "Liam, Mason! Stop! Grayson, Tyler! Stop!" Scott was yelling trying to keep a little control. He walked back to his chair that was next to mine and Allison and sat down. I smiled at him and he gave me a funny look that I remember all too well.

"What are you smiling at?" Scott ask, not understanding yet. "Your still good at this." I laughed when he remembered. "What are you talking about? I still need that manual." We both start laughing and look around at our family.

Here we are, the one and only...

McCall Pack


OMG! It's finished. How did you like the ending, I thought it was cute.

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