Chaper 7: Stiles

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Derek's pov

We have just arrived at the motel that we are staying at, and we are close to our destination but it is dark.  This time we were able to get a room with two beds but I honestly didn't mind sharing. 

Stiles seemed really tired so I told him to go first and get some sleep.  When he walks out I go in.  "Derek, you need to empty your head now."  I need to be on my best tomorrow because we ARE going to find Lydia and Liam, and I need to be ready for a fight.

I get in the hot shower and as soon as the water hits me my mussels loosen and my head clears.

When I walked out the bathroom Stiles was already asleep.  He looked so innocent in his sleep, it's hard to believe that we couldn't tell the difference between Stiles and Void Stiles.  I felt so bad for not knowing, I still do.

I start drifting to sleep when I hear Stiles whimpering in his sleep.  "Stiles.  Wake up!  Wake up!"  He started screaming and I lose it.  "Stiles please wake up!  It just a nightmare, your okay!"  He really was scaring me, I start shaking him and he finally wakes up.

"Derek? Derek!"  He sits up and hugs me, and its like a foreign concept.  "Stiles, I need to know what keeps happening to you.  And I need the truth."  He looked at me sad and he seemed nervous.

"So after the Nigitsune got out of my head I started getting these really bad nightmares.  It was like watching what was happening, but I had no control.  I felt the exact same way I did when he was in my body.  While he was in my head, I felt like I was in his, I saw his thoughts and a few memories.  It was awful.  And now every time I go to sleep I get woken up by these terrifying nightmares and I can't do anything about it.  I haven't told anyone about this because I know my dad already worries, and the rest of the pack has there own stuff to deal with.  I guess I could have told Melissa, but I didn't want Scott to find out till I was ready.  And I'm sorry for keeping you up."  By the end Stiles was crying all I did was try and comfort him. 

"Stiles don't apologize, there is nothing to be sorry about.  And I am glad you told me and you don't have to deal with it alone anymore."  He wiped his tears and took a deep breath.  "If you always get nightmares when you sleep, then why didn't you have one yesterday at the motel?"  Stiles scratched the back of his neck and his heart rate picks up.

"Umm, when I was little I used to get nightmares and my mom would come in and spend the night in my room until I fell asleep.  And sometimes if Scott was over, he could sometimes prevent them too.  I guess when some one is close to me that... that I care about, I am able to sleep."  I looked back up at him and his face was pretty red, and looked extremely embarrassed.

I put my hand on Stiles arm and say, "It's okay, I care about you too."  I smiled and and he smiled back.  He then gets up and goes back over to his bed and I follow him over. "What are you doing?"  He looks confused and I sigh.  "I am going to sleep next to you so you don't have a nightmare."  He blushes and moves over.

I lay down and I put my arm around Stiles, and he stiffens.  He quickly relaxes and turns to lay his head on my chest and in no time we both fall asleep.

Stiles pov

I wake up cuddled up against Derek's side and again, I feel safe.  Last night he told me he cares about me, does that mean he likes me?  Oh, my, gosh.  I am so bad at this stuff.

Derek starts moving around but when he sees the time he tries to go back to sleep.  He pulls me closer to him and we get another hour of sleep.

"Come on Sourwolf, time to wake up!  We need to find our friends." "Grrrr..."  I hear him growl.  I try to pull him out of bed but my noodle arms don't help much.  "Okay, I'm up."

Derek gets up and kind of sleepy walks and goes into the bathroom.  Five minutes later he comes out looking amazing as usual.  I try not to stare so I trip my way over to the bathroom to get ready.  Curse my uncoordinated self.  When I walk out the bathroom Derek cleaned up both of our stuff and had it ready to go.

He gets up and grabs our stuff and walks out the door with me following behind.  He puts the bags in the back and walks over to the drivers door and opens it.  I look at him confused because why is he just standing there?  He gestured for me to get in and I was actually happy because yesterday he did all the driving.

I jump in and start driving to find us some breakfast.

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