Chapter 9: We found them!!

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Scott's pov

Everyone is on their way here.  They better be ready because this place is pretty secure.  Allison scoped around the area earlier and she saw four guards in the front and three around back.  I can't smell Liam and Lydia but I think I can feel Liam.  I'm guessing it's because he is my beta.  Either way I miss him, he is like my brother, my kid and I don't know how I would cope if I lost him.

Lydia is in there probably trying to stay calm for him or else he might hurt himself.  I really hope she is okay, she has been through a lot and none of us could stand to lose her either.

Malia and Kira arrive first and found us in the cave.  "Hey, did you have any trouble getting here?"  I was getting a weird vibe from them to so I'm not really sure what's going on.  "Nope everything was fine."  Kira answer.  "Oh okay."  Yeah I don't believe them but it's fine we have other matters to deal with.

10 minutes later Stiles and Derek show up laughing and smiling, Derek was Smiling!  What is happening to my pack?  Well at least they are all here and we can make a plan.

"Stiles."  I called him over to make sure he was okay.  He starts walking over and I smell blood so I run up to him.  "Stiles, are you okay?"  "Yeah I'm fine.  Are you okay?  What are you doing?"  "I smell blood."  He makes an O shape on his mouth understanding my response.  "Yeah I got attacked earlier and Derek saved me, and the blood is his."  I sighed in relief and nodded. 

"Ally."  She looks at me and follows me out of hearing range so I can talk to her.  "You okay Scott?"  "Umm yeah, do you think there is something wrong with the pack?  I'm getting a weird feeling off of all of them."  I think she gets where I'm coming from and starts talking.  "Well Malia and Kira seem to be really close, like much closer than before.  And Stiles and Derek are enjoying each others company.  So maybe."  We laugh and walk back to the group.

"Pay attention.  So Allison and I searched the building and there are four guards up front and three and the back.  Allison from a distance, will take the ones in the back out while Kira gets the ones in the front.  The rest of us will go in through the back and spread out to look for Lydia and Liam.  Are there any questions?"  Everyone shook their heads no and we get in our positions.

'Stay close okay?'  I heard Derek say to Stiles.  Again, since when do they care about each other!?? 

I give the signal and Allison takes out the guards and Kira goes around front.  When they don't see us we run inside and start looking around. 

Stiles' pov

We run inside the building and I am so badly unprepared to do this.  I'm surprised Derek hasn't thought I was dying because my heart is beating right outside my chest.  He stops walking and I almost bump into him and that would have not helped the situation at all.  I put my bat up ready to hit someone when Derek stepped forward and knocked someone out all in one motion. 

We keep going and this time I think there is more than one because Derek straighten up and shifted.  Three guys came around the corner and they looked very intimidating.  One had a gun, the second one had a taser, and the third one was just really big.

Derek ran up to the guy with the gun and broke it then threw him up against the wall.  One of the guys tasered him and he fell down.  He got back up scratched the guys neck, I'm pretty sure he's dead.  Derek punched the big one and he fell back and hit his head, he didn't pass out but he was dizzy.  So we ran down then hall way and found the room with Scott and Malia.

We walked in the room and that's when I saw them, "Lydia!  Liam!"  I ran up to hug Lydia.  "I'm okay Stiles,  I missed you."  "I missed you too.  NEVER GET KIDNAPPED AGAIN!!!"  "I will try."  I go over to Liam, he is hugging Scott.  "Hey kid."  "Stiles!  Hey you have no idea how good it is to see you guys." Liam is weak, we need to get out of here.  Not to mention all the guards around here.

"Lets get out of here."  Scott said and we start leaving the way we came.  Derek and I are the last to get out of the building and we start walking around to get Kira and Allison when five hunters come up to us and start attacking us.  I try to get to the back but someone blocks my way and shoots me in the leg.  I look over and see Derek fighting and it doesn't seem like the others have seen me.  I try to get up but I fall back down. 


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