Chapter 15: I love you

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Stiles' pov

Derek decided he wanted to stay over because one I didn't want to be alone, and two because he did want to leave me alone.  He wanted to tell me something, I could feel it, but he says he wants to wait till tomorrow.  I think it's important but I don't want to be annoying.  There are still a few hours before it gets late so there is plenty of time to talk about it right?

I should just ask him.  Just ask him Stiles.  "Derek?"  He looked up from his phone.  "Yeah baby?"  I'm pretty sure I blushed, that was the first time he called me that.  "So the thing you said that could wait tomorrow, can you tell me now?  Please?"  I look at him with a cute pouty face that he never says no to.  "Well why can't it wait till tomorrow?"  Because I am dying to know.  "Because I feel like it's eating you up inside, and when I asked earlier I got a weird feeling from you."  He got up from my desk and walked over to me.  I think it was maybe a lot more serious than I thought because looked like the old Derek, the one that kept secrets.

"Derek please don't lie to me, I know that look."  He tilted his head slightly and straightened his back.  "What look?"  He really didn't know?  "Before when we first met I got this vibe from you that you don't trust easily, and obviously I was right because you didn't trust us before and we didn't trust you.  But now we are a couple, we have to trust each other.  And you can tell me anything."  I guess I went a little deep, but everything I said was true.

"You're right Stiles, I am keeping something from you but it is not what you think."  He grabs my hands and then starts explaining.

"So you know that when we were rescuing Lydia and Liam I turned into a wolf.  Then when you were in the hospital it took me 30 minutes to change back.  It made me so nervous that I wouldn't be able to see you again if that happened, so I didn't go it see Deaton.  Instead I just wanted to be with you and when I had to go to my sister, it almost happened again and I got so scared.  When I came back, everything was perfect and I didn't want to mess it up so I waited.  And today I was getting this weird feeling about you so I went to see Deaton.  He told me everything on why what happened to me happened and about the bad feeling."  He took and pause to try and explain the rest. 

At this point I am on the verge of crying, the thought of him being scared over losing made me love him more.  I LOVE HIM!!!  I do, I so do.  Derek broke me out of my thoughts when he starts talking again.

"So the big thing that I didn't know how to tell you is that we are... are um, mates."  What?  Mates are real?  What?  I don't really understand.    "Okay."  That's honestly the only way I could respond to that.  I'm not upset, so okay.  "Okay?  That's it?  Your not weirded out or anything?"  Ha that's funny.  "Why should I be weirded out?  Supernaturals are a thing, I have seen things that should not be real, and I have been possessed.  This is probably the most logical thing that has happened."  Derek starts laughing.

"I love you."

Derek's pov

I sat there frozen for probably a minute, my head is racing.  He loves me!  Stiles Stilinski loves me!  I love him. I love him!  Of course I do.  I think I was late to respond because then Stiles got up and ran to the bathroom.  "Stiles wait!"  I go after him but he locks the door before I get a chance to grab him.

"Stiles please open the door."  He say or do anything.  This all my fault.  "Please Stiles, I love you."  I heard his heart skip a beat then the door handle turn.  "Your lying, I said that in there and all you did was look at me.  Do you know how bad that made me feel."  Actually I do.  "Stiles, I love you with all my heart.  But when you said that you loved me I was just shocked, it's hard to believe that someone- that you could really love me. Even though I can literally feel how much you love me."  I tried so hard not to cry after saying that but I did anyway. 

"How in the world could you think that?  You are my hero on many, many occasions and are there for me and love me everyday.  If anything I don't deserve you."  I love you Stiles.  "I love you too."  What?  "What?"  I'm confused.  "You said you loved me and I said I loved you back."  I thought that.  "I didn't say that Stiles, I thought it."  I start smiling but I think he is still confused.

"As mates we have a special connection."  "Obviously."  Stiles says and nudges me, I roll my eyes and continue.  "So with our connection it links us together, so we can feel each other.  The most basic thing is that mates can feel the others presence and knows where they are at all times.  But they can also sense danger for the other and can talk to each other through the mind.  That is why I got a bad feeling about you going to school today because you were going to get hurt.  And why you heard me say 'I love you' in my head." Stiles looked weird.

He was like concentrating, but on what?  'I got it!'  I blurts out laughing.  He was trying to to figure out how to talk to me.  He sits there and smiles.  "This is so cool, now during school when I'm bored I can talk to you!  There is only next week to go but still." He is so extra and cute.

I grab him by the waist and pull him towards me, I hug him and put my head in the side of his neck and kiss it.  I kiss all the way up to his jaw line then back down.  He starts to breath heavier and pushes me back to bed to sit down, then he grabs my face and starts kissing me.

"Derek?"  I pull away from him.  "Yes?"  He smiles and say, "I love you."  'I love you more'.

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