Once again I found myself sat in the room on the edge of the bed thinking. Tate had been with Angela seeing the pups at the nursery they had. Mama, dad and Cara had left to go get our stuff to move here.

Mama said he would happily move here if it meant we could still be together, it didn't matter about Elias and Kolby, he was happy with dad so he would put it past him and get over it. Dad wasn't too happy about it seeing as he's a vampire and doesn't do well with wolves but once again he put it past him to stay with me. And Cara was happy to be with more people like her, she happily agreed to stay and is going to carry on practicing to be a pack doctor.

"Are you ok?" A soft voice asked making me relax. I shook my head and let it fall and ran my hands through my hair.

"All I need is you." I whispered and turned to my mate. I laid down on the bed and pulled her to my side where I kissed her forehead.

"Did you have fun with the pups?" I mumbled.

"I guess." Tate sighed. "I wish you were there with me. They're so cute and cuddly."

"What's wrong beautiful?" I asked and started playing with her hair.

"Nothing." She sighed again.

"Tell me." I said softly.

"I just don't understand why you don't want pups." Tate sat up. "Don't you want to leave me with someone knowing we would look after each other and I would have a reminder of you not just memories. I don't want that."

"You say it like I'm going to leave you soon." I growled a little.

"You're not. B-but what if you did? I don't want to be left alone without something of you. Something apart of you and me. Like if something ever happened to me you would want a pup there to remind you of me."

"I'm forced to be alpha, Tate. I'm not going to force that upon a child from the moment it's born." I growled.

"You don't have to, but-," she cried a little.

"You want a pup so bad? Huh?" I yelled sitting up and pushing her so she laid on the bed with me hovering over her. "I'll give you a fucking pup." I growled taking off my T-shirt and hers then kissing her chest.

"Theo stop." Tate cried pushing at my shoulders.

"I thought you wanted a pup Tate." I stated and carried on kissing her breast.

"Not like this. Don't do this Theo." She sobbed.

"I have made my choice." I looked at her. "Take it as you will, but we are not having a pup." I growled and got off her sitting back at the edge of the bed.

"N-never do that again." Tate spat out. "I just don't want to be alone if you died."

"I'm sorry." I said softly. "I got angry."

"That doesn't excuse you for almost raping me Theo." My mate cried.

"Nice going dipshit." Darius growled at me and took control.

"I'm sorry mate." He whispered softly to her. He put his hand on her cheek and rubbed away the tears that fell.

"Theo's stressed. Really stressed about this whole alpha thing. Bringing a pup into it is adding to that stress. It's not a good excuse mate but try being in his shoes." My wolf sighed. "He doesn't want to hurt you, but we're both on edge about going to that shitty school, and the fact we have to take over a pack. He's sorry, but you have to stop about the pup thing. I'd love to have a pup with you and willow, and if I had it my way you would be with a pup already. But Theo mostly chooses things and for this I agree with him. We love you, more than we can say or give you. Maybe he'll change his mind in the future, but for now please don't cry and don't think about having a pup. We're not leaving you at all and you're not going anywhere, for now it can just be you, willow, Theo and me. I will talk to Theo, I will try to make him change his mind because seeing you round with our pup would be the best thing in this world. Just give us time to process this whole alpha thing before we even think about bringing a baby into the mix." Darius smiled softly at her.

"I'm sorry." Tate sobbed. "I just don't want to be left alone if I ever lost you both."

"Like I said, none of us are leaving any time soon. We'll all be ok, just trust us and I'm sure in a year or two we can have a pup. After all we're still young ourselves." Darius chuckled.

"Yeah I know." Tate smiled. "I'm sorry for making you guys angry."

"You didn't make me feel anything but love for you. But Theo is, he's really struggling to process this whole thing. Just give him some time."

"I will." She nodded. Darius leaned forward and kissed her in a soft passionate kiss. Slowly he let me have control back. When I did, I pulled away and pushed the loose strands of her hair behind her ear.

"I'm so sorry beautiful." I mumbled to her.

"I know. I'm sorry to. I didn't mean to make you angry." Tate smiled a little.

I pulled her to my chest and laid down where I started playing with her hair again. I looked down at her chest to see a huge red-purplish mark on her chest.

"I'm such a dick." I whispered running my thumb over it.

"Don't do that." Tate held my hand and kissed my palm.


"Don't touch me like that. It's a turn on when you do it so gently and lovingly." She giggled a little.

"Sorry beautiful." I smiled.

"It's ok." She smiled back and kissed me again. Our lips moved together and I pulled her on top of my chest making her laugh as I started tickling her.

"I love you Tate, forever."

"I love you Theo, forever."

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