A Trip To Baker Street

Start from the beginning

Mycroft thought his brother looked so lost... Just like when red beard was- he shook the thought away roughly.

"Sherlock? What's going on" Mycroft asked concerned but not even making a big deal of making his way over to him.

Something harshly broke Sherlock's impounding thoughts. He had felt a hoarse shout, rocking his thoughts away. Sherlock snapped my head up to see the face of his brother looming above him.

Was that concern in his eyes? He thought, confused.

Sherlock shook the thought away and dragged his mind away from contemplation.

'what - oh sorry, I was just thinking about why you decided to come today' he forced a grin and levelled his voice to sound calm and collected, it was so calm even he believed it.

Mycroft frowned at his sudden change in facial expression and almost freaked when his brother sounded so calm.

"There's something wrong. Sherlock, please"

Mycroft said, cringing at the sentiment? No softness in his own voice. It sounded foreign but he let it roll off his tongue as he surveyed him.

Sherlock had gotten thinner, a lot thinner his eyes had lost any shine that they had before and he held himself differently.
It almost looked as if Sherlock was impersonating himself. Mycroft thought that this wasn't his brother though of course it was.

Sherlock felt he had to regain his cool façade, he couldn't break in front of his brother, that would ruin everything. So instead he laughed, a small chuckle, making it seem light and airy, to rid the air of tension. It didn't work but it was a start he thought.

To continue his cool composure he added,

'I'm absolutely fine Mycroft, now can you tell me what you are doing here. Aren't you supposed to be kissing babies or something, whatever the government does'

Sherlock asked lightly, with a small wave of his hand. If implied a gesture, to let the matter drop for now. While inside he was quite shocked to hear the fear and worry in Mycroft's voice, typical of him, but some part of it warmed his heart, in surprise to his own body.

Mycroft glared at his comment but let it slide. Instead he sat across from him sipping his coffee and looking at Sherlock

"Well there's something wrong and I'm not telling you why I'm here until you tell me brother dear"

He told him in a tone of sweetness with a tinge of forcefulness. He knew that it was going to be hard to get anything out of Sherlock but he knew whatever was eating him inside had to be important and even Mycroft had to admit that he didn't want him to spiral into depression like he'd seen him do so many times before and could now tell the signs from a mile off. It was happening again.

Sherlock sighed, knowing the look on Mycroft's face he had to tell him sooner or later, knowing Mycroft he'd stay in that spot till Christmas.
And then revealed the truth to him, reluctantly.

'Mary' Sherlock said, in such a breathy voice, one that he didn't even know he had inside him. There it was, the truth. It had snaked into the heavy air resting on now both their heads.

Mycroft sighed slightly looking at his face watching the façade break into pieces revealing finally his brother, and seeing the vulnerable side Mycroft had only seen once before.

It was rare seeing this and in the moment he knew something had to be done. Something never done before and something to shock Sherlock to make him forget it even just for a second.

Mycroft leaned forward gingerly and hugged him. It was odd but he had felt love? Mycroft rubbed his back slightly

'There was nothing you could do. She wanted it to be this way'
He said soothing Sherlock.

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