"Tell me again what it feels like," he says, failing to hide his frustration.

You explain it to him, struggling to find the right words. It's extremely difficult to articulate.

"Do you think you can do it while I'm inside your mind?" He asks.

You nod.

Kylo approaches and places his fingers on your temple. You lower your walls and invite him in, eliminating any risk of pain. You feel him in your mind, rooting around, getting comfortable, a completely different type of penetration altogether. He draws up the memories from your dreams and scans through them again. He gets frustrated when he doesn't find anything helpful, working hard to calm himself before he unintentionally hurts you with his unstable emotions.

His presence in your mind shifts to the role of observer. You concentrate on thinking about each decision, each instinct, so that he can fully experience the process.

When it's done, he slips away and begins pacing the clearing.

"That place... I've never felt that. I can't recreate it or access it. It's like the Force is opening a door for you to walk through... only you."

He sits next to you.

"From in here," he says, pointing at your temple, "I could see the door and peer inside but I couldn't enter with you. It's the strangest thing."

The chill in the air makes you shiver. You scooch closer and wrap your arms around him. He hugs you close, rubbing your back and kissing your hair. You stay like this for a time in deep thought.

"I think we need to go see Rey," he says.

"Oh?" You ask.

"I spoke with her the other night... had her look up something in a text I gave her. She suggested that the voices in your dreams might be lingering essences of other Force users who had the same access. She said she would learn what she could, communing with the Jedi Masters."

You pick at the fabric of his shirt, fidgeting, wishing different words were flowing from him in his deep baritone. Wishing for soothing, sexy, or carefree words.

"I know you don't think this is serious but trust me, hearing voices isn't nothing. These dreams will get harder and harder to ignore and it's already taking a toll on you."

"I know," you acquiesce. "But can we just forget about it for the rest of the night? I miss just being with you. I miss the way you looked at me before you transformed me into some broken thing that needs fixing. A categorization that, by the way, I fully disagree with."

He lies back in the grass and pulls you onto his broad chest.

"Yes, I can do that," he says, relaxing beneath you.

— — —

Rey is waiting for you when Kylo lands the Silencer. The fissure in the ground next to her that you had caused on your last visit draws your attention. As you step out the ship you see a crawling weed with tiny blue flowers has already sprouted from the broken slab.

Without warning, surges of energy course through you like gusts of wind on a still day. The voices from your dreams speak, an unintelligible murmur on the wind. Staring at the ground, you run your fingers through your hair and listen. You are met with nothing but the sounds of the wind and birds.

Rey's concerned expression pulls you back into focus. She looks ethereal, glowing and powerful.

"Rey, you look so beautiful," you say, pulling her into an embrace.

Cherchant (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now