29. Adjustments

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Her head throbbed with pain. Her entire body ached and there was a new heavy weight on her back. Iyan cracked her eyes open and found herself lying in her room. She was on her stomach for some reason.

Iyan flexed her fingers, recalling the dirt and blood that had coated her talons as an animal. A flood of memories washed over her. The humans in their cells, Derek and Sven, her transformation...Iyan threw up over the side of her bed.

Someone gripped her hand tightly. Iyan rolled over and found Asena staring at her tearfully. "What happened?" Iyan groaned.

"You were nearly killed." Asena pulled her into a tight hug. Iyan winced, a sharp pain flashing through her shoulder blades.

"I feel different," she murmured. She turned her head and gasped. Wings had sprouted from her back, large and beautiful. She felt the tips of her ears. They had a subtle point to them. "What happened to me?" Iyan clutched at Asena's hand.

"Arius will explain later. I don't really understand it all."

"Where is he?"

"He's still unconscious."

"Unconscious?" Iyan lifted a hand to her forehead. "Asena, what's going on?"

"What do you remember?"

"I remember Emeric and Ezlyn turning me into one of their beasts and that's it. After that, everything is fuzzy."

"You tried to kill Arius. Sumner stopped you but you were badly injured." Tears slipped down Asena's cheeks, wetting Iyan's neck. "I was so afraid."

The door opened a moment later, revealing Esen and Gabriel. "Is she awake?" Esen whispered. Asena nodded and they entered the room. "How are you feeling?"

"I don't know." Iyan closed her eyes and tried to move into a more comfortable position. She could hear voices from outside the door. She recognized them as Torin's generals and ambassadors. Sybella's voice was there too.

"Arius woke up a few minutes ago. I'm going to go get him," Gabriel said. He kissed Asena's forehead and stepped out of the room. Iyan glimpsed several faces peering inside.

Moments later, Gabriel returned with Arius in tow. She nearly sobbed at the sight of him. Arius ran to her and pulled her into his arms. He was careful not to jar her new wings.

Iyan looked past his shoulders. All of those Faeries were still there, watching her. Tears stung her eyes. "Make them leave," she whispered.

Arius turned, his beautiful face dark with a scowl. "Get out, all of you." The Faeries in the hallway scattered. Esen and Gabriel left quickly. Asena pressed a kiss to Iyan's forehead and closed the door on her way out.

Arius' hands glowed silver and Iyan saw light flash beneath her door. "What was that?"

"A lock and sound barrier. No one will come in unless I let them. You won't be able to hear them and they won't hear us."

Iyan nodded and pressed her face against his neck. "What happened? Why am I a Faerie? Did I hurt you?"

"I'm all right." Iyan pulled away and he climbed onto the bed beside her. He spied the puddle of vomit on the other side, but didn't appear fazed. With a wave of his hand, it was gone. "I'll explain everything."

"Start with what happened in Solis. I saw your magic when I was in the dungeon," Iyan prompted.

"Emeric and Ezlyn murdered my father. They were behind the death of my mother too." Arius looked down for a moment. Iyan took his hand and began to trace his tattoos. He smiled faintly and continued. "Gabriel and I got everyone out but we didn't realize no one had found you. I'm sorry."

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