22. A Solstice Gift

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    "I'm going out today. Do you want to join me?"

    Iyan glanced up as Esen strode into her room. "Sure. Asena is working today so she won't be able to come." She jumped off her bed and grabbed her cloak, as well as her small coin pouch. "Why are you going out?"

    "The solstice is tomorrow."

    "And?" They headed down the stairs.

    "You really forgot?" Iyan gave her an incredulous look. "Arius' birthday is on the solstice. I have to get him a gift."

    "Oh, right. It's a good thing you reminded me. I don't have anything for him either."

    Several days had passed since their trip to the Mirror Lake. Arius and Gabriel had left two days after without much notice. Torin had refused to disclose their location and not even Esen knew where they had gone. Iyan was doing her best not to worry.

    "I think I'm going to get him a new dagger sheath," Esen said, drawing Iyan out of her thoughts. "He always needs those. What are you going to get him?"

    "Something small. We wouldn't want him to start expecting us to shower him with gifts," Iyan snickered.

    Esen threw her head back with a laugh and linked their arms together. "Well, he's sure to love anything you get him."

    "What makes you say that?"

    Esen shrugged, giving her a sideways glance. "Just a hunch. You two seem to get along much better now than you used to."

    "I suppose we do." Iyan kept her expression neural. She still hadn't decided what her feelings towards Arius were and Esen's teasing certainly wouldn't help. They hadn't really spoken much before Arius and Gabriel left, but Iyan had been keenly aware of his second glances.

    "Don't worry about them." Iyan blinked, faintly startled. "The summit is four days away. I'm guessing Uncle has them checking in on a few officials who will be in attendance. They're not tracking any missing humans," Esen explained. "They'll be home tomorrow; I know that much."

    "You're probably right. All the same, I'll feel much better when they get back." She shot Esen a warning look. "And don't you dare tell Arius I said that."

    "My lips are sealed."

    They carried on walking, reaching the main shopping street of Noctis. Esen led the way into a small shop. She approached the shopkeeper, leaving Iyan to browse.

    The walls of the shop were lined with weapons of all sorts. Swords, daggers, throwing knives, and axes filled the main display case. Several sheathes were displayed beneath them. Iyan pursed her lips, thinking.

    He already has an entire rack of weapons in his room and I'm certain there's an armory somewhere in the manor. I don't think I'll find anything here, she decided.

    She joined Esen at the front counter. The shopkeeper was wrapping a small package for her. Esen paid the clerk and took her package. The door jangled shut as they returned to the street.

    "You choose where to go next," Esen offered.

    Iyan scanned the storefronts. "I don't even know what I want to get him."

    "Window shopping it is." They linked arms again and started down the street. Iyan eyed the displays in each store window they passed. "I noticed Arius was acting a little different around you. Did something happen?"

    This is most definitely a trap, Iyan thought, noting Esen's innocent tone. "What do you mean?"

    "I noticed it after we got back from Ruinas. He tends to look at you a lot more than normal. I even overheard Torin lecturing him for staring at you while you three were at a meeting."

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