Chapter Seven: Fate

Start from the beginning

Ozge spent the afternoon cooking and preparing. She wore her amber and cream tropical print maxi tube dress and matching 2 inch heels. She tied her hair in a half up, half down hairstyle and put on light red lipstick.

"Looking good, sister," Yaren, Ozge's younger sister said. Yaren is 21 years old, thirteen years younger than Ozge.

"Yaren, why haven't you changed yet? You should go change. It's already 6:30 PM," Ozge said, checking her phone.

"Ozge, I heard the client is handsome and a bachelor. You must be excited," Yaren said, eating popcorn.

Ozge laughed and rolled her eyes. "Yaren, this is all for work. We're grateful for this very generous client, that's why we invited him tonight."

Yaren sneered and gave Ozge her bowl of popcorn.

"Ugh, you're no fun. I'm just gonna go change," she said, then she left.

Ozge got out of her room and went downstairs, leaving the bowl of popcorn in the kitchen. The dinner tonight will be held in the garden. The sky was filled with stars and moon was shining over their table. Ozge went to the garden and admired the food she cooked and set up, excited for the client and everyone to taste them.

"Mom, what did the client say? Will they be here soon?" Ozge asked.

"Yes. He said he's on his way," Perran said, fixing her hair.

"Alright. I'll just go to the kitchen real quick to prepare the wine," Ozge said, running to the kitchen.


Can looked out the window. The trees and small houses they passed through was unfamiliar to him. He hadn't been to this side of Istanbul. The suburbs wasn't particularly a place he was fond of, though he knew he should get used to it now. He'd be coming here more often for the strawberry farm, after all.

It took ten more minutes for Can and Halis to finally get to the strawberry farm. It was dark by the entrance, but they saw bright lights just a hundred meters inside the farm. Can wore his usual business suit. Adjusting the tie one last time, he and Halis went to the garden and found Perran and the staff waiting for him.

"Welcome, Sir Can Yaman," Perran said, shaking Can's hand. "Please sit down."

"Mrs. Perran, thank you for this lovely dinner," Can said, taking a seat. "You have an enchanting home."

Perran and all the staff sat down in their seats.

"My family and I are very grateful for you, Sir Can," Perran said, holding Yaren's hand. She noticed Ozge's chair was missing.

"Yeshim," Perran whispered to one of the waiters. "Please tell Ozge that the client is here. She's in the kitchen."

"Right away, Mrs. Gurel," the waitress said, running to the kitchen.

"Mrs. Gurel, I'm also very grateful for your farm. I couldn't open my restaurant without you," Can chuckled.

Perran smiled and nodded, then beamed when she saw Ozge walking up to them.

"Oh, my daughter is here," Perran said.

Can stood up and looked behind him. He couldn't believe what he saw. Or rather, who he saw.


Seriously? Seriously?!

Ozge stopped in her tracks, not believing her eyes. The client, the client who just partnered with them is none other than Can Yaman. The guy she's been trying to avoid. Her heart pounded as she walked closer, then dropped when she realized the only empty seat was the one next to Can. Can looked down and smiled, probably laughing at this funny situation. She looked down and slowly sat down on the seat next to Can. He looked at her and she gave him a half-smile.

"Ozge, meet our new client, Can Yaman," Perran said.

"We've met," Can said, looking at Ozge.

Ozge's eyes widened. "Yeah, we've met, Mom. At the airport."

"What a coincidence," Perran said, laughing.

"Is this what they call Fate?" Can whispered to Ozge.

"Fate?" Ozge said. "Annoying, maybe. Not fate."

Can chuckled and shook his head. Perran stood up once more to speak.

"Well, this is a wonderful night and may this partnership not just be about work, but about friendship as well," Perran raised her glass, and everyone followed. "To Strawberry Place and the Gurel Strawberry Farm!"

Everyone clinked their glasses against each other. Can and Ozge clinked theirs, then drank the red wine.

Can grabbed his fork and stabbed the Kebapche. Putting it in his plate and taking a slice, his eyes widened at how good it was.

"This Kebapche is amazing, Mrs. Gurel," Can said. "Did you make this yourself?"

"Ozge did, Sir Can. She's a great cook," Perran said, looking at Ozge.

"How did you know that I like Kebapche? When I was in Bulgaria, this was what I ordered all the time in my favorite restaurant," Can said, savoring the taste. "But yours is definitely better, I must say."

"Thank you. I actually just wanted to cook something different tonight and it turns out I made the right choice," Ozge said, taking a bite of the Kebapche.

Can looked at her, realizing he just found who he was looking for.

The rest of the dinner was great. Can got to meet all of the staff and farmers in the Gurel Strawberry Farm and Ozge got to see a side of him that she had never seen before.

He's actually a nice guy, Ozge thought as she watched Can talk and laugh with one of their farmers.

"What is this, Ozge? Are you crushing on our new client?" Yaren teased, nudging Ozge.

"Yaren, stop it," Ozge rolled her eyes. "I'm just... admiring his generosity... and camaraderie."

"Admiring his generosity or admiring him?" Yaren laughed.

"Shut up," Ozge chuckled. "Why don't you go help Mom in the kitchen?"

"Alright," Yaren said, taking off to the kitchen.

Ozge fixed her hair, slowly walking up to Can. She was nervous again and she didn't like it. It's like she...

"So, how do you find everyone?" Ozge asked.

"Friendly, everyone here is in high spirits. Great to be working with good people," Can said. "How come you never mentioned you own a strawberry farm?"

"Well, you never told me you needed one," Ozge said, and they both laughed.

"Well, I have to go, Miss Ozge. I will see you tomorrow," Can said.

"Just Ozge."


"Don't call me, Miss Ozge. Just... Ozge," she said.

Can smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow, Ozge."

"See you," Ozge said.

She watched him leave, wishing he would have stayed longer. Then she caught herself wanting that for quite a while.

Ozge, you're not liking him. No way.


"Nice to see you smiling again, Sir," Halis said, as he looked at Can through the rearview mirror.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you seemed kind of sad last night when we got home, but now you're smiling again," Halis chuckled. "Is it because of Miss Ozge?"

Can laughed. "That girl is weird... but lovely. Kind of like the heat on a summer's day. You say you don't want the heat, but then realize it's what you wanted all along when it starts raining."

Can slumped back in his seat, actually glad he came to dinner tonight.


Hi, loves! Early update for you because I just want to haha! Keep the votes and comments coming pleaseee, they get me going. I love you!! See you in a few hours!! <3

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