Chapter 32. Finding Out

Start from the beginning

Pj walked in with Dan and Phil, but he didn’t look happy. They sat down at their table and Pj didn’t even look at me, I took out my phone and texted Phil - What’s going on!?! -. he glanced at me and shrugged, but not long after I received a text message back - I don’t know, him and Chris had a falling out in Science : Phil -. ( I was confused ) - Wait so is he mad at me, I mean clearly he doesn’t want to even look my way. We’ve not even been dating for 24 hours and he’s already mad at me for some reason! -, ( I may be overeating, but I don’t Care! ). - Izi calm down, he’s not mad at you. jeez : Phil -, I stood up ( I’m going to go crazy ) and excused myself to the bathroom. We all knew I wasn’t going to the bathroom, I walked out the front doors and didn’t look back. As I walked home everything that’s ever been yelled or said to me ( You’re not good enough, you don’t deserve happiness, yadda yadda yadda ) came rushing back into my mind. My phone vibrated - Where did you go? : Phil -, I sighed not replying ( I’ve never told anyone, except Henry about the bullying that I’ve been through. Not only from the kids in California, but also from my parents as well. That’s one reason why I didn’t cry when they died ). When I got to my apartment I had received a few more texts, - Where are you? : Zoe - I replied, - I’m at the apartment -. A few seconds later I received another message - Wow, you’ve never skipped school before… Why? : Zoe -, I sighed - Because I’m stupid!! -. 

It was only 12:35 pm and I wasn’t planning on skipping work because I wanted to hear what Henry had to say, I changed into comfy clothes. I stared at the TV watching some stupid reality TV show that I had seen 100 times, my phone went off around 3pm. - Are you okay? : Pj -, I ignored it and got up to get changed for work. So I put on my work shirt * Which was light blue * , some jean shorts and some black flats. I slipped my phone in my back pocket, grabbed my purse and headed to work. As I walked I listened to music thinking about what Henry could possibly say, I felt my phone vibrate so I pulled it out [ New Text Message ]. - I’m not mad at you, by the way : Pj -, I rolled my eyes replying - Urgh Phil told you!! I should have known he would because he is your friend!! -. I continued to walk - Hahaha Chill Iz, can we talk? : Pj -, I grinned - Not now, I’ve got work till 7pm -. I finally reached work - Fine, then I’ll pick you up at 7pm then : Pj -, I smiled rolling my eyes. I walked into work noticing Henry wasn’t there yet, I put my stuff in the back and switched the open sign On. Henry walked in 5 minutes later, he had sunglasses on ” Hey ” he weakly smiled. ” Hi ” I said looking at him weird, he didn’t say anything to me for almost 40 minutes. Then out of the blue he quietly said ” I need your help “, I looked at him confused ” What! Why? ” I stared blankly at him. He took of his sunglasses to reveal a black eye, I gasped and grabbed his shoulders but he flinched. ” What’s going on? ” I shouted, he looked down ” It’s Dani, she’s horrible!. She treats me like shit, she’s the one who wanted me to stop talking to you. Not me! She hits and beats me I’m going fucking Crazy, I miss you and I need your help ” he exclaimed! I sat there and said nothing I was to pissed off to say anything, I only hugged him. ” I’ll take care of this ” I assured him ( What am I going to do? ), he nodded ” Well in other news, I heard you’ve found a boyfriend. Is it true? ” He smiled. I nodded ” Yeah, that’s right ” I smiled, ” Is it who I heard it was? ” he looked at me. I nodded ” Yup! “, ” Awe, Your first boyfriend! ” he laughed. ” Shhh, his friend works here and No one other than my friends knows he’s the first ” I whispered ” And I had a little bit of freak out today, ditched the second half of school and ignored some people for a while ” I smiled. ” Well then he’s going to know somethings up! ” he chuckled, I shrugged ” Well how am I supposed to know how to react to certain things, no guy has shown any interest in me before “. He laughed ” Well know you’ve got your best friend back, and I’ll help you with that “, I nodded ” Well that’s not entirely true, Dani can’t see us talking because she might try to kill me ” I chuckled. ” Yeah, but you're a fighter! ” he laughed, ” True ” I smiled.

7 pm came and left, but I figured maybe Pj was running a little late. I sat on the pavement and pulled out my phone, ” Hey, I didn’t realize you were still here ” Henry said sitting down next to me. I sighed ” Yeah, just waiting for Pj “, he glanced at his phone ” Well it’s 7:30 pm I don’t think he’s coming, Do you want a ride? ” he smiled. I shook my head no ” Nah I’m just going to wait around for a while ” I smiled, ” Alrighty then, see you later…. Oh and If you ever need anything give me a call ” he said walking to his car. I sat there for two hours 9 pm rolled around and it had started raining, so I stood up and started walking home. I received a text message a few seconds later - Hey Sorry, I’m not going to be able to pick you up. Busy with a job, I’ll talk to you later =D : Pj -, I sighed ( Yeah it’s a little Fucking late! ). I walked home slow yet pissed, it was pouring and at that moment I didn’t care how I looked. When I finally got home I slammed the door not realizing anyone was there," Woah, Someone’s cranky and soaked ” Joe shouted from the lounge. I walked into the lounge and glared at him, ” Ok that’s my que to leave ” he said getting up and quickly walking to the door. I sighed and grabbed he phone ” What are you doing? ” Zoe asked me, ” I’ m ordering Pizza ” I sighed again. She nodded, after I ordered my pizza I changed into my 101 Dalmatians jumper and black pajama shorts. I put my wet hair in a bun then walked back into the lounge falling onto the couch with a loud ” Urrrgghhh ” I laughed, ” What’s up Iz? ” Zoe asked. I looked at her ” My day has been complete shit, first I over reacted about something stupid. Then I find out Henry’s girlfriend is a psychopath and after work Pj was supposed to pick me up so we could talk about why I’m stupid, But I waited 2 hours to have him text me a half an hour ago acting as if nothing was wrong. ” I complained. She sighed ” Damn! “, I nodded ” Yeah and now all I wanna do is eat my pizza, take a shower and go to bed ” I chuckled. She smiled.

[ 20 Minutes later ] There was a knock on the door, I grabbed my wallet and opened the door to find none other than Dan. ” Well hello ” he smiled, I glared at him ” Here! ” I said coldly shoving the money in his face and grabbing the pizza from his hands. ” Keep the Change " I harshly smiled before shutting the door, I walked into my room grabbing my ( Secret ) sketchbook and my phone. As I ate my pizza I was sketching, Until my phone started to ring   [ Caller I.D- PJ ] I answered.           ” Hello ” I asked coldly, ” Hey Girl, what’s up? ” he asked happily. ” Nothing…. Pj are you drunk? ” I asked, ” Yeah I’ve been drinking with the guys, that’s why I didn’t pick you up ” he slurred.                     ( PERFECT! ) ” Well at least you weren’t stupid enough to get in a car and drive ” I sighed, but the line went silent ” Hello…. HELLO!? ” I asked before hanging up. I finished my pizza and took a shower, I changed into a long tank-top then got into bed. I set my alarm clock for 6 am like every night, I was ready for the next day. ( I will not freak out tomorrow ), I slowly fell asleep repeating that in my head and wondering what would happen the next day.

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