"Will you be my first costumer?"

"I'd be honored." A smile made it's way to my face the same with his as he lets out a deep sigh after.

"How do you think 'Tsumu will react?"

"Don't worry about him. He'll surely be disappointed at first, but he'll realize how much it means to you and you mean alot to him."

Osamu's face quickly contorted into disgust. "Ew."


We both turned around and behind us stood my lazy-ass boyfriend who looked as if he's sleep walking.

"Kita-san called you, said we'll start practice soon." He yawned.

The grey haired twin nodded and turned to me, ruffling my hair before jogging off to where his other teammates were.

"What were you talking about?" Rintarou asked, walking beside me as he snaked an arm around my waist to pull me close.

"'Samu misses 'Tsumu." I giggled in reply.

He shot me an 'are you serious?' look along with his signature deadpan expression. "That's impossible." He rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"You may not realize it but, I do."

"There's no way in hell they miss each other."

Chuckling, I sighed. "Sure they fight alot, but don't you realize? They're each other's bestfriend, no matter who else comes into their lives. Don't you think?"

He scrunched his nose in disgust, tilting his head. "You say the weirdest things sometimes." I only grinned in response as suddenly he puts my head in a headlock and started dragging me back to the benches.

"Byyy the waaay!"


"What do you think of your team's banner?"

"The design? I don't really care."

"No, I mean like the saying."

"Heh..." he sighed, loosening his tight headlock to just casually drape his arm around my shoulder. "'We don't need memories' huh?"

Maybe it was just my usual anxiety or the effect of insomnia kicking in, but waiting for Rin's answer had my heart beating in nervousness. What if he'll say the same, cold response as Osamu or maybe worse.

What if he really doesn't care about memories?

The thought of it sure is heart shattering because I'm someone who'd treasure as much memories as I can knowing that my life could end at any unexpected time. With that, memories are everything to me no matter how big or small.

"I don't really care about memories."

Rintarou finally replied, snapping me out of my thoughts as I turned to him with an unnoticeable frown on my face.

"Oh." I inhaled deeply and nodded. "Then why do you take videos or pictures of the twins' fights or even me?"

He shrugged, lazily speaking. "Blackmail material?"

Spending the night with my boyfriend is one of the must-keep memories I should remember. Whether it be sleepless nights where he'd stay awake for me when I can't sleep as we cuddle or watch a movie, or to him listening me play my instrument, or just eating dinner at 2:00 AM.

"Are you sure you're not tired?" He muttered as he sat on the counter top with his back slouched lazily and his eyes droopy.

"You can go rest, Rin. I'm fine, I'll just practice. But atleast eat this." I replied, walking in between his legs to give him the plate filled with actual food other than his usual snack.

We don't need memories? (Suna Rintarou X OC Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now