Chp. 1

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*The Past*

I ran, ran, ran until I'm away from the hellhole. I just can't believe he did this to me, but why me. How am I that special and important to that bastard. He lied to me, he said he won't cheat on me again but now I find him fucking another whore. We were together for 7 months, he's so sweet and kind but whenever we're alone, he becomes more agresive and violent to me, hell he would put me in the cells for a week for my behavior. Who the fuck does that. I trusted him, I loved hi- wait, did I loved him? I think not. That bastard won't see me again, ever. I'm glad I'm away from that place. How did I get into this mess? My dumbass fall over his charming skills, fucking werewolf man. My tears we're falling rapidly when I see all blurry in the woods at midnight. I just couldn't, I can't, I'm leaving for good.
I see faint light open field. Yes!! I see the town, thank you Jesus! I ran into the road until I see headlights.


I hear beeping, and voices that are shouting.

"Checalo bien doctor, por favor ayudalo al pobre niño por el amor del dios!"

I opened my eyes and see a ceiling, I looked around and I've noticed I'm in a white room, a family, a doctor, damn hospital.
The doctor looked at me and yelled to nurses that I just worked up.

"How are you son?"

"I feel like I got hit by a train doc."

"That's because you got hit by a car son."

I see a random man staring at me with saddness and guilt.

"Do you speak Spanish" he said it in a Spanish accent. Hmm, Latino I should say.

"Si senor, me siento bien, gracias."

"Lo siento mucho joven, no me fije bien y pues mi familia y yo estamos apurados a regresar en casa."

"No tienes que precupar senor, lo siento que no me fije bien y pos yo estaba coriendo."

He looks at me with pity. Honestly, I feel like an idiot, I should've waited near the road but nooo, I was busy running with freedom.

Than I see a lady, I'm guessing she's pregnant, maybe the Wife of the man, and 3 children also.

"Do you have any parents or a family to contact with."

I just stayed quiet, I never met my Bio-Family or Parents because I'm like an Orphan I guess, and I've been move alot for house to house.

"I have one but she's my aunt doc."

"Very well than, I'll contact her immediately."

Using my Telepathic power, I contacted the one person I know but I haven't seen her in 8 months.

"Emily, are you there."

"Andy, is that you."

"Yes, its me Em."

"You bastard, where have you been!? I'm gonna murder you when I see you, you little brat!!"

I just smiled, god I miss our bond and her craziness.

"Come check me out in the hospital Em, I'll explain everything when you here, but please, I need your help Em."

"Bloody hell man, your gonna explain well boy, I'm on my way now!"

The Doctor and Nurses are checking up on me, asking simple questions and all, but I didn't tell them why I ran or so, you know?

After that, I see Emily barging in, damn, it needs a door for the room haha.

She comes over here and hugs me pretty tightly since shes a Werewolf. I found her struggling about her transformation and abilities, so she joined my pack/coven.

"You must the Aunt of this child, Hello, I'm Doctor Reyes, and I would like to ask you a few questions please?"

She nods and headed out of the room and talked. The corner of my eye, I see the family getting up, guessing their gonna talk to Emily and dismissing me.

"Lo siento mucho joven, lo siento." He keeps saying over again.

"No senor, no tiene que precupar, esoy bien, gracias para llevarme en el hospital, eres muy hamable y generoso de to senor."
He looks at me with happy and sadness still.

"Como te pudemos pagar de ti o halgo joven."

I just smiled at them, "Nada senor, esto es bien, gracias y cuidensen a ti y tu familia, eres un buen hombre y hamable de ti."

He smiled and his family too, they hugged me and said goodbye, take care and lookout for the road. I waved at them and they are talking to Emily also about it.

Emily comes back in and glares at me, "Care to explain why are in this bed again, or I'm gonna strangle you in your sleep."

I just rolled my eyes, what a long night and my future is up ahead.

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