Soon, he at all of it and kicked away the bones.

A sudden rumble was heard and they both looked behind eachother. Two giant snakes were coming over the hill at high speeds, two women snarling orders from their backs. 

Horus grabbed his spear. "Set's hunters, riding their pets!" He spat and Bek growled, snapping her teeth.

Those aren't pets. A cat is a pet, Bek replied. 

Horus sighed. "I can't withstand their venom. Not as I am now."

Then I guess we should run?  Bek asked, leaping away. 


Mortals do it all the time! She called back.

Horus ran after her, but she was much faster than him with her speed and stamina.

Bek stopped running and leaped into the air, a high-pitched whistle was heard after the hunter's warning horn and an explosion of blue and red fire erupted on the side of the white snakes head. The white snake snarled in anger and pain, and the woman on top of it cried out in fustration.

Bek dived down and prepared another blast, when suddenly she was knocked away and she began to experience an excruciating pain coming from her tail. She screeched loudly, the sound was ear-piercing, painful and scared.

"Bek!" Horus shouted in horror as Bek began falling from the sky.

Bek desperately tried to fly again, but she couldn't. Something was wrong!

She roared in pain and fear as she was fallin, her crimson blood falling with her. The snakes and their riders ignored the Nightfury and the riders ordered their snakes to breathe their hot fire towards Horus, who ducked behind a pillar for safety.

Bek landed painfully on the sandstone and cried out in agony. Much to her horror and shock, half of her tail wing was missing, and her blood was splattered all over the sandstone.

Horus quickly ran towards Bek when the snakes and ladies weren't looking and hid inside the gaps in the ground. Horus touched Bek's head and she hissed in discomfort.

We have to distract them... She rasped, getting up lowly on the ground on shaky legs.

Horus' eyes widened when he saw her tail, blood was everywhere on the ground. "How? You're hurt!"

Don't worry about me, Bek said weakly, looking at him. When you go fishing, what's most important?

Horus shook his head. "I don't go fishing."

The bait.

"It's too dangerous." Horus warned, realising where she was going with this, and stroked her head.

Are you worried about me?

Horus paused for a moment then nodded. "Yes."

Bek was frozen in shock but then inwardly did a smile with no teeth on her dragon face. Horus chuckled at the ridiculousness of it.

Well, this is our only option, they will find you eventually. Bek stumbled slightly but quickly ran to the temple and spread her wings.

Bek roared loudly and blasted her fire at the black snake. The black snake turned with a snarl and slithered towards Bek. Horus ran forward and impaled the snake with his spear. 

The creature snarled in pain and threw Horus onto a sandstone before biting down on it with it's large fangs, barely missing him. Horus got out of the way just in time. The black snake breathed its hot red fire and Horus quickly got out and began fighting with the black snake's rider.

Horus then dodged an axe from the rider and ran to the weakened Nightfury nearby, who panted with exhaustion. She was losing a lot of blood. Let's do that again! she cheered weakly.

"This time, the bait needs to dangle longer," Horus said, huffing with amusment but then became stern. "I must strike the weak spot from behind."

Horus caressed her dragon face and she blinked with disbelief. How do you know if it has a weak spot?

"I don't, but they must, right?" Horus then pushed her away. "Go!"

Bek hesitated but leaped away. She tried flying, but unfortunately she fell sideways and landed harshly on the ground. Bek got back up quickly after noticing the white snake was chasing after her.

Bek turned around and plasma blasted the snake, making it angrier. The dragon shifter then quickly slipped into the temple and dodged the blasts of red fire. However, the white snake continued chasing Bek through the temple, and Bek grew much more anxious when it nearly snapped off her tail. 

Bek then came to a dead end and heard the rider speak. "Too bad you and your friend can no longer fly!"

"Neither can you." Horus said, appearing next to the rider, tying her head to the snake and jumping off. The white snake hunter and her snake fell of the cliff with a scream. The temple started to collapse, and Horus ran while Bek glided up above the temple and jumping on falling boulders and sandstone.

Spreading her black wings, she tried to fly but screeched in fear when she began to fall. She landed harshly on some rock nearby the black snake, which was now burning itself with red fire. 

Bek heard a shout and Bek turned to see a Goddess running at her with a dagger unsheathed.

She was familiar...

Bek's eyes widened when she realised it was the Goddess of Love, and that she was coming at Bek with a malicious intent.

Horus came out of nowhere and knocked down the Goddess. "Stop! Hathor, this is Bek, she's a friend."

Hathor got up, as did Horus, with a confused face. "She? What is she?"

Bek growled at her attitude, and then moaned in pain. Her tail was spasming, she began to get dizzy and stumble. Bek then de-transformed into her human form with no sort of dragon features and Hathor's eyes widened in shock.

Horus caught her before Bek touched the ground. Hathor noticed that her back was bleeding and pointed it out to Horus.

Horus narrowed his eyes. "One of the snakes bit off one of her tail wings." 

Hathor sighed and Bek groaned in pain. Horus pulled her closer to his chest. "She needs medicine."

"Thoth has some," Hathor said. "But I know that you were already going there. How do you even plan on getting inside Set's pyramid anyway?" 

Horus looked at Bek.

Hathor stared in disbelief. "Her?"

"She has seen the plans. She knows the way," Horus explained.

"What about the sphynx? Have you forgotten about that?"

"That's what Thoth is for," Horus smirked.

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