She continued to watch the fight, and she noticed the others all fighting as well. She couldn't teleport there even if she wanted to. She had to think of the baby. She did a quick head count, and the obvious lack of Kim Seokjin had her searching for him.

She felt another pull, and suddenly she was standing in the middle of a banquet hall surrounded by mangled humans and so much blood.

This is it. She held tight to the connection of Seokjin, and she felt the buzz through her system. She followed the pull this time, and the surprised shout of Kim Seokjin had her opening her eyes. The smell of the blood was overwhelming, and her mouth salivated.

She was so fucking hungry, and she ignored Seokjin's and everyone else's questions as she did her best to drink as much of the blood pooled around.

Finally, she turned to him. "Seokjin," she said as she wiped at her mouth, "I'm a prophet. I can teleport."

"Nari, you've never even done that before!" he shouted. "Where are the other three?"

Nari frowned. "I am going back for them, but I needed more blood. The baby is sucking all of my energy like a leech."

"A lich?" Seokjin looked at her like she was stupid.

"No, Seokjin. A leech." She held her hand up so he wouldn't argue any further. "I don't have time for this. I'm going back for Hoseok, Sam, and Kwangsun."

And before Seokjin could do anything else, she was gone in a flash of golden light.


Sungjung was running. She had made it out of the city, and she was traveling through the forest. She could hear prophets coming after her, but she pushed herself to move faster. The trees were streaks of blurred browns and greens beside her, and the wind began to sting, but she just kept moving.

She considered opening the veil to the human world, but she thought better of it. The others didn't need her to bring the prophets directly to them, and she thought she could handle the situation.

... By running.

All the while she was cursing Kim Namjoon. She wanted to trust him so badly, and she wanted to hope that he would never willingly sell out his sister. But for a moment, she couldn't. He wasn't just selling Nari out, he was selling all of them out. And for what?

Nothing. The prophets were going to kill him anyway. It seemed like he didn't care all that much.

"Got you." She heard the voice, and the she felt the pain shoot up her back as she was hit with the magical rod. Any ability she had to fight was completely wiped out. She cried out as tears dripped down her cheeks, and she was hauled off by two prophets.

She was trapped, and there was nothing she could do about it.


Yoongi felt some sense of relief when he ripped the arm off the human that was in front of him. He was also starving, so he held the arm above his head while blood poured into his mouth. All the while, he was dodging the special weapons the hunters association used against all magical creatures.

He was starting to get bored. There wasn't any fun in it, and he didn't understand why Jungkook felt so much glee at toying with them. He looked around at all of the rubble and ripped body parts, and he finally met the eyes of Hana.

She was off in the distance, but her hand was outstretched to him. He blinked a few times, and suddenly Eunjin was directly in front of him. He staggered back a little, and she scoffed.

"There's no time to get distracted, Min," she huffed out. "Help."

He frowned. He hated it when she called him Min, and he wondered at what point he wished for his god awful nickname she had given him.

But he did as she told him anyway. He's known her all of her life, and the first thing the vampire society learned about Kim Eunjin was to do as she asked.

She was wise, even when she was so young. A natural born leader, they had said. And they were right.

Yoongi admired her as much as he was terrified of her.

"Eunjin," he yelled over the commotion. She looked back at him, and he gave her a lopsided grin. "You're the best."

"That's nice and all, Min, but you have blood dripping down your chin!" She laughed a little as she spun out of the way of an attack.

They didn't notice it, but Taehyung did. Their fighting styles became so perfectly mirrored, and they stole quick glances from each other.

Taehyung knew neither one of them had to worry about the other not loving them. Destiny had already laid its path.


Namjoon was leaned back in his chair when the door burst open. Two prophets dragged in a struggling Sungjung, and his heart sank a little.

But it had to be done. He needed more collateral for his plan, and he hoped she would forgive him when it was all over with.

She met his eyes, and she spat at his feet. "We all trusted you, Kim," she growled out.

Darian laughed loudly behind him. "You should never trust a half breed!"

"Then what are you doing right now?" She cocked her head to the side, but she grunted when one of the prophets gut punched her.

It took a moment for her to regain her breath, and her cold eyes met the mismatched eyes of Namjoon.

"I hope you're happy. Your sister and your niece are in jeopardy because of you!" She did her best to kick out at him, but the two holding her held her back.

Namjoon wanted to tell her everything. He hated keeping her in the dark, but it was best she didn't know. They could torture information out of her for all he knew, so he chose to keep silent.

At his silence, she started screaming at him. Her words were incoherent, and she thrashed in their hold.

"Get her out of my sight ," Darian said. He waved a hand to dismiss them, and Namjoon watched as they dragged her away with all of her hatred pouring out of the room with her.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. He hoped she would hear it and hear the sincerity.

It would take thousands of years to earn her forgiveness, but he swore once it was all over, he'd do anything for her to make it up to her.

Eternal Soul | BTS Supernatural AU Book 2Where stories live. Discover now