Dance With Me

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3rd Person:

Katsuki had been almost noticeably different to Eijiro; Katsuki's words were frequently muttered, he was visibly tense, bags had been under his eyes, and he hadn't snapped as much. His overall presence was even just different. He wanted to do something about it, help him, really. Comfort him even. Katsuki just wasn't the type to open up.

Eijiro had to admit, it hurt a bit—because he was Katsuki's boyfriend—but he couldn't forget that his significant other had gone through so much, but Katsuki also just wasn't the type of person to speak of feelings much either.

So instead of having Katsuki vent, Eijiro wanted to make him relax a little.

The redhead was the type to make kind gestures, especially with gifts. He'd take Katsuki out and insist it was his treat, always doing his best to be the man to pay. He bought Katsuki chocolates and got them both matching bracelets. The usually angry blond had even felt spoiled at times.

Eijiro planned something especially special for that night, however.

He did buy chocolates, but something else that wasn't just gifts either. He bought fairy lights and decorated them across his balcony.

It wasn't much, but he hoped it would make Katsuki happy.

"Katsuki!" Eijiro exclaimed with his usual toothy smile, as soon as he had seen the said boy at the foot of his door.

"You don't need to be so loud." Katsuki commented, stepping into the room. A familiar scent entered his nose, one that made him feel at home.

Katsuki swallowed, turning his head to look at the other. They made eye contact, something that Katsuki broke soon enough with ease.

"Why'd you call me over anyway?" He grumbled, Eijiro having watched him carefully as he said what he did and sat on his bed.

"I have a little surprise." Eijiro chirped, the blond only having rolled his eyes.

"You know I hate surprises, dumbass."

"Awh, just let me show you, please?"





Katsuki pushed out a huff, "Fine, only because you won't stop bothering me."

Eijiro only grinned again, extending his hand out towards his boyfriend, which he took lazily. Eijiro pulled him up to his feet, "C'mon, it's outside."

Katsuki's eyebrows drew together in question while following him outside, blinking as soon as the slightly chilly air hit his face.

When he opened his eyes completely, he was greeted by a dim but warm light, which decorated most of the balcony they were now on. An extension cord having laid against the floor, stretching into Eijiro's room, plugging the lights in. Then there had been some music playing on his boyfriend's phone, which had been carefully placed off to the side.

"What's this for?" Katsuki's eyes flicked up to meet Eijiro's crimson ones.

"For you, dumb dumb."

"You're corny."

Eijiro chuckled in response, Katsuki being unable to control the blush which crept onto his cheeks when hearing it. It wasn't long before both of Eijiro's arms were carefully wrapped around his sides either.

Shit, Katsuki was so lucky to have a man like this.

"Dance with me." His cheery lover whispered after his chuckles had died down, keeping the smile on his face.

They had done this before, but Katsuki was in a better state then. He only bit his lip at the thought, taking Eijiro's hand into his own. He did consider being against the idea, but behind it all, he didn't want Eijiro upset. Plus, he had been too tired to even care or fight against it. "I- Only for a minute." Katsuki mumbled.

"Good enough for me." Eijiro hummed, resting his hand against Katsuki's hip.

Katsuki's hand slid up Eijiro's arm hesitantly, then resting against his shoulder. Their hands lifted into the air, Eijiro having given Katsuki's hand a comforting squeeze.

When they started to dance, some small and careful steps were made as they gently swayed from side to side. It was familiar, but still felt weirdly new.

Katsuki rested the side of his head against Eijiro's chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. The music in the background had chimed in too, of course.

It was a very pleasant moment, both of them having cherished every second, even if Katsuki would never admit it.

Their breaths had been quiet, words not even daring to slip out. It was all too relaxing and calm, they wanted to keep it that way.

Katsuki did feel his shell break after a while though, and little did they know that would change the more peaceful atmosphere. Eijiro would always be there for him too. He didn't need to say anything, words didn't need to be exchanged. Eijiro was just there, everything was okay.

The redhead knew exactly what he needed, at times he didn't even think he, himself, needed them.

Katsuki had sighed, shutting his eyes.

He didn't need to be scared, he didn't need to fear the things he did when with Eijiro. He was strong, the redhead told him so.

Eijiro told him it was manly to show his emotions.

It was manly to cry about things that hurt.

He told him it wasn't good to hold back.

He didn't need to hold back.

He could be himself around him.

So many things Eijiro had told him, Katsuki never having taken them into a full on process.

One breath, one exhale, was all it took for Katsuki to feel cries bubble up within him at that moment.

But he didn't need to hold back.

He didn't need to hide away.

So, he let out his cries, gripping at Eijiro's hand and shoulder. He felt a gentle kiss against his head, after he had then let out what he'd been holding back for so long.

Eijiro wasn't expecting Katsuki to break like that, but he was okay with it. He was glad that his boyfriend was finally letting go of so many things through those cries. He could hear the pain. There wasn't a doubt that had broken his heart, though.

"It's okay, I'm here."

Katsuki swallowed, squeezing his eyes shut. It took a lot to say it, but as they continued to slowly dance, cries being mixed in, he whispered,

"Thank you."


An excuse to write? Bet. Was not as angsty as I wanted it to be though.

— 1035 Words

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