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2 years later - 

I'm now 19-years-old, and Gio, Matteo, Salvatore, and Lorenzo are 20-years-old. I have one more year left of college for my art degree, and Gio, and our friends have finished their respective trade school studies. They are now working full time in their trades. 

I moved in with Gio two years ago when we graduated from high school, and some of the people in the mafia still scare the hell out of me. Mainly the hit men are the ones who terrify me, as they are lethal and scary. Hell, all of them at some point over the last two years have scared the crap out of me. 

"Baby boy, where are you?" Giovanni calls out in Italian from our bedroom; Gio has been teaching me Italian over the last two years, and I have been teaching him Irish, Finnish, and ASL (American Sign Language). 

"In the kitchen, mo grá!" I holler back, wondering if he is going to understand the Irish term for 'my love.'

Gio enters the kitchen to wrap his arms around my extended belly, and gently rubs where our son, Gage's foot is pushing the skin of my bell outward. He kisses my neck repeatedly as he softly asks; "Did you just call me 'my love' in Irish?" 

Giggling at him, I murmur while flipping a pancake; "Yes, I did. Good job, rakkaani."

"That's Finnish for the same endearment," he chuckles. "How long have you been awake, and on your feet?" 

"Um," I reply, glancing at the time on the microwave. "I've been awake for an hour, and I've been cooking breakfast for about twenty minutes now."

"You know you are not supposed to be on your feet for long period of time, baby boy," he gently scolds. "It's not just me saying this, since Dr. Mitchell told you this too at your last appointment."

"I know, but I wanted to make you breakfast," I pout at him. "You take such good care of us, and I wanted to return the favor."

Gio turns off the burners on the stove before gently turning me around in his hold. He carefully grips my hips in his large hands as he intently looks in me in the eyes; "Baby boy, you take good care of me all the time. Right now, I really need to take care of you, and our twins. With your small frame, the babies are taking a lot out of you, so sit your cute ass down at the island. I'm going to finish cooking your delicious food."

Gio helps me sit on a stool before he finishes cooking the bacon, eggs, and pancakes. He then places food on two plates, and places these on the island before grabbing silverware, and two glasses to pour us each a glass of orange juice, and then sits next to me. 

"Thank you, Gio," I murmur, leaning over to kiss his cheek gently. 

He smirks my favorite smirk as he gently kisses my lips; "You're welcome, baby, and thank you for starting breakfast. How are you and our babies this morning?" 

"We're good, but I'm hoping they will be born soon since they are running out of room," I grin at him while rubbing my belly with my right hand. 

"My babies growing strong and healthy," he grins placing his free hand on my belly, and he is kicked by both of the babies. 

"They are such daddy's babies," I giggle, unable to contain my happiness. 

Gio grins at me with a nod; "Yup. I hope at least one of them looks exactly like you."

"But I want them both to look like you," I pout at him. 

"Guess we will find out when they are born," he replies. "They're due in two days, but we will see when they actually arrive."

Three days later, at 2:07 a.m., I have to wake Gio in order for him to take me to the hospital since I'm in labor. Three hours later at 5:11 a.m., Gage Rayan Rossi is born, and at 5:21 a.m., his twin sister, Gina Emily Rossi is born. Gage is 22 inches long, weighs 7 pounds 9 ounces, and has a dark brown hair like his daddy. Gina is 20 inches long, weighs 6 pounds 6 ounces, and has wispy, light brown hair like mine. They're birthday is October 31st, 2021. 

I never thought I would find love, let alone a love for and by a mafia bosses son. I wouldn't trade him or his family for anything in the world. Giovanni has given me love, warmth, safety, and two beautiful children I never dreamed would actually exist. I know Gage and Gina will be spoiled, loved greatly, and protected by not only Gio and me, but the entire Rossi mafia family, and mine. Mother's death was ruled as a murder by a gang in Jersey over her lack of payment for her drugs. Dad and my grandparents moved onto the huge Rossi property into two of homes. 

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