Chapter 7

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Giovanni's P.O.V.

Arriving home after spending eight hours at the hospital with Hunter and his family. In that time I made my decision on how to handle Hunter's mother - I'm going to find her once she's out of jail, and end her life. I inform dad of my decision upon entering their house, and find them in the living room. I also tell them what happened to Hunter. 

"This will happen, son, but you are not doing this alone. Nerio, Amadore, Ballista, Valerio, and two other soldiers are going with you," he seriously tells me from his spot on the couch next to mama. 

Nerio is dad's second in command and Lorenzo and Salvatore's dad. Amadore is the captain of the soldiers, hit-men, and associates. Ballista and Valerio are two of the three top soldiers. There are three hundred soldiers and hit-men in total, and ten of them live on the property. The associates are not members of the mafia, but do whatever they are told to do in hopes of one day becoming full members of the mafia. 

"Thank you, dad," I reply with a nod of relief. "When would you like this to happen since she is currently in jail?" 

"Thanks dad," I reply feeling slightly relieved. 

"His right arm is broken, his right eye is swollen shut, he has multiple cuts and bruises, and several bruised ribs," I reply, and a few silent tears slip down mama's face as I explain what happened to Hunter. 

When will he be released from the hospital?" mama questions while wiping away the tears. 

"Tomorrow afternoon," I reply. "The doctor wants to observe him one more night, and run a few tests on him. I'm also going to spend the afternoons with him until he's healed, to help him and his family."

"I need to cook some dishes for you to take to them tomorrow," mama decides, kissing dad on the cheek before heading into the kitchen. 

"I'm going to head home," I tell dad before heading into the kitchen to tell mama goodnight. 

Leaving their single story home, I walk to mine, and enter my dark blue themed bedroom. I grab clothes for tomorrow morning, and grabbing a blue and black checkered lounge pants for bed. Showering, I step from the tub to dry off, and dress for bed. There's a knock on the front door, and I leave my bedroom to find Matteo, Lorenzo, and Salvatore entering the house. 

"How's Hunter? Why didn't he text you last night?" Salvatore quietly asks as the four of us sit in the living room. 

"He's going to make a full recovery eventually," I reply before explaining what I know about what happened to Hunter. 

Hunter's P.O.V.

"Daddy, when can I leave?" I ask Monday morning with a slightly whiny voice; I feel like a small child at the moment instead of a teenager. I need comfort when in pain, and I'm in pain.

"This afternoon, Hunt," he assures me with a tiny smile. "Giovanni is coming to the house after school today."

I pout at him with blurry vision; "I don't want him to see me like this."

Dad chuckles with a shake of his head; "He already has, Hunt. He showed up yesterday with your grandparents. You told him you wanna his him and stuff."

Groaning at this information, I mutter; "Fuck. He's never going to want to see me again after telling me to leave him alone."

Dad frowns at me; Hunter, he's going to want to continue to spend time with you. Even after visiting you this afternoon."

By 2 p.m., I'm being pushed in a wheelchair by a male nurse, outside to dad's blue 2017 Chevy Cruz. The nurse and dad carefully help me into the front passenger seat, and I thank the man as he gently shuts the door. Dad walks around the hood of the car to the driver's seat, and drives us toward the apartment. 

"I'm so glad you're coming home today," dad says with a bright smile. 

"Me too, dad, me too," I sigh, fidgeting in the seat from pain. 

"Are you hungry?" he asks a few minutes later. 

"Not really. I'm really tired, and just want to sleep in my bed until Gio arrives," I mumble with a large yawn. 

"That's fine, Hunt," he replies, pulling into the lot of the apartment complex, and parking in his designated spot. 

Entering the apartment behind him, I toe off my shoes by the door before heading to my room. Carefully lying down on my back, I pull the covers over myself, and lie my broken arm over my chest. I fall asleep almost instantly. I know when I wake later, I'm going to need a pain reliever, but I will worry about that when I'm awake. 

"Hunter, time to wake up," dad's voice breaks into my sleep. "Giovanni is here, too."

"Mmhh, okay," I mumble as I blink my blue eye open to focus on him. 

"Come on, bud," he softly says helping me to sit up before I carefully stand on my feet. "Go use the bathroom, and I'll let your friend know you'll be out in a few minutes."

Several minutes later, I slowly make my way into the living room where dad and Gio are sitting on the couch talking to each other. 

"Hey Hunter," Gio greets with a bright smile as he stands from the couch. 

"Hey Gio, it's nice of you to stop by," I shyly reply as he stops in front of me. 

He brings his right arm from behind his back with a smirk to hand me a pretty blue and pink rose; "This is for you. A pretty rose for an even prettier man."

My face instantly bursts into a dark pink blush as I take the rose to smell it; "Thank you, Gio."

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