Chapter 2

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By the time I'm standing in the line to grab some food at lunch, I am so pissed. I'm angrier than I was this morning when dad dropped me off. In all of my morning classes, I have already done the curriculum at my old school, and I'm so bored. I can only hope the Pre-Calculus class after lunch is better than I think it will be.  

Grabbing some food, I pay, and then make my way to an empty table by the food line. Sitting down, I pick at my food, not really in the mood to eat. Four trays are placed on the round table top, making me look up in surprise. Instantly scowling at the blond who asked me this morning if I wanted to be fuck buddies in chemistry. 

"Hey, I'm Giovanni Rossi," the guy with dark brown hair that's almost black, and pretty blue eyes introduces himself before his three friends. "This is Matteo Bruno, Lorenzo Tocci, and Salvatore Tocci."

Huh, so blondie is Matteo, that's good to know. 

"Hey," I mumble back, glancing back down at the tray to grab the pizza slice, and take a bite. 

"Hope you don't mind us sitting with you?" Salvatore asks with a tentative smile. 

Shrugging my shoulders at him, mumbling; "It's a free country."

"You don't talk much do you?" Giovanni asks with a small chuckle. 

"I don't have much to say," I reply, glancing at him briefly. 

All four guys ooze power, strength, and a 'don't fuck with me' attitude. Not sure if I want to be around this, but I have to admit they are all sexy. Well, except Matteo. Yes, he is physically attractive, but what I have seen of his personality, he isn't attractive on the inside. 

"Why don't you want to be fuck buddies with me?" Matteo asks with a pout.

"I fucking hate this place," I mumble to myself before glaring at him. "I don't do fuck buddies, one night stands, or shit like that."

"Matteo, lay off him," Giovanni growls, glaring at his friend. "I told you to leave him alone about that."

"I'm just curious, is all," he pouts at Giovanni, and then me as if I'll answer him. 

Giovanni says something to Matteo in another language, and I think it's Italian, but I'm not sure. It's sexy as sin, too, listening to him fluently speak in another language. The two of them speak back and forth for a few minutes before switching back to English. 

"That's so sexy. Were you speaking Italian?" I say, and then slap my left hand over my mouth with wide eyes at my comment.

All of them grin at me as Giovanni chuckles out a reply; "Yes, it's Italian. Do you speak any other languages?"

Grinning at him, I nod; "Yeah. I can speak Irish, Finnish, and ASL. My dad's parents are one hundred percent Irish, as is my dad, and I'm first generation born here, but I'm only half since my mother is Finnish."

They stare at me in surprise, and Salvatore asks; "Where is your mama?" 

"She's back in Jersey," I shrug not caring. "She could be dead for all I know."

Not thinking of what I said about mother, I eat my lunch until I realize that I have four pairs of eyes staring at me in shock. 

Swallowing my food, I ask with confusion; "What? Do I have food or something on my face?"

"Um, no, but you don't seem too upset at the thought of her possibly being dead," Lorenzo replies as he and the other three nod in agreement. 

Shrugging my shoulders, I say; "She's a horrible person, and an even worse parent."

Deciding to change the subject before they can question me further on mother, I ask Lorenzo and Salvatore; "Are you two brothers?"

"Yes, we're fraternal twins," Lorenzo replies with a smile as he playfully knocks his right shoulder into Salvatore's left shoulder, and Salvatore flips his brother off with his own smirk. 

"How long have you guys been friends?" I ask them curiously, since they all seem very close, like family instead of friends, and yes I realize two of them are actually related. 

"Since birth as our parents are friends, and all off our birthday's are within the same week, too," Matteo answers for them. "Gio's, Lorenzo and Salvatore, and then mine."

"When are your birthday's?" I question with a curious smile. 

"June 26th, June 28th, and June 30th," Giovanni replies with a smile. "When is your birthday?" 

"July 3rd," I answer, deciding that I am full despite not finishing my food. "This might sound weird to ask, but does anyone want what's left on my tray? I hate the idea of food being wasted."

"You're full?" Giovanni asks concerned, well I think it's concern, as he looks at the half of the food that's left. 

"Yeah, I don't eat much," I admit with a shrug of my left shoulder. 

"Sure, we'll eat it," Lorenzo says as all four of them have finished their lunches; I slide the tray toward them, and each guy takes something from it to eat. 

"How are you only 17-years-old when we will graduate this year?" Salvatore asks curiously in his quiet voice. 

"I, ah, skipped my 9th grade year, and I've got to talk to my dad about different classes here. I'm already bored, plus I've done these classes two years ago," I lightly whine with a deep frown. 

They gawk at me as Giovanni asks; "Dude, how fucking smart are you?" 

Frowning at him, I say; "I'm no smarter than anyone else."

"Dude, you are too, if you've done this shit already, and you're bored," Lorenzo breaths out in awe. 

The bell rings, signaling the end of lunch, so I grab my now empty tray to take care of it, and then head to pre-calculus. By the end of the day, the only two classes I enjoyed, and actually feel I'll learn something from are the advanced art and advanced photography classes. Definitely going to have dad see if he can get me into different classes soon. 

Leaving all of my textbooks in my locker, I grab my backpack, and head toward the parking lot where dad is picking me up. Before I exit the building, Giovanni falls into step beside me with a large smile at my raised left eyebrow in silent question. 

"Yes?" I ask, pushing the door outwards, and we step outside into the bright sunshine. 

"How are you getting home?" he asks, his Italian accent making my brain turn into mush, and butterflies erupting in my tummy.

"My dad is picking me up, why?" I return as I scan the cars in the lot looking for dad's black, 2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee.

"I wanted to make sure you had a ride home, and that you weren't walking," he replies with a shrug of his right shoulder, and I find it interesting he looks sad that I have a ride; hearing a honk, I bring my gaze to my right, and I find dad, and I wave back to let him know I see him, as I tell Giovanni where my dad is. 

"See you tomorrow, Giovanni," I smile as I walk towards the Jeep. 

"See you tomorrow, Hunter!" he hollers at my retreating back. 

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