🩸𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1🩸

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3rd POV

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3rd POV

Wanda Forbes stepped out of her car

And walked into the Salvatore school for the first time since she had her youngest son

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And walked into the Salvatore school for the first time since she had her youngest son.
He baby's father Antonio picked him up early this morning so Wanda can go to work.
Antonio actually works at the school, but he is able to watch Stefan and teach.

"Mom!" Lexi yelled when she saw her mom.
This caught Lexi's siblings, Daxton, Lizzie, and Josie's attention.
Wandas children ran up to her.
"Hi my babies! I missed you!" Wanda said hugging them. The 4 teens have been spending a lot more nights in the dorms since their younger brother was born. Not because they don't love him or like him. It's because it is more chaotic, loud, and Stefan keeps them up all night.
"How have you all been?" Wanda asked her kids.
"Well nothing is really different. The girls have been trying to get my friends attention." Daxton told his mother looking at his sisters, who rolled their eyes.
"Whatever" Lizzie muttered pushing her older brother.

"I thought I heard your voice!" Alaric said walking up to the family. "Hey Ric!" Wanda said hugging him. "Where is Stef?" Josie asked her mom going to stand beside her father. "He is with Antonio. You will see him in History of Magic."
Alaric looked at Wanda " we have some matters to discuss. Girls, Dax, will you excuse us please."

The pair walked into Wanda's office

The pair walked into Wanda's office

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(Imagine it has pictures)

Wanda walked over and sat behind her desk. "Sit. What do you want to talk about?" 
Alaric shifted in his seat. "Yesterday, I got a call from a family that would like to have a tour of the school and enrol their daughter." Wanda looked at Alaric. "I don't get what the big deal is, we get new students all the time."
"It's about who the family is." Alaric paused. "The Mikealsons"
"I'm sorry. What? Since when is their a kid in that family?" Wanda sputters out shocked, confused and starting to get sick. "Hope is the daughter of Klaus and Hayley. She is 17 years old." At this Wanda grabbed her garbage from under her desk and through up.
"When are they coming?" Wanda said wiping her mouth. "Today at 2."
Wanda then puked again.

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