Pinky Promise Part 1

Start from the beginning

It had been over a month since the fall of the farm and ever since the small rag tag group had been circling around Georgia trying to find somewhere to stay.  When they were lucky the group sometimes came across homes to stay a night or two in and when they were unlucky they were forced to either sleep outside or in the few cars they still had running.

Tonight was one of the lucky nights.  

Knowing it was well past midnight Beth pulled out the small notebook and pencil she had found in one of the houses they raided and turned to the page where she had been keeping track of the days.  Adding the new date to her hand drawn calendar Beth sighed and closed the notebook before using the eraser of the pencil to draw in the dirt.

Smiling slightly she was reminded of the time she had read Harry Potter as she stared down at the birthday cake she had drawn.  Leaning over she blew softly in the dirt, "Happy 18th birthday, Beth," she whispered.

"Thought you was 16," came a gruff voice from behind her.  Jumping Beth let out a very undignified squeal as she twisted around to stare up at the man who had literally blended in with the night.  

"Good God, Daryl, are you tryin to kill me?" she whispered harshly clutching her chest.  Shrugging Daryl sat beside her and motioned towards the dirt cake with his knife, "You skip a year or somethin?"

Laughing quietly Beth held her hand up with her pinky out, "You gotta swear not to tell," she told him quietly.  Snorting Daryl looked at her like she was crazy, "What am I supposed to do with that?" he asked her, looking at her hand like it was a walker.  

Rolling her eyes Beth turned her body more towards him while grabbing his hand.  Pushing his fingers down she pulled his pinky up and hooked it with hers, "Honestly Daryl, you act like you've never done a pinky promise."  Scoffing Daryl looked at their pinkies twined together, "Have to say this is a first," he told her quietly.

Locking eyes with him Beth gave him a small smile, "Well let me tell you a pinky promise is sacred.  It's a promise that can never be broken," she explained.  Nodding he moved his hand away from hers, "So what's the promise?"

Biting her lip Beth sighed, "Well my daddy kind of lied to all of you.  When you all first showed up he wasn't entirely trusting and basically told me to say I was younger then what I am.  He was hoping it would deter any," pausing she tried to find the right word, "unwanted attention." 

Snorting Daryl rolled his eyes, "You do know if a man is intent on giving you as you say unwanted attention your age ain't stopping him?"  Shrugging Beth glanced behind her towards the house where her daddy was sleeping, "It made him feel better," she said simply.  

They were quiet for a few minutes as Beth thought over what he said.  Fingering the knife that she had in a sheath at her hip she chewed on the inside of her lip trying to build the courage to ask him what she needed to.  She knew from back at the farm that Daryl Dixon had a bit of a temper on him.

Before she could get the courage though he surprised her by asking how she knew it was her birthday.  Smiling Beth picked up the notebook she had dropped when he scared her.  Flipping it open she showed him how she was keeping track of the days, "It's going to be Christmas soon.  And I thought it could come in handy tryin to pinpoint a possible date for Lori to give birth," she added, thinking of Rick's pregnant wife.  

Nodding Daryl glanced at her, "So when you think she's going to pop?" he asked.  Shrugging Beth debated on telling him what she suspected.  Sighing she held her hand out with her pinky extended waiting.

Snorting Daryl grabbed her pinky, "Seriously you sure you're 18?" he asked her snidely.  "Shut up, or I won't tell you the secret," she responded glaring at him, "Now as far as  I can tell based on conversation she should be due in June based on when Rick found you all at the quarry," she told him quietly, "But I'm thinkin it's more like May maybe even April cuz I ain't so sure it's Rick's," she finished waiting for him to show surprise.  

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