Day 1 ;}

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Dear Diary,

Hi Diary! Nice to meet you! And whoever's happened to come across this story, although I intend to keep it pretty low-profile so I don't get embarrassed...I sincerely hope no one finds this...

I guess I'll tell you about myself then, I'm Koda, and I go to UA High, a hero academy in Japan, and everyone in my class has super cool powers called 'quirks'. I hope mine is certified cool enough for them...

Oh? Who's 'them' you may ask? Well, they are my classmates. They all have flashy powers, for example Bakugo can create explosions with his hands (those are loud and hurt my pet bunny, Sniffles, ears. ;{ .) which in all honesty suits his personality, since he is quite angry and loud...always shouting at Izuku like 'YOU DAMN DEKU, I WILL NEVER LET YOU SURPASS ME, EVER! YOU HEAR THAT, YOU IDIOT? HM?' . I don't really like him...

As I said, he is extremely loud, but I like peace, and complete silence, surrounded by my animal friends. Why can't he be more like them, peaceful? Oopsie, I hope he doesn't find this...

Ah! I forgot to mention my own quirk, Anivoice! I can communicate with animals, but I have a fear of bugs. What a shame, I'm sure Sniffles' pal Terry the Tarantula would scare Bakugo off...

What am I talking about? I'm thinking like a villian! But..if I were to be a villian...I could have the peace and silence that I desire! Oh no. I did it again, oh diary, please help! What's going on?

Maybe I'm just tired....goodnight diary.


The Peace of Silence...or Violence? BNHA Koji Koda Diary StoryWhere stories live. Discover now