Day 2...

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Scanning my eyes around the dorm common room, it wasn't as peaceful as I had originally hoped. Chaos was ensuing, but 'they' would never call it that. You see, today was a weekend, so we didn't have class, and Mina and Denki were blaring music to do a 'dance off'. I was not surprised, but not very pleased. I don't mind them dancing of course, but the fact they were blaring music hurt mine and Sniffles ears. Poor Sniffles was shivering under a blanket, and when I called out to him using my Anivoice, he didn't respond. This was unusual for Sniffles. Animals have feelings too.

I tried. I tried to tell them, but my voice couldn't be heard over the loud music coming out from Mina's various speakers. It went a bit like 'h-hey guys, c-could you maybe....turn it down? of course it isn't needed b-but-'. Then I got cut off. 'Koda! Come join the dance party!'. Before I knew it, I was roped into a dance circle, with Aoyama spinning overhead like a sparkling disco ball. It felt so weird, everyone looked so happy, but I couldn't get into it, my head aching from the noise...

This continued for almost the whole day. Me getting roped into things. I felt like they were trying a bit too hard to include me. Truth be told, I'd rather be out in nature alone. In silence. Blissful, peaceful, everything I wanted really. But, I do really want to be a hero too.  

Sometimes I wonder about my quirk, if its flashy or good enough. Todoroki can make a whole ice wave, and then melt it if he wanted to, Sero can use his tape for anything from swinging from buildings to setting traps, and Mina can shoot literal acid from her hands. And in hero society, the ones with flashier quirks often get more popular, or if they are brave, and talkative, heroic. I hope my shyness wouldn't get in the way...

Mina threw another party today, for no particular reason, and was blasting some songs by a group called 'Twice?'  that went something like 'Me likey, me likey likey lkey, me likey likey likey! dududududduDUN *heart heart*' Needless to say, me no likey, it just... feels like my thoughts are just drowned out by the blaring music. I can't focus. Everything is a blur, and my head aches.

*a couple hours later*

diary...some Twice song is ringing in my trying to sleep, and wrapping my pillow around my head is certainly not working, and I just want to be alone.*sigh*

*music plays in Koda's head* 


good disco music, not so much 'it's 1 am and I can't sleep music'.

silence is all I want, noise is what I'm receiviing.

goodnight diary.


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