~Chapter 1~

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A disc of light appeared above a peaceful pine forest. It was a perfect circle, thin as paper, shining so brightly you couldn't look at it directly. Suddenly, a teenage boy came tumbling out, landing on the ground with a hard thud. Kirishima sprang to his feet and looked around rapidly, adrenaline from the earlier battle still coursing through his veins. He looked up just as another boy fell out of the glowing portal. Kirishima tried to catch Bakugo but fell backward with the sudden weight. He lay on the ground for a heartbeat, Bakugo sprawled across his chest. 

"The fuck?" he heard Bakugo mutter. 

"Get... off me!" Kirishima wheezed. Bakugo clumsily stood up, then promptly fell against a tree.

"Bakugo!" Kirishima scrambled to his feet. Bakugo slid to the ground. 

"Dumbass... poison..." he mumbled, grimacing.

The attack had been sudden. One second the class was walking in the campus, the next darts were everywhere. Kirishima managed to harden his body and stepped in front of his classmates, trying to block the brunt of the attack, but darts were coming from all directions. They were tiny and sharp, moving with as much force as a bullet. Most of the class, even Todoroki, Bakugo, and Midoriya, were unable to dodge the array of venomous projectiles. And it wasn't just their class, the entire campus was in chaos, all the students getting shot by poison darts and some dropping to the ground. Then he heard the loud shout of a teenage girl, probably one of the third years, and he was being swallowed by blinding light. 

"Bakugo-" Kirishima started.

"Once of the extras must have sent us here to escape. That means the others aren't far off." Bakugo struggled to his feet, leaning heavily on the tree. He started picking out poison darts that were lingering in his arms.

"Bakugo, sit down, the poison-"

"Fuck the poison!" he snapped. "We need to... need to..." Kirishima caught Bakugo as he fell forward. His arm felt hot.

"You have a fever." Kirishima kept his voice calm as he helped Bakugo to the ground.

"Fuck off!" Bakugo's words were slightly slurred.

"You fuck off! You need medical help!" Kirishima protested.

"Do you even know what fuck off means?" Even through his sarcasm, Bakugo's voice sounded weak.

"Never mind about that. What do we do?" Bakugo blinked a few times, processing the question.

"phone..." he managed. Kirishima's face brightened.

"Oh yeah!" Kirishima dug through his backpack. After a few minutes his cursing broke the silence.

"No signal." He pocketed the phone. Bakugo hummed in reply,

"Do the things we learned in class." His voice sounded drowsy. Kirishima nodded. They had taken a Survival 101 class that fall. Kirishima thought back to the beginning of the year when they were reviewing the basic steps. Step 1: analyze supplies. 

"Where's your backpack?" He asked. Bakugo nodded to the side where his backpack had fallen a few feet away. 

Between the both of them, they had 4 text books, a few snacks (chips and candy Kirishima was planning to share with the squad that day), a hunting knife (who knows why Bakugo was carrying that around), and an overdue English paper.  

"We have enough food to last a few days, they should be able to find us by then."

"Y-yeah." Bakugo looked pale. He swallowed hard. "That... that's great."

"Are you okay?" Kirishima reached out his hand, but Bakugo slapped it away. He turned to the side and began vomiting.

"Stop.. f-fucking... looking!" Bakugo growled. 

"I'm not!" Kirishima put his hand over his eyes. "Relax!" Bakugo didn't reply as he continued to retch. Kirishima waited until the gagging came to a stop.

"Can I look now?" Bakugo grunted what he assumed was an affirmation. Kirishima tried not to look at the mess as Bakugo wiped his mouth and leaned back on the tree. Kirishima tried to hand him the water bottle, but he shook his head. 

"We need to save it... until we find more..." Kirishima nodded. Water was life. They could spend a while without food, but there was no telling how long they would be out there, and they could only spend so long without water. They had no idea how long it would take for the hero's to find him. They needed a water source, and they needed to start looking now. But  Bakugo wouldn't be able to move any time soon, he could barely sit up. Kirishima couldn't just leave him there, what if he got lost looking for water? What if something happened and he wasn't there to help? They couldn't risk splitting up. Kirishima's back straightened with new-found determination. They would stay together, they would get out of here, they would survive. 

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