Chapter Nineteen - Lunch in the Village

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>>>I'll try, Master>>>

Wiping away a tear, I deleted the conversation from the phone and gave it back. Then I set to work on the fish. I mean... it was delicious, as always, but it felt kind of solid in my mouth. After those few words with Terri and Master, I suddenly felt desperately, desperately lonely.

That evening, Slimeball had invited me to another one of our 'romantic' candlelit dinners. I'd had a think about things when I was having my afternoon swim and decided that I had to wear that lovely cocktail dress again. I didn't have any choice... I just had to make him think I was encouraging him.

I spent longer than usual sitting at my dressing table, putting on a delicate skim of make-up to give myself the best cute, innocent look I could manage. I was his little cousin, I was telling him, he was supposed to be looking after me.

I wasn't sure it was going to work but... well... anything to slow him down!

And then, when I couldn't put it off any longer, I walked across to his private terrace to join him

"You're looking lovely tonight," he said as he stepped away from the drinks trolley to greet me.

"Thank you, Cousin."

He handed me my customary Belini and, of course, he had a whisky glass glued to his hand.

"You're wearing my dress again," he said, sort of looking me up and down. At least, this time, he was trying not to ogle my scrawny body. He didn't quite manage it but I could tell he was trying.

"It's a beautiful dress and I love wearing it when there's just you about but... well... I really don't feel comfortable in it when Captain Moretti is about. I don't like the way he looks at me."

I was pretty pleased with that one - pay him a compliment and tell him his friend is an animal in a single sentence!

He thought about this then replied, "When we're engaged, he'll know he has to keep his eyes off you."

"Engaged?" Fortunately I'd already had hints of his plan so I managed to keep a lid on my revulsion but I let the shock out. I was quiet for a bit then replied, "I've never really thought about you in that way, Cousin, you've always been more of... well... a big brother figure to me."

He gave me a moment to think then asked, "Do you like the idea?"

"It's an enormous complement, of course, but it'll take some getting used to."

"You have a little time," he told me. "I'm going to hold a small party on Saturday to make the announcement."

'Well, that's nice of you to let me know,' I managed to avoid screaming at him. I didn't do it because I didn't think he'd like it. 'In case you didn't notice, I never actually said, 'yes'!'

There was a bit of an awkward silence then Slimeball said, "Should we eat?"

I tried to avoid nervously stuffing my face with the starters as he tried to do the small talk thing but, as ever, the conversation was stilted. I mean... I really wasn't trying to be difficult but I found it so tricky to act naturally around him.

But then the main course arrived, parmigiana di melanzane, a sort of Italian style moussaka. That was so delicious that I did finally start to relax a bit.

But then the bomb dropped. "What did you do today?" he asked casually.

Uh oh! Here goes! I'm about to get in trouble.

"I went out for a run before breakfast then had a look over some of Terri's economics course work. Then I strolled down to the village for lunch..." I'd already decided that I shouldn't try to hide the fact - there was much too much risk of him finding out - so I fought to keep my voice and face neutral as I said it... "then after my afternoon nap..."

"You went down into the village?" Slimeball exploded.

"Yes..." I answered, doing my best 'eyes wide open, innocent' look. "I'm sorry... aren't I allowed."

"Who said you could go?"

"I just asked Captain Russo. He even filled in the form for me."

Slimeball muttered a stream of words in Italian. I mean... I didn't completely understand it but it made it quite clear what he thought about Captain Russo and where he could shove his forms!

"You're not to leave the estate anymore," he spluttered. "It's not safe!"

I mean... I could basically tell he was lying because his lips were moving but I managed to resist the temptation to ask where he expected the dangers to come from. There was a limit to how far I could push my whole sweet and innocent act.

"I'm sorry if I worried you," I said instead. I stretched across the table and put my hand on top of his. "Of course I had a couple of guards with me... I just didn't think there might be danger any more." I looked straight into his eyes. "And thank you for taking such good care of me, Cousin!"

He smiled back at me. It looks like he appreciates the 'respecting his authority' act. So I added, "Of course I won't leave the grounds again without your permission."

He relaxed a bit and the waiter appeared with our puddings... a stupendously delicious Delizia di Sorrento... a creamy, lemony explosion of flavour with these incredible wild strawberries on top.

When we were done, he took me through to the armchair by the fire in his sitting room. I snuggled up on his lap, of course... that was what he expected... and swallowed down the yuk as he stroked my back... let him think that I am slowly starting to melt into his affections.

And I even let him get away with exploring my legs a bit... and there was an awful lot of leg to explore in that dress... but when his hands started to drift upwards, I really had to stop him.

"Cousin," I said, gently taking his exploring hand and giving it a bit of a squeeze. "I'm horribly conscious of the fact that I'm... well... used goods and, for some reason, that makes it extra important to me that we wait until we are engaged, at least." I looked up at him with my best wide-open kitten eyes. "Do you think that you'll be able to hang on that long, please?"

He thought for a moment before replying, "OK, Picolina!"

I had to bury my face in his neck to hide the explosion of rage that went off every time he called me that name.

And, for the next couple of days, things ran smoothly... well... as smoothly as they can run when an utter Slimeball has kidnapped you and is planning on marrying you and murdering your sister. I ran and I swam and I read Terri's books. I spent time with Guillia... her English was improving noticeably as long as she didn't get too excited... And she was getting a bit better at the whole keeping the tea in the teapot thing!

I even enjoyed a couple of chats with The Vanguard guy. I could never allow myself to forget that he was an enemy but he did seem to be one of the more sane and stable people in the villa.

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