Chapter Ten - The Punishment Fits the Crime

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When the debrief session had finished, it was time for Terri's latest lesson. Mr Bossy had decided that, in her new rôle of head of house, she needed to learn about what he called 'enforced business practices'... all the fighting type stuff... the kind of thing Nonno would have taught her himself if he ever really thought she was going to end up as Head of the Family.

I mean... it was a fair bet that we were going to be fighting our way into the villa at some point and even if she wasn't going to be running the thing herself, she still needed to know what was going on.

Of course I asked if I could join them.

This time he was talking about the psychology of a military coup - the vital importance of establishing in everybody's minds that the takeover had already happened - as long as it remained in doubt, people might feel there could be safety in resisting.

I mean... the subject was pretty interesting but it was such a relief to be out of that car and back with my sister that there might have been a bit too much in the way of giggling from the two of us.

And of course it didn't take long before Mr Grumpy came out to play. "OK, you two, that's enough," he told us in his officially grumpy tone.

"Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir." I said in my best good kitten voice.

Except, of course, my sister said exactly the same thing at exactly the same time.

We tried to contain ourselves. We really did. But then we caught each other's eye and just collapsed into the helpless giggling thing again.

Of course Mr Grumpy was nothing like as amused. "Wrist!" he told me.

I offered it to him and received a painful slap that basically chopped off the giggles.

"You, too, Theresa!" he said to my sister and I was a bit shocked by that. I mean... she might be my silly sister who was in trouble for messing about but she was still Head of the Andretti Family and he shouldn't really go round slapping her even if she deserved it.

But of course he'd already thought of that. "With your permission, young lady," he said in a tone that made it clear it would be unwise to refuse.

Terri sort of nodded with her eyes and she received her own painful slap.

After that, the lesson continued with no more giggles.

A couple of hours later, at bedtime, another treacherous giggle - a nervous one this time - was threatening to leak out of me and get me into trouble.

Because I was blindfolded, gagged and lying, face up, on Mr Bossy's bed, naked, except for my collar, and spread out like a starfish. And, this time, because of his condition, I'd had to do the whole thing myself...

I guess that was what the treacherous giggle thing was all about.

But, of course, Master knew what was going on in my head - he always did. "You are here to be punished..." he reminded me in his official Mr Grumpy tone which made the whole giggle thing shrivel up inside me... "Punished for playing with my property without my permission. I find nothing whatsoever amusing about the situation. I strongly suggest you control yourself; the consequences of failing to do so will be distinctly uncomfortable."

I could hear him settling himself into his armchair, enjoying the scenery, I suppose.

"No matter what happens, Kitten," he went on firmly, "you are not to move until I give you permission."

I nodded. I was distinctly nervous but not really frightened. I knew I could trust Master.

"You liked that tape, didn't you, Kitten?" he asked.

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