Chapter Seven - Madam Patricia Delores

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Even though it was what we were waiting for, I still jumped when Mr Mac knocked. As Elroy stepped across to open the door, he pressed a button on a phone and we were treated to the sound of an extremely sexy lady inviting him inside - Madam Patricia Delores, I guess.

Mr Mac did a bit of eyebrow work by way of a silent comment on the situation and then he gave me a lovely smile and handed me a packet of tablet so I was suddenly a happy little kitten. Then Elroy took the phone, with the sexy lady, and led Mr Mac through to the bedroom.

Of course, I had to sit in silence as Madam Sexy Lady started saying all sorts of naughty things... nasty things... to her unfortunate victim. I heard her putting a gag on him and then there were some sharp slapping sounds - they sounded like they might be a hand on his bare bottom... and telling him that he had been a very naughty boy and that he had to be punished.

Fortunately I was with Caroline who was being extra professional so the giggle that wanted to rise up inside me sort of shrivelled away. But then, strangely enough, as I sat there and listened to what was going on, I found myself getting a little bit... well... interested... particularly when Madam Sexy set to work with something that sounded like a thin cane, drawing muffled whimpering sounds.

I don't understand me, sometimes. I mean... I knew it was fake... and we were just about to hold a serious meeting... but here I was, getting all riled up by a sexy tape... and it wasn't even a nice sexy tape

And then I suddenly realised that Madam Sexy on the tape sounded quite a bit like Caroline except lower... and huskier... and, I suppose, that would mean that the other person was Elroy...

And then I had another thought. What if... maybe... they weren't just acting?

That definitely shot a blast of moisture down below. I mean... they couldn't... could they? They wouldn't... would they? They didn't... did they?

I threw a questioning look across at Caroline and, of course, she just raised an eyebrow by way of an explicit non-answer.

I suppose, to be fair, it really was none of my business.

After a couple of minutes, the sound became more muffled. That was a good thing because I was starting to get significantly damp down below. Then Elroy came out of the bedroom with Mr Mac who was wearing nothing but a bathrobe. His clothes and phone, together with any bugging devices they contained, had been left in the bedroom with Madam Sexy Lady. Elroy carefully closed the door behind them.

"As long as we keep our voices down, we should be able to talk normally," Caroline told us as Madam Sexy continued to do her muffled nasty things to her victim in the other room. "It is my working assumption that your clothes and your phone are bugged..."

"You're probably not wrong," Mr Mac said. "I have reason to believe somebody paid my home a visit when I was at work... and the guys from Information Security did take my phone for a couple of hours on the day after Anthony's death to perform a couple of 'critical security updates'!" he added with a little bit of eyebrow work.

"Mr Bossy isn't dead," I told him.

"How is he... where is he?" He sounded really excited by this... and relieved.

"He's currently holed up in a safe house in..."

"There is no need whatsoever for you to know where," Caroline interrupted me firmly before I had the chance to finish.

We looked at her and then nodded. I suppose she was right, really. If he didn't know, it couldn't be tortured out of him.

"He's recovering from a bullet that pinged off his skull..." I went on. "He was in a coma for a bit but he's out of it now and he's slowly getting better."

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