Start from the beginning

There was no sheet music, he had something on his phone and was working from that. I closed my eyes and began to sing.


I almost lost my place on the keys when she began to sing the song. It was a beautiful song, the lyrics hit me hard every time but I don't think they would have had quite the impact without her incredible voice, or the emotions she always evoked in me.  I was determined not to let her down, I followed the music on the app on my phone and between the two of us we worked out the tempo and arrangement.  As the last soaring note rang out across the theatre, the crowd erupted and she turned to me with a flourish.

"A big thank you to my dear friend, Shawn Mendes!" she shouted.  I stood and she gave me a hug and it was then a seamless transition to my set, as I picked up my guitar and walked to the mic.  It was a good show, Camila had warmed the audience up for me, they were already on a high from her set, especially the last song.  After I thanked everyone and left the stage, the lights dimmed and waiters rushed into the theatre, serving dessert.

I started walking to my dressing room and as I reached the door I was accosted by Camila. She had changed out of the slinky yellow gown that was unusually circumspect in consideration for the cultural preferences, but clung lovingly to her curves, and into a black dress and bright scarf.

"Thank you so much!" she panted, throwing her arms around me.  I laughed and hugged her back and then suddenly I realised we were completely alone in this corner of backstage, and holding each other tightly. She pulled away and I straightened my jacket and sleeves, clearing my throat.

"You're welcome, Mila, always," I said. She smiled widely. "You were....amazing. I have no words." Her smile seemed to get even wider, even though that seemed impossible.

"Thank you," she said softly. "You were too, as always. I've never seen you do a bad show, Mendes, you know I'm your biggest fan!"

The words hung there, and I remembered an interview where I said that your wife or girlfriend should be your biggest fan. Jessica, on the other hand, didn't come to my concerts or enjoy my music at all. She loved rap, hip hop, that kind of thing. She ridiculed my music at any opportunity. Camila though had danced her ass off in the VIP section at many of my concerts, just as I had at hers.  I had found myself comparing Jess to Camila a lot over the past forty eight hours, and my wife had come up short every time. 

We heard the intro for Zaya and Camila grabbed my hand and dragged me to side stage so we could watch, and it was worth it.  She was a spectacular singer, older, perhaps late forties, stunningly beautiful with a voice like fire and honey. We didn't understand a word but we were entranced by her whole forty minute set.  The crowd were on their feet at the end, clapping in time, and then she finished with a ballad that had some of the women in the audience weeping behind their veils.

As agreed, we joined the other artists out in the theatre, walking around and meeting them, sitting at tables.  Samira went with Camila, as a kind of chaperone and the band and I were safe on our own.  Zaya was not included in this walk-around, she was receiving VIP guests in her dressing room instead.  By the time we got out of there, Camila had some gourmet style baklava in her purse and we were laughing as we climbed into the limo. She tripped a little and fell into my lap and my heart leapt but I just picked her up gently and made a joke and sat her back in her seat.  It sucked the words out from between us and we were quiet as the limo headed back to our hotel.

I walked Camila to her room again and when she opened the door she gasped. Dozens of bunches of flowers were arranged in vases around the suite.  I followed her in, picking up one of the cards. I wondered if it was Tyler, trying to suck up to her and slither back into her good graces but I was wrong. They were all from members of the audience, effusive with praise. She was so happy as she read them and I realised that she had missed this, that she had withered away a little, and I was not just talking about the obvious weight loss, but like all artists, the love of fans was part of what kept you going. Her phone rang, and she mouthed that it was her mother so I nodded, waved and backed out as she waved back and blew me kisses which I returned.

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