"What did he do this time?"

"Uh, well... ISortaKindaBetThatICouldBeatBatmanInAVideoGameAndHeWonAndNowTheyGetToMeetYou?"


"I know! But I promised, and you don't have to answer anything you don't want to. And maybe this little sign of trust could help, they'll trust me more." Tikki sighs.

"I trust you, Marinette, you're a wonderful Ladybug and Guardian, just be careful. Don't give them signs of trust that they won't reciprocate." The girl nods, letting Tikki go behind her braid before launching herself towards the bat-tunnels entrance.

Red Robin impatiently checks his watch, it's been five minutes and Ladybird still isn't back.

"You think she went home?"

"She might think we're following to see who she is." Red Hood offers, back from cleaning up with Scarecrow.

"What are we gonna ask it?"

"It's a her, apparently. We can start with any big ones from when Rob interrogated the Parisian-"

"You interrogated a Parisian!?"

"Shit." Ladybird is standing at the entrance of the cave in another suit, this one looks as if she were a protege of Cat Woman's. She doesn't look happy, launching herself up to the level they were on with a baton.

"Interrogated is a strong word, really, it was just some questions as a tourist." The girl doesn't look happy but lets it slide.

"Alright you get thirty minutes, but she can pass on any and every question she wants to."

"And if she doesn't answer any?"

"Then that sucks for you." Red Hood snorts, pulling up a timer on a monitor and sets it for half an hour.

Tikki comes out from her hiding place with her arms crossed.

"I'll have you know I wouldn't be here at all if it wasn't for my holder trusting you all."

"Right... so what's your name?" The timer starts and Tikki answers.

"Cool name, where'd you get it?" The little being shrugs, not really sure anymore.

"Favorite food?"


"Awesome, we have some around here... somewhere..." The little goddess perks up at that, the promise of a cookie too tempting to resist. Red Robin walks out of view before coming back with a box of store bought cookies in hand.

"Hey! That's from my stash!" Red Hood exclaims, the younger of the two huffs and opens the thin film of a cover so Tikki could take her pick.

"Thanks!" Tikki is quick to grab a treat the size of her toros, taking a big bite with a smile.

"So you're Ladybird's kwami thing?"

"She's not a thing-" The girl defends but gets cut off by a relaxed Tikki. Ladybird's fingers drum nervously against her crossed arm. Wanting this to be over already.

"I am. We can get right to the point, but there are some questions I can't answer even if I wanted to. If I tried to say my holder's name I wouldn't be able to. Things like that." Red Robin nods.

"Ladybird, let's get you tested for fear toxin again." Batman interjects, she's fidgeting too much. She tries to argue against leaving Tikki alone but goes anyways. That leaves Red Robin and Red Hood alone with Tikki.

"How old are you?"

"Not sure."

"What are the more... routine responsibilities of a guardian? What does Ladybird have to do besides what she does here?"

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