I froze at his words. Did he just say what I think he just said? Luke quickly picked up on what he said and jumped off the table before running towards me repeating the word 'no' quite fast.

"No, no, no, no, no" he repeated as he waved his hand in front of my face "you did not hear me say that"

"Did you just-" I started

"NO!" He shouted putting his hand over my mouth "I didn't say that- this is all a dream"

Between Luke's panicked state and my overall shock, we looked completely insane to Reggie who just entered the room. The two of us turned to look at Reggie as he looked at us with a raised eyebrow

"What are you two doing?" Reggie asked

Luke quickly took his hand away from my mouth and flung his arms around his back.

"Nothing!" He exclaimed "we were practicing a song"

"A song?" Reggie asked clearly not convinced

"Yeah and Melia over here couldn't get the tune right so I had to shut her up somehow"

My shock instantly turned into a hard glare, I punched him in the arm causing him to hold it in pain.

"That's for saying I couldn't hold a tune" I spoke before looking at Reggie

"I'm so confused" Reggie noted as Luke flashed away from the two of us going back towards the piano

I went beside Reggie and pulled him aside so only he could hear me.

"What really happened was that Luke got flustered at the fact that I mentioned his crush on Julie and putting his hand to my mouth was the only way to keep me from teasing him," I told him softly

Reggie immediately chuckled and nodded. He leaned closer to my ear, "I knew it" he mumbled

I let out a small laugh before the amount of butterflies consumed my thoughts and feelings. Having Reggie so close to me had my emotions gone wild. I had no idea what to do with these feelings. Reggie looked me in the eyes, his beautiful brown orbs watched my face heat up. I quickly looked down only for him to move my head back up to meet his eyes.

"Hey uh-Amelia" he cleared his voice "I was wondering-if you know-you wanted to uh maybe hang out sometime?"

"Like a date?" I asked holding back a smile

"Well yeah- maybe- unless you don't want it to be? Then it can be just as friends" he stuttered in nervousness

"I think a date would be nice" I smiled causing his eyes to sparkle

"Really!" He said excitedly before he let out a fake cough "I mean- really? Alright cool. I'll give you the deets soon"

"Deets?" I laughed

He instantly became nervous and backed away from me. He brought his hand to the back of his head and let out a small chuckle.

"Too 90's?" He asked

"Nah" I shrugged "just not use to the language anymore"

Reggie smiled at me causing me to nudge his side softly, "I'll be waiting for those deets"

I went back over to Luke and opened my songbook that was in front of him. I flipped it open to a page that had Reggie's name as the title and shown it to him. Luke read it and looked up at me with a smile.

"Thanks but I don't need a wingman," I told him softly "your girl got herself a date with the bassist of Sunset Curve"

I gave Luke a smirk as he nodded in approval, "good job" he commented making me laugh.

Forever Yours// ReggieUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum