Chapter 6

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Christmas holidays

Most people were staying at Hogwarts for Christmas because nobody wanted to miss the infamous Yule ball, everyone was talking about it in the common room and corridors and Hermione and I were walking by.

"I don't see why people are going mad over getting a date for the ball." Hermione said, "I mean like what's so wrong with going with friends."

"Oh yeah, sorry Hermione I forgot that you don't have a date yet."

Hermione looked shocked, "woah woah woah, first of all, you don't have a date, you are just going with a friend." She sounded sarcastic when she said friend which took me aback slightly. "And secondly I do have a date for your information."

My mouth dropped open, "Oh my god, did Ron finally ask you?" I said excitedly.

"No...but I'm not telling you who I'm actually going with."

"What! Why not?"

"It's a surprise."

We both laughed and wandered to the Hogwarts entrance.


At the doors of Hogwarts

"Finally the Christmas hogsmede trip, I've been so exited for this one!" I said to Hermione as we waited for Harry and Ron to arrive.

Hermione giggled, but suddenly her eyes widened, I tried to turn around to see what she was looking at, but she hurriedly took my hand and ran off down the bridge, pulling me along behind her. But it was too late, I had already seen it Harry and Cho were holding hands, their fingers locked into another, Harry was looking at her like how Ron looks at food, with love in his eyes.

I felt sick to my stomach, it didn't help that we were running like 20 miles per hour down the rickety bridge.


"I'm sorry that you had to see that y/n"

We were sat in a shady corner in the three broomsticks, Hermione was drinking a pint of butterbeer but I couldn't eat much less drink anything.

"It's not your fault."

Just as I say that the door swings open to reveal two familiar faces, I saw Hermione violently shaking her head at Ron, but Ron didn't understand and he and Harry came over and sat at our table.

"Hey guys." Ron sat down next to Hermione and Harry next to me.

"Hi" I replied, not even glancing at Harry.

"Did you guys see Harry and Cho?" Ron said eagerly, "he proper scored with her."

"Shut up Ron, we are just friends." Harry kicked Ron from under the table.

"You sure throw that phrase around." I said under my breath.

Harry looked at me, puzzled, "what?"

I looked straight into his emerald green eyes, "I said I better go." I stood up and grabbed my bag, I made a swift exit out of the door and trudged along through the snow.

"Y/n! Y/n!" I could hear someone calling my name, I turned around hoping that it wasn't Harry.

It was Draco.

"What do you want Malfoy?"

"I wanted to apologise for a couple of days ago."

"It's a bit late, but I accept your apology."

"Thanks." He smiled at me as I stared to walk off. "Hey, can I walk with you?"

I was taken aback by his remark, "sure."

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