Chapter 8

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TW: strong language

Christmas Eve - the day of the Yule ball

It was the morning of the Yule ball, I could hardly contain my excitement, Parvati, Lavender, Hermione and I had left our dresses hanging on the wall, so that when we wake up they wouldn't be creased.

We all had dates, Lavender with Seamus, I was with Draco, Parvati was with Harry. (Much to my displeasure.) and Hermione hasn't told us who she was going with just yet, but I could tell she was nervous about them.

I sat on my bed, listening to Lavender and Parvati gossip and watching Hermione fiddle with her nails.

I walked over to her and set next to her on the bed, "are you nervous?"

She looked up at me, "me? Nervous. Why would you say that?"

"Because you are fiddling, you only fiddle when you are nervous. Is it your date?"


"Why? Who is it?"

She looked defeated, "promise you won't tell?"

"Of course." I said a little to giddily.

She cupped her hand over my ear and brought her mouth very close, so the girls won't hear.

"Viktor Krum."

My hand slapped over my mouth, I couldn't believe it! Viktor Krum was taking my best friend to the Yule ball!

"Really? Like you're serious?"

She nodded her head.

"Oh my god!"

We stared laughing hysterically and couldn't stop until someone walked into our room.

"Hello ladies. May I interest you in a brand new, personally brewed love potion." Fred and George said in sync.

"How did you guys get in here?"

"That's none of you're business y/n."

We all laughed.

"We are fine thank you." Lavender chimed in.

The twins didn't care too much. They left the room with no hesitation.


Harry's POV

I woke up to the sun blazing through my window and straight into my eyes.

Great. It was the day of the Yule ball, I had been completely dreading since y/n dropped me as her date.

I looked around my room, everyone had already gone down to breakfast. I didn't really blame them, they always have the best food on Christmas Eve.

I gathered myself and got ready for the day.

I just put on grey sweatpants and a black hoodie. I didn't feel like dressing up too much.

I walked out of my room, to turn straight into Fred and George.

"Hey Harry." Fred said

"We got some love potions." George showed me 4 small vials of a strange purple liquid.

"Want to buy one?"

"We heart that you've been having some problems with our sister."

"A love potion should do the trick."

I stared at them in disbelief, did they really think I was going to play with y/n like that?

"No thanks guys."

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