Chapter 1

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"Harry!" I shouted at a raven haired boy as I ran to him on platform 9 ¾ .

"Y/n!" Harry yells at me as he embraces me in a tight hug, his hair brushed against my face, it smelt like firewood and old parchment paper, his body was warm and comforting, for a moment it felt like there was nobody in the world but us.

"You know, i'm here too?" Ron said, glaring at Harry, with his arms folded across his body. He's so ridiculous.

"Sorry mate" I saw a faint blush emerge on Harry's face as he and I awkwardly broke apart, I fiddled with my h/c hair as I looked down at my shoes, trying to hide my reddened cheeks from further embarrassment.

"y/n, we're going to miss the train!" Ron said, grabbing my arm and pulling me through the crowded station towards the train.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Harry hauling his suitcase onto the train, along with my own. I pulled my arm away from Ron and helped Harry bring the luggage onto the train.

"Thanks." Harry mumbled as he played with the handle on his bag.

"No problem." I muttered, as I dragged my suitcase down the isle, searching for my best friend, Hermione.


We eventually came across a compartment in which Hermione was sat in, reading A History Of Magic, for the tenth time since she got it.

"Hey mione!" I said as I walked into the compartment with Harry close behind me. "Where is Ron?"

"I'm not sure, he mumbles a lot." Hermione chuckled, turning a page in her book.

I sat down next to the window and placed my bag under the seat, as Harry sat down next to me.

"Hey, uhm Harry," I yawned, "can I use your shoulder as a pillow, I didn't get any sleep last night with the twins 'band' keeping me up?"

"Uhh..s-sure." Harry said nervously, as he shuffled closer to me on his seat.

"Thanks." I said in a hushed tone, as I gazed into his emerald green eyes and laid my head on his shoulder as I closed my eyes. I could hear his slow and steady heartbeat, and the low talking of other students on the train, and suddenly I felt Harry's head rest on mine, and there it was again, the feeling that we were the only two people in the world.


"Y/n" I awoke to Harry gently shaking my arm "we're here"

"Finally"  I stretched my arms and yawned loudly.

"Do you need help carrying your bags?"

"No, I'm fine, thanks though." I grinned at Harry and pulled my luggage down from the rack. And from under my seat. We all walked our way down the cramped train and out the doors into the fresh air.

We all found a carriage and jumped onto it, just as it was pulling away, along the long gravel path.


Floating candles illuminated the great hall and muffled chatter was carried through the hall, the lingering smell of roast chicken and pumpkin juice floated around the large room, as hundreds of students dug into the feast.

"I heard that some pupils from other schools are coming to hogwarts for the year" Hermione exclaimed, "what could possibly be going on which would make other schools come?"

"Beats me" I gloomily replied as I passed the gravy down to Neville.

"Some people are saying Viktor Krum is coming."

"Since when do you care about Viktor Krum?"

"What do you mean, I don't-I don't care about him"

I stared at Hermione, a grin formed at my mouth. "I think Miss Hermione Granger has a crush."

At this, Ron's head shot up and stared at me and Hermione, "what in the bloody hell are you talking about."

"Hermione has a crush on Viktor Krum." I said, leaning over towards my brother.

"What!" Ron stared at Hermione in disgust, "he's an idiot."

I was startled at Ron's comment, confused, "Aren't you the person who has a model of him in your room?"

Ron's cheeks flushed and he glared at me in frustration. "Nobody asked you"

I rolled my eyes and went back to eating my cake.

Silence over took the hall as Dunloedore stood up, to say his annual speech.

"Good evening students, we have a very special surprise for you all this year." At this whispers erupted around the room, people were questioning their friends about what was happening. "As you all may have heard, the Quidditch Cup will not take place this year."

"What?" Harry gasped along with many other people in the great hall, murmurs spread through the great hall like a tidal wave.

"This is due to an event that will be starting in October," Dumbledore continued, "this event will continue through the school year."

I looked at Harry with a questioning look and he shook his head and shrugged his shoulders in response.

"I have great pleasure in announcing that this year, Hogwarts is hosting the Triwizard Cup!"

People started chatting excitedly to their friends at the announcement of the new event.

Hermione looked at me oddly, obviously confused about the surprise event.

Suddenly, the doors to the great hall swung open almost on queue to reveal an array of girls all dressed in baby blue dresses with a matching hat, they all elegantly ran into the hall as butterflies appeared around them.

All the boys in the room stared at them in awe, but the girls however didn't seem so impressed.

"Bloody hell." Ron said under his breath, as one of the girls looked at him as they danced down the isle. I saw his cheeks flush, and made a mental note to make fun of him later.

"The beauxbatons lady's and gentlemen ." Dumbledore introduced the girls and their unusually tall headmistress.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

Everyone's heads whipped back around to the main doors to the great hall, and in came young men dressed from head to toe in red robes with fur that I can't only guess is from a bear.

They paraded in spinning sticks around and causing sparks to emerge from the floor.

"Holy's Viktor Krum." Ron breathed, stunned by the sudden arrival of his idol.

"May I introduce Durmstrang school." Dumbledore roared.

After everyone had settled down, Dumbledore regained everyone's attention.

"The Triwizard Tournament, is not just a competition, it's a chance to make new friends with other schools and join in unison." Dumbledore bellowed, "due to the dangerous tasks, students must be over the age of 17 to enter."

"That rubbish!" The twins yelled, and I found it hard to contain my laughter.

Dumbledore ignored Fred and George and he continued, "the goblet will be left in this hall for 24 hours, and we will meet here again tomorrow to find out one champion from each school. Good luck to all."

I glanced around our table looking at my friends faces, "this isn't going to be a normal year is it?"


A/n okay, that was the first chapter of 'moonlight dances', I know I'm not the best at writing, I'm just trying to get myself into it please tell me what you thought of it and tell me anyways I can improve, and new chapters should be out soon! :)

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