Chapter 2

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We all wandered groggily up to the Gryffindor common room, Ron and Harry walked up ahead, talking about the tournament.

"I wonder who will enter." I questioned Hermione.

"I'm not sure, but I bet George and Fred will find a way to enter." Hermione laughed, as we turned the corner.

"Hey!" I shouted at the tall 7th year Hufflepuff boy, who ran into me.

"Oh, my I'm so sorry." The brown haired boy said.

"It's fine," I said, collecting my bag that slipped off my shoulder in the bump.

He stuck his hand into my face, " Cedric, Cedric Diggory." He said with a grin.

"Y/n Weasley" I stated, as I shook his hand.

"Pleasure to meet you Miss Weasley." Cedric did a mock bow.

"And you mr Diggory." I curtseyed, and walked off with Hermione.

We were giggling all the way down to the common room, we couldn't stop it, even if we did get some looks as we walked by.


The next morning

We were eating breakfast in the great hall, I was pretending to listen to Ron ramble on about Viktor Krum, but I really didn't care. I think he has some kind of man crush on him. I mean if Viktor Krum becomes my brother in law, I'm not complaining.

"Y/n!" Ron snapped, " are you even listening?"

My eyes studied his face, "no."

I heard a small snigger from Harry, which made me smile. I could feel Hermione's eyes staring at me and Harry, god she's so pushy.


Me and Harry walked into our first defence against the dark arts class, we walked into the second row and sat down. I placed my bag under the table and turned to Harry.

"So, how long do you think till we get a new DADA teacher after this one, dies or leaves or something." I sniggered

"I give it a month." Harry smiled at me and turned his head to the front.

Professor Moody stormed into the classroom, knocking into tables as he walked in.

"Looks like he's been drinking." Harry whispered down my ear.

I noosed my head in agreement, watching Moody as he stumbled into his chair.

"Unforgivable Curses." Moody roared. "Can anyone tell me how many Unforgivable curses there are?"

Hermione's hand shot up. "3, sir."

"Correct!" He scribbled the number 3 across the black board. "Now can anyone tell me what they are? Weasley." He pointed at Ron.

He slowly stood up, "My dad told me about the, um, imperious curse."

"Imperio." Moody shouted at the spider crab. His wand pointed at it as the spider flew around the room, landing on people's faces and much to Ron's displeasure, hovering over his head.

Moody placed the spider back on his desk. "Any other curses?"

Half of the room's hand shot up, "Longbottom, is it?"

Neville stood up and nodded his head, "there's the cruciatus curse."

"Yes, yes!" Moody begged Neville forward towards the spider. "Crucio." The spider squirmed in pain on the table.
Neville's eyes shut tight, his fists were clenched, I could feel his pain.


Moody stared right at me, "miss Weasley, will you do me the honour of telling us the final curse?"

I looked up at him and shook my head.

"Avada Kedavra!" The spider dropped dead on top of my book.

I felt Harry shudder beside me, after all that was the curse that killed his parents. I reached for his hand, and intertwined my fingers in his, he squeezed my hand and locked his fingers with mine.

"There is only one person to have survived this curse, and they are sitting in this room, right now!" Moody watched Harry carefully.

Harry tightened his grip on my hand, I let out a deep breath. I couldn't imagine what he was feeling.


Later that evening

Everyone gathered in the great hall, whispering erupting about who is going to be the champions.

We found some empty seats towards the back, me and Hermione sat next to each other and Ron and Harry sat in front of us.

The goblet stood in the centre of the room the flames were purple, much different to how they were when everyone was putting their names into the fire.

"SILENCE" Dumbledore yelled.

Everyone faced to turn to Dumbledore.

"The goblet is ready to choose its champions!" Dumbledore caught the first piece of paper that flew out of the fire. "From durmstrang, Viktor Krum!"

Cheers erupted around the room as Krum walked up and shook Dumbldore's hand, and he walked into a room off the great hall.

A round, blue piece of paper floated out of the goblet, "from Beauxbatons, Fleur Delacour!"

More cheers and Fleur walked to the same place Krum left.

" and finally, from Hogwarts. Cedric Diggory!"

Everyone cheered loudly and Cedric jumped up from his seat and followed Fleur and Krum out.

The fire in the goblet turned back to blue and Dumbledore spoke, "Fantastic! Our Champions have been decided." But all of a sudden the fire turned purple again and a small burnt piece of parchment flew out. A wave of gasps came from the hall.

"Harry Potter," dumbledore whispered under his breath. "HARRY POTTER!" Dumbledore yelled!

My hand shot down to his shoulder, Harry's face looked shocked and I could see that something was wrong.

Hermione pulled Harry up, "go Harry, Harry go up there!" 

I reached out for his hand but he was already walking down towards the same exit as the previous champions left through. A wave of sickness filled me, there is no way he would put his name in there. There was something wrong here.


A/n And that's chapter 2 please vote and let me know what you thought.

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