"Don't say that Chilled. It'll just make them donate more." I whispered. He just laughed as I looked for something we could play. We had all decided on Town of Salem and since Tom had dropped out, it was perfect. The first game I was doctor and the townies ended up hanging Galm who was the Godfather and won the game. The second game I was the executioner and Chilled was apparently my target so I ended up making him reveal his role and he died and I became Jester, got lynched by both Smarty and Galm and killed Galm to make Smarty win as the Serial Killer. The last game I was ZeRoyalChaos and someone else was just plain RoyalChaos. I was the Mafioso and RoyalChaos was the Godfather. When night struck, I typed to Mafia chat.

'ZeRoyalChaos: Flash'
'RoyalChaos: Thunder'
'RoyalChaos: Ze?'
'RoyalChaos: Smarty, Galm?'
'ZeRoyalChaos: Ze. Guessing you're Chilled.'

I saw Chilled look at me and my screen. "No screen peeking!" I yelled. He laughed as he assigned me to kill someone by the name of 'RainbowFarts' It was successful and not only did we kill but Serial Killer got someone as well as the veteran. Although the Veteran took out the investigator, it worked for us. 

"Well then. Um, I'm sorry John." Smarty said.

"So you're sorry for yourself?" Chilled asked.

"Go fuck yourself." Smarty replied with a middle finger. We all laughed. At the end of the game, the Mafia ended up having a clean victory.

"Guys, listen, listen. Ze and I had a flash, thunder going on." Chilled said. 

"You sons of fucks!" Galm screamed. We all laughed as I checked the total donations and watched as the total donations ticked from $24,990 to $25,000 exactly. I went silent as everyone else continued arguing. I silently got up from my seat to fill up the meter. We had 30 minutes left of the stream and we hit the goal. We'll probably spend these last 30 minutes preparing for the kiss and actually trying to go through with it. As I filled the meter up with the red dry erase marker, Chilled looked around at me and noticed what I was doing. After I filled it up to the certain point, I looked at Chilled to see him wide eyed, staring back and forth between me and the stream.

"What's going on?" Galm asked. Chilled checked the donations which were already at $25.2k and looked back at me.

"Remember before the stream started you guys would have to set certain guidelines for us to follow for the kiss? Well, tell us now." Chilled said. I sat back down in my seat to see Galm and Smarty looking at their screens almost like they were looking at each other from my end. I closed the camera on the game and put all four of our faces into full screen view on my side of the stream. Chilled did as well and we looked at each other.

"Ok, act like you're on a date like it's your like 5th date or something. Now, pretend to lock eyes and kiss for at least 5 seconds." Smarty said.

"Or more." Galm added.

"More would be nice." Smarty remarked.

"Fuck you too." Chilled said. I took off my headphones and turned around to face Chilled. I rolled my chair to the middle of the room right behind him and tapped his shoulders. He turned around and I motioned for him to take his headphones off.

"Yeah bud?" He asked.

"Hey, we're on a date here." I said, getting into a new kind of character. He smiled and rolled up his chair right beside mine. He closed and locked the door so Jess wouldn't suddenly come barging in.

"Ok first, we're only doing this for the kids and the fact that you guys have helped us raise so much moeny for them this past 24 hours. Second, if any of mine or Ze's family is watching, we're not gay. Like I said, this is for the kids and the fans who ship us together. Anyway, where were we?" He asked. He grabbed my hands and my face flushed red. I looked down at my legs and he chuckled. There was an extreme aura of anxiety and nervousness circling around the room. 

"Well Ze, if you look at the chart, we made it to this point. I know this may only be our 5th date but will you go steady with me?" Chilled asked. I couldn't respond until I felt hands underneath my chin that forced me to look him in the eyes.

"Yes. I would be honored to go steady with you, Chilly Willy." I said, blushing fiercely. He smiled and closed his eyes. He started to lean in and I did as well until he laughed and pulled away. I did as well and through his headphones I heard Galm and Smarty screaming at how we were pussies for pulling back. We did this a few more times until I felt as though I needed to get this over with so I put my one hand and arm around his neck, entangling my fingers into his hair and put the other on his arm on the chair brought him to look at me in the eyes for a split second before I slammed my lips onto his. He kissed back for the last 3 seconds until we both pulled apart, panting for breath. 

"Well then." He gulped. We were both speechless and the chat was filling up with #ZeRoyalChaos. I smiled and kissed his cheek before going back to my station.

"Love you Chilled." I said. In a way I meant it jokingly but in another way, I truely meant it from deep down in my heart.

"Love you too Ze." He said. My face was even more red than ever and my pants felt somewhat tight. Since the stream is very delayed I was able to see when we failed the first time, a few moments of silence and then when I roughly grabbed Chilled and forced him to kiss me.

"That was bad." I said. "That was so bad on my part."

"Yeah. You forcefully grabbed me by the back of my neck and kissed me." Chilled shouted. I did a cheeky smile and laugh as I saw we only had like 10 minutes left before the stream ended. Were we really trying to kiss for 20 minutes? Damn.

"You guys looked as though you enjoyed it." Smarty said.

"Well. We won't say we enjoyed it but we can say it wasn't as bad as I had originally thought it was going to be. Right Ze?" He asked. I stayed silent. "Ze?"

"If I didn't enjoy it, how would explain the fact that my pants are quite tight right now?" I asked. Everyone went silent except for Smarty. 

"Oh god. So, we know Ze enjoyed it very much and Chilled felt as though it wasn't as bad as he thought." Smarty said.

"It was actually a lot better than I had originally thought but after those failed attempts and Ze taking an actual leadship role and just going full force in." He said.

"And that's what I'll do when I fuck you later, probably tomorrow after we sleep." I said. Everyone else just laughed and I smiled a devious smile at my camera like I was actually serious. 

"Oh god buddy. Anyway guys, this is going to wrap up the stream for today and these past 24 hours. Thank you all so much to those who came out and stayed throughout the entire stream. You know what, for those of you who did, internet hug. Even those who didn't you can hug too." Chilled said, hugging his moniter. I did the same as well for just a short moment. Only a little longer than our kiss. Thinking about it made my hand shoot to my mouth but I made it as though I was rubbing my beard.

"Anything else to say Ze?" Chilled asked.

"Nope. Just donate if you want to see us kiss again in the date video or who knows, we might actually do it even if we don't reach the goal but either way, help us do it for the kids, thanks for watching and we'll see you guys next stream." I said.

"Like he said. See ya guys." Chilled said. We both ended the stream at the same time as he got the timer on the site set up and clicked it to start counting down from one hour. We ended the call with Galm and Smarty and it was just the two of us like how it started.

And there's the end of the livestream with the kiss! AHHH! I loved writing these past few chapters so much and I hope you enjoyed reading them as well. You know what to do if you liked the chapter and I'll talk to you all later! BYE!! :D

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