Chapter 26: The End of Something Part 2

Start from the beginning

The result between kindness and darkness is always unknown .

That's was the reason I left Ricky . I had had a one night stand with a man when I was drunk .

I turned out pregnant so I stayed away from my husband because he wouldn't look at me again and when I gave birth I had realized that Ricky didn't inherit my serial killer genes .

I always dreamed about something special . I inherited my serial killer genes from my dad who was an unwilling experiment in the secret government experiments .

The world is small but is filled with alot of cold hearted bitches.
The world is a dangerous place to live not only because of the people who are evil but also because of the people who don't do anything about it.

And that's what I am doing . I am doing something about it .

I left Ricky so he wouldn't grow up to think that I was a monster .

I loved him .

But that's the past now ."

All of us were looking at Maria in shock .

I mean she wasn't lying the world is filled with cold hearted bitches . I know I am or was a perfect example . I used to kill children , adults , elderly and even when I was 15 I had started rape , and also started to kill children again .

By all means I don't deserve to live .

I wish my fake parents had just killed me .

That way it could have prevented the deaths of more than 900 lives out of which I was certain that more than 600 were innocent people .

I honestly only remember the last five of my victims names and I don't know anyone else . They were Ricky , Millie , Melody , Melony and Anna .

God Anna , I ripped her heart out .....
Literally ....

She was a good person . I also framed her boyfriend who still might be in jail!

I think Todd was his name . I also have to release him somehow .

I was cut off from my thoughts when Maria spoke again .

Maria said : "Well the sob story sharing time is up.

Since all six of you are here I might as well give you a live view of what the secret TSO weapon can do ."

She then ran to the corner and pulled down multiple switches while we yelled at her to stop .

Asher , Nick and Krist had also gotten part of the story .

Marcy yelled at Maria saying : "A mother is suppose to know everything about her child right ? Well you definitely don't know Ricky , I was his girlfriend and he was my first true love .
I knew him and he would never want this".

Maria paused and said : "You were her girlfriend right ? Well as a gratitude for keeping him happy I won't kill you .

Even after you and the traitor Krist give birth .

How about an offer . All three of you girls leave and take your children and grow up having a wonderful life and I will provide you all the money you need"

The girls obviously shook there head at the thought of leaving us . God knows what I would do without y/n.

Maria sighed and said : "I still won't kill you three . But I won't let you ruin my plans either" and she pulled the last switch and all of a sudden a canon appeared and it fired a continuous white beam in the sky . And soon enough the entire sky no rather the entire world was covered in a white barrier .

What the actual fuck !? Am I framing or something or is this shit real .

This only happens in the movies .

How the hell did the light scatter anyway ?

Maria grins and Says : "It's done now the entire human population. Is under my control . Yes you have guessed it .
The Secret Weapon of The TSOs is a Mind Controlling weapon that allows you to control the entire world !"

All six of us look at each other and mutter : "Well that's fucking fantastic!"

Note sarcasm !




Hi readers !

How was the chapter ?

Yes the weapon is a mind controlling weapon . That allows you to control the entire world .

I will give further explanations with scientific research behind it in the next chapter .

Oh and if there are grammatical mistakes please point it out so I can correct them . I didn't have time to check for them . Thank you
See you soon ,
Bye .

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