Chapter 24: The News

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Nick's POV :

I kept spinning Krist around until a thought entered my mind .

What if the baby gets dizzy !!! Holy shit !

I immediately put her down and tell her what u just thought and she laughs and pats my back and says its to soon for the baby to feel anything at all .

Oh that makes sense .....

Both of turned to look at the door because we heard a few coughs and what I saw shook me hard core .

Aidan and y/n were standing there with smiles on there faces .

Well I think I have finally gone insane . It was nice to live a normal live but all good things come to an end one day .

Well bye y'all !

I squint my eyes just to make sure if I am imagining them but there still there .

I look at Krist and her jaw is dropped .

I go towards Aidan and touch his check and he didn't disappear .

The. I touch y/n's check and the results were same . Ten I pinched my own arm and it wasn't a dream .

Oh so they are alive and really here .

Oh well I better go sit on the bed .

I sit on the bed and take a deep breath .

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT ?!!!! What the actual fuck !!!!!   Holy shit !!!! Motherfucke.!!!!" I am cut out from my outburst when Krist slams a hand on my mouth from cursing more words out that were way worse .

After I calmed down I practically grabbed y/n and Aidan by there shirts and threw them on the bed and tackled them for a hug and Krist laughed at this and some joined in for the hug .

Let's say we were all crying for a few minutes and hugging the life out of each other .

Soon after we all went to the living room so Aidan could explain what happened .

I tried to avoid eye contact with Asher cause I hadn't spoken to him after the whole 'catching us in action' fiasco.

Asher had apparently made another fresh cup of coffee because something happened to the last one and it fell to the ground .

Krist's POV :

Jesus how does y/n manage to differ between nick and Aidan . Both of them look the same and hot . I may have had a hard time to remind myself that Aidan was taken.

But I am fine now .

Asher's POV :

I finally made myself a cup of double choco caramel latte coffee .

The first time I made it it was ruined by nick and Krist and it spilled and I couldn't drink it .

The second time I made it Aidan and y/n thought it was the perfect time to pop up after everyone thought they died and I again spilled it .

Now I will be careful . Aidan's about to explain where the hell he has been .

After Aidan explained everything, everyone accept Aidan and y/n had jaws dropped for display .

I looked at Krist and I was expecting her to attack Aidan but thankfully she didn't .

Why I thought she would attack him ?well Aidan nearly killed her when she was having a moment with nick .

Although she did mention it and Aidan looked embarrassed.

Serves him right after he ruined my coffee .

Now that all shocking revelations are out in the open I can finally finish a cup of double choco caramel latte coffee for the first time in my life .

I took a sip and a big one because I deserved it .

And just then Krist said : "Oh guys another thing I just found out this morning I am pregnant with Nick's child".

I choke on my coffee again !! The cup feel from my hand and spilled to the ground will I fell along with it and started having problem to breath because i was choking on my coffee again .

Why can't these people let me enjoy a decent cup of coffee . Is that to much to ask for ?

I would like a cup of coffee and completely drinking it and not choking on it .

After I was done flopping in the ground like a fish that couldn't breath I got and congratulated nick and Krist along with everyone else .

I knew that something might happen that will ruin my coffee so that's why I made two of them .

I can still enjoy my coffee .

I brought the second and last cup of coffee and thought about how smart I am .

Y/n out of no where said : "is anyone else pregnant to?" She joked and I laughed and took a sip of my coffee and I knew I won't choke on it again.

I took a big sip and Marcy spoke up : "Yeah , I have meaning to you all . I am also pregnant , I swear on my life I am not joking . I am actually pregnant with Asher's child".

That does it !!!!! I fell of the chair and dropped my last cup of coffee and choked on it .

And as you can guess what happens next . Yes you guessed it right .

I present you my special choking on coffee while laying on the ground and doing a flopping fish dance .

This time I literally passed out .


I woke up in the hospital of the base .

I looked at Marcy sitting there and I asked her if she really was pregnant and she nodded .

Holy shot I am also about to be a father .

What a coincidence . All three Gallagher brothers are about to be fathers . Although one already is .

I hugged Marcy and she said she had a surprise for me .

I got excited and she took out a cup of coffee .

I looked t her and eyed the coffee or rather the choking demon in liquid form.

After an hour of Marcy convincing me that I won't choke on it I gave in and decided to take a sip and I didn't choke on it .

I decided to take a big sip of the coffee and just then Amelia barged in and said : "Asher , Marcy we have big time trouble !!! The light has found the secret weapon of the TSO and the world is possibly about to end !!!!!!!"

I choked on the coffee for the fifth time and as you guessed the flopping fish dance followed .

I am Never Ever touching coffee Ever Again !!!!!


Authors note :

Hi readers how was the chapter ?

Vote and comment if you liked it!

Yes Marcy is also pregnant .

And Asher is never touching coffee again .😂 I laughed so much writing the Asher part .

See you soon ,
Bye !

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