Chapter 8: The Hunt for Nick and Krist

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Authors note : Hi ! This has to be a world record on Wattpad , 8 long chapters within 2 days .
Anyway let's begin !

Nick's POV :

We landed in a abandoned TSO Canada base two days ago .

And even though we have landed two days ago , Krist and I haven't spoken much .

It's beginning to feel awkward.

I look around the abandoned base and finally find Krist .

I see her sitting on the table looking at  a necklace .

When I go closer to her I realize what necklace it was and I begin to have a flashback .

Flashback when Nick and Krist were 10 years old
"Hi Krist" I say as I walk towards my best friend .

Today was Christmas and I had bought something for her ,  it was a necklace .

It was a special necklace made from actual gold .

In it were two pictures. One was mine and the other was Krist .

On the back of the gold necklace it was written or rather carved with a design writing "Best Friends Forever" and "Love you always".

Although I didn't tell her it was actual gold , I just gave it to her .

She was extremely happy and she literally jumped and hugged me .

I didn't know that three years later I realize my true feelings for her an realize that I love her more than a friend.

End of flash back

She still kept the necklace ? Why? ,I thought to myself .

I asked her what I thought and she replied : "I kept it because it was the only reminder I had of you . Of all the good times and the times I was happy".

I looked at her , her sees were full of emotions.

I let her continue : " You know why I always kept the necklace and why I helped you escape ? It wasn't because of pity , it was because when we were about 13 I realized that I developed feelings for you . I thought it was a typical crush but as it turns out it was love .

I wanted to protect you from the light so I stalled as long as possible .

But then one day you left and that was the last time I ever heard of you . You broke your promise to stay together no matter what .

But years tee I found out you were alive , that was like a week ago , then I meet you and you admit your feelings , that gesture was enough to bring my old feelings about you back to life .

Then when I saw the way the light tortured you , I knew I had to get you out of there .

Because I . Love . You"

I look at Krist  for any signs of manipulation or lies but there were none .

She was being genuine.
She really loves me .

I think it's the best time to admit my feelings as well . I say "I love you too always have, I never forgot about you".

Krist smiled . And for the first since I saw her at the Russian TSO , she had a happy smile , just like old times .

I don't know what happened or rather how it happened but we both were leaning close to each other and within a few seconds our lips were connected and we kissed each other .

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