Chapter 7: The Light vs The Shadows Part 1

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Y/n's POV :

I sit down on the couch and sip my cup of caramel latte which I made from the coffee making machine that was in the base .

Asher , Ben and the Commander duo were discussing god knows what .

I on the other hand was being forced to not drink more than 1 cup of coffee per two days .

Right now marcy , Amelia and I were gossiping about there time on the island .

I honestly thought and half expected to find Amelia , Marcy and Asher on cloths made of leafs , and there hair messed up and them having bad breath , and staring at us with crazed eyes , but surprisingly they weren't any of that .

I look at myself or rather my babies .

I know that sooner or later one day when they grow up they will ask who there father was and he wasn't here .

I already dread that day .

There was a knock on the door . Oh shit he's here . By he I meant the doctor who will tell me the gender reveal .

Everyone got excited .

I don't know how he will check , omg !! Don't tell me will be cut open my stomach and look at the babies and then put them back !!!!!

I stare at the doctor wide eyed and frantic .

Wait , wtf god I hate these preach act hormones , I am having crazed thoughts , I need to calm down .

I did calm down and turns out it was simply passing Ultra sound .

After the doctor did his thing I got a live view of my children .

I had tears in my eyes . I felt happy .

The doctor said there were three !!!!

Holy fucking triplets !!! God help me !

According to the doctor 2 boys 1 girl .

Wtf ! Am I eating enough , I need to make sure to eat a lot , hot shot I have humans inside me , wait am I eating healthy , do I need to exercise , wtf do I need to do ?!?!

I snap out of my thoughts as my friends and family enter the room and I give them the good news , the girls all squealed like high school girls which we actually were , while Asher looked like he was a second away for. Crying out of happiness and squealing himself .

Wait that means in 3 months the babies will be born !!!

I need to name them !!

But right bow I need to relax .

At least things can't get any worse . I mean the light hasn't attacked it dibe anything yet .

Just then the commanders barged into the room and said that the entire army of the light is heading towards here .

I mentally slapped myself across the face , why did I say things can't get any worse , I jinxed it.

I didn't even notice but everyone left the room and they told me to stay here inside the base while they marched there army as well .

Great so I am all alone in the base with only 10 security guards at the main entrance of the base .

Just fan - fucking - tastic.

At least they had the decency to leave me a loaded gun .

Soon enough I got out of the room and walked the empty hallways of the base to look at battle from the balcony .

I don't know what I expected since it had been an hour since everyone left .

But I did not expect this .

There were literal thousands of people in both sides firing at each other .

There were slit wounded and more dead .

There were even tanks and jets fring at each other .

Wtf !!?!! Thank this all was happening about 5 km from the base .

How did I look that far , Simple binoculars.

But the explosions were big enough for me to see without the binoculars.

I immediately shut the balcony window because I had a mental fear that a bullets might fly and hit me .

I decide to go to the camera room that gives you the view of the footage of all the cameras in the entire base .

I checked all the cameras and saw there were no intruders . Thank God !

I check to see if all 10 security guards were alive at the five entrances .

2 were playing with cards .  2 were literally looking at there watch , 2 we're actually doing there jobs , and 2 were doing there jobs a little too much .

And the last two were laying on the ground with blood coming out of here throats .

All is wel... wait a minute ... wtf !!!!!!

I shot up the chair and reached for the phone to alert the other guards but apparently someone disconnected all the phones.

There was a intruder in the house !!

I looked at the cameras frantically and I noticed a girl with a knife who was the intruder roaming in the hallways ,

I decided to hide cause I didn't want to risk the life of my children .

But when I looked at the cameras again , I saw it was Allison .

I threw the plan to hide out of the window , by blood become to boil and I my eyes were burning with fire , rage and revenge .

I took out the guns from my pocket and checked to see if they were loaded and they were .

I removed the safety from the gun and went towards wherever Allison was .

Today I will kill someone and enjoy it very very much .

I will kill the person who took away the person I cared most about .

I will kill Allison because she killed Aidan the love of my life and the father of my soon to be born children .

I will make that bitch pay for what she did and she will feel my wrath !!!!


Authors note :

Hi readers how was the chapter ?
Vote and comment if you liked it .

Yay y/n vs Allison is about to go down . Who will win ?

Wait for the next chapter to find out .

See you soon ,

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