He...hung himself!

I gasp and shove his arm down. "That's terrible!"

"Yes . Yes it was."he chuckles and begins fiddling with the edge of my trousers."It was such a bother . I had to look for another apprentice.,"he mumbles and then grins up at me ,his sly smile making me angry."then I met you."

This bastard ! He thinks this is all a game !

"You think this is a game !" I yell in shock as I climb off the bed and hop to my feet , turning to face him."These are people's lives ! You're the reason why so many people are dead and you think it is funny !" I run my fingers through my hair as I start pacing in frustration.

At this point the thought that he'd kill me doesn't even cross my mind as anger surges through me .

He doesn't have any hint of guilt in him!

Vincent sighs before getting up off the bed listlessly and strutting towards me . I back away in fear , all the anger instantaneously vanishes as my brain snaps to survival mode.

"Oh how wrong you are Love."he drags his words and pushes me against the wall . I purse my lips and turn my head to the side as he stands too close. "Every person who I kill , I feel sorry for . But they will be used in something far more greater than a scummy life in the slums . "He sneers in anger.

I jump as his hand wraps around my throat , the grip getting tighter as I try and pull his hands away .
"V...Vincent . "I try to speak but the grip is too tight. "Calm down ."I finally manage out as my legs start kicking his shins to try and get him off of me.

The moment is going to calmly, no sound either than my choking and his calm voice carries through the room.
"Dont tell me to calm down . I'm perfectly calm ."

Think ! He promised to never do this again ! How can I stop this ? Its clearly not Vincent in there right now...

My eyes dart around , looking for a way to get him off or to at least distract him .

Theres nothing I can do!

A moment passes of defeat as my lungs begin burning for oxygen . At this point I'm gasping for air , gasping for life ...until my eyes land on his lips.

Without thinking I let go of his hands , surprising him as I grab his face and pull it toward me , smashing my tingling lips against his . His grip instantly loosens but his hands stay where they are , his body not reacting at all .

I pull away and gasp for air , satisfied that I have at least gotten a breath of air out of that horrible decision.

Almost immediately Vincent pulls me into him and brings our lips together, finally realizing what happened . I try to pull away , eager for more breath as the burning in my lungs refuses to go , but he holds me in place as his lips move hungrily against mine .

This is not how I thought this would have gone.

I feel my body react on it's own as all common sense flies out the window as my lips move with his . The moment becoming more passionate each second I slowly give in to the situation.

Have I been wanting this to happen ? Is that why I kissed him as a way of

I quickly shut out all thoughts , Vincent being the only thing on my mind right now.

My arms move around his neck as I pull him closer, his chest almost touching mine as I crane my head and stand on my tippy toes to reach him . Vincent's hands move down my body, feeling every curve I have and every curve I dont have.

A wave of insecurity washes over me as I'm hit with reality again as his hands grab my hips. I pull away and wrap my arms around my body , not wanting this to go any further than it has.

I take deep breaths and avert my gaze from him as my face heats up in embarrassment.

"Did I do something wrong love?" His normal tone is back as he softly cups my face in his hand . I meet his gaze and find a look of genuine concern towards me replacing the hateful one moments ago.

He's back.

I shake my head and wrap my arms around his waist and bury my head in his chest as I try and keep myself from crying "you're back" I whisper in relief.

His hand careful rests on my shoulder as the other slowly runs down my head in a loving manner.
"I'm sorry. I dont know what came over me "he whispers .

This is the Vincent I've grown to care about in the past few days . This man full of humor and excitement. Not the man who would kill anyone for what he wants .

However to stay with the man I want, I have to stay with the man I hate .

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