28) Taekook littlespace

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:) I was reading a mafia AU and decided to make a chapter dedicated to it! I hope you guys enjoy it.

Little: kook 1-4
Cg: Tae

Taehyung shot down the rival member, watching as his body fell to the ground. He stared up at his two members beside him with a  blank expression and moved down the hallways of the rival's mansion.

There was an intersection in front of them and Taehyung thought it'd be best if they split up. The two members going one direction and him going the other. He slowly walked down the narrow and long hallway, holding onto his Gun tightly and listening for anything as little as a pen dropping.

He made his way towards a room and kicked it open staring into a empty space. He slowly walked in, keeping his gaurd up. Suddenly, someone screaming "die! Die!" came behind him and slashed him in the shoulder. Taehyung grunted in pain at the sudden act and ad a reflex he turned around and pulled the trigger.

He looked at the fallen body with disgust and spit on his face. He walked out the room and out the building, meeting his men, seeing most but not all, letting him know he's lost more family.

He sighed and got into his personal car and drove off. He reached for his phone but wss abruptly stopped by pain shooting up his arm. He looked down and saw a deep cut in his expensive shirt/skin oozing  a scarlet red liquid. 

He retreated his hand back and paid attention to the road, getting angry at himself for not noticing such a person in the room. He rolled his eyes in disgust, remembering his dying face.

But that soon went away when he thought about a certain someone waiting for him at home, making everything feel worth it. "The things he does to me.." He mumbled under his breath with a chuckle.

After a good 10 more minutes of driving he finally made it home. He got out his car and walked up the stairs. His black curly hair following his every move. He typed in the password and walked inside. And as expected, it was loud and home like.

"When daddy come home?" He heard a curious voice ask in the livingroom. "hmm... We'd have to ask seokie wouldnt we?" He heard a maid reply followed by a loud and over exaggerated sigh.

He slowly walked over towards them, his body seeping into view. The maid was first to notice and a small smile made its way across her lips til she noticed his bleeding arm, making it falter.

"Mr Kim, I see you're still being reckless" she called out, gaining the attention of the little. "Daddy home?" Asked an excited Kook. He popped his head over the couch and gasped.

He ran over towards Taehyung and engulfed him in a hug, squealing. "Daddy home! Daddy home!" He sang. It was always something he said whenever Taehyung came back home, alive.

He was a giggling mess taking in the strong cologne thatd been worn down due to his actives. For some reason, the little's eyes wondered elsewhere and ended up onto the cut that'd slowly stopped bleeding. He let out a gasp and looked up at his caregiver.

"Daddy get hurt by meanies?" He asked, shocked and hurt. Taehyung momentarily forgetting he'd even gotten hurt. "Ah.. I'm sorry bunny. I tried to avoid it, please forgive me?" He asked rufflings his hair.

"Daddy need seokie! Go get seokie! Now ~" he pushed him away from him with a grunt. Taehyung laughed at his antics and went on his way.

He walked towards the doctor's office and walked in without knocking. He adjusted his eyesight to the bright white walls. He saw the doctor sitting at the desk and sat down on the bed.

"Jin i need you to check my arm." He ssid lazyly. Jin looked up with a raised eyebrow before standing and walking towards him. He immediately noticed the mockingly big cut on his tan skin and sighed. "Take off your shirt tae."

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