Did she know Spider Girl was Luz?

That way it would make sense because I got her it the position where the rumours were spread around.

Luz looked shocked as well. The eye plates in her mask widened.

The white eyes on the mask followed her eye movements.

I always thought that wasn't a very good thing to have for intimidating. They would be able to see your emotions.

"Honestly! I thought you and Luz were dating, if not at least friends with benefits, but here you are! Kissing up the towns hero, just because you can!"

So that's what she meant.

Wait... What did she say about friends with bene-

Luz let out a small chuckle.

All attention turned to her.

Her eyes were squinted, she had her right fist over her mouth while her left hand was folded across her chest, resting on her right arm.

There's the Luz I know.

I knew she wouldn't be able to hold in laughter after a comment like that.

Willow glared at her.

"Excuse me?" Her voice was harsh and low.

Boscha put a hand on her shoulder to calm the girl down, but to no avail.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Continue." Luz let out another small chuckle as she said that.

"Do you really think this is funny?" Willow seemed to get more angry by the second.

And I thought Boscha was scary.

"No, no, no! It's just nice that you're so protective of your friend." I could tell that Luz was happy Willow would stand up for her. Who wouldn't?

She didn't even seemed fazed that Willow said that we were having se-

"I don't understand what is so funny about that." Willow seemed to let down her tough side and more went into confusion.

Boscha was holding Willows waist so she didn't go full slitherbeast on her while Gus was rolling around on the floor, trying to peel off the web for the second time. Surprisingly less successful then before.

The finale bell rung, signaling the end of school.

Everybody was knocked out of their trance by the loud scream of the bell.

"Ahhhhhh, you wouldn't get it. And Amity and I aren't having sex." Her laughter was finally dying down while Willow started in confusion.

The plant girl pointed in between us with squinted eyes while stuttering in between the words 'but' and 'you'.

Gus finally ripped the webs off his face, followed by a loud gasp.

In a flash he stood up and pointed in Luz's direction.

Oh no...

I know where this is going...

"It's Luz! Holy fuck!"

Everybody looked over at Gus with wide eyes and mouths opened wide. Including me.

Ah fuck naw.

I don't think anybody had ever heard Gus swear.

That may have made his point even better that he was serious.

How did he figure it out?

There is no way we did anything to give it away.

"Gus, how do you know that's Luz? For all you know that could be... Well I don't know, but it could be anybody." I retaliated, trying to hide Luz's secret.

I may have come off a little harsh, but I was grasping at straws.

"Wait no... Let him talk. Besides, you out of anybody should know who she is Amity. You were the one macking on her."

Boscha held her finger up to stop me from talking.

It was obvious that she was connecting the dots as well.

Luz looked between them obviously terrified.

"Just think. It's her voice, not to me soon I would recognize that banter anywhere! And she's always missing! Literally every second she's acting weird. OOO! And that day she wouldn't give us her paper. AND how she was acting weird that day!"

Gus was spouting off everything that was on his mind, getting more and more exited as it made more sense.

Is it rude to say that I thought that Gus would be the last person to figure it out.

The three at the doorway all looked up at Luz and I at the same time, all of them being met with the sight of Luz's arms strait by her side while her hands moved up and down, patting the sides of her legs.

"Weeeellllll-" her voice cracked while she said it.

Yeah, she blew her cover.

I let out a long sigh and let my shoulders fall down a little.

I walked over to Luz slowly.

This was it.

No turning back. They already knew.

Luz turned to me, obviously nervous.

I reached my hands up to where her mask met the seems of her suit.

I breathed out.

Here we go...

Bad chapter, sorry.

Have a good day, as thanks for reading!

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