Chapter 11: The Library

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Naruto was not sure what he was in for when he and his friends were pretty much out in the middle of nowhere. Aang was sitting on the ground in front of his friends.
"What's out here?" Sokka asked curiously.

"A lot actually. There's hundreds of little..." Toph was answering before Aang shushed her.

"I know you can see underground, but don't ruin the surprise. Just watch." Aang said. Aang then picked up a wooden recorder type instrument and played a note into it. Then, a groundhog like creature came out of a hole in the ground nearby, singing the same note Aang had played, making him chuckle.

"Whoa... do that again!" Naruto said. Aang played another note and another groundhog like creature appeared from another hole in the ground, singing the note.

"I'm putting an orchestra together." Aang declared with his hands raised in victory.

"Orchestra, huh? Well, la di da." Sokka said sarcastically before the groundhog creatures came out of the holes in the ground singing the notes Sokka had said in descending order. Momo jumped into one of the holes to catch one of the groundhog creatures as they returned within their holes. Momo's head came out of the hole, the bewildered lemur had failed to catch one of the groundhog type creatures. Aang started to play more notes, and as the groundhog type creatures came out to sing the note, Momo kept chasing them, making Katara giggle. Naruto smiled in amusement as Momo ran around, trying to catch the creatures. Sokka eventually put a finger into the part of the flute Aang was playing that the note came out of, stopping him from continuing.

"This is great and all, but don't we have more important things to worry about? We should be making plans." Sokka stated.

"We did make plans. We're all picking mini vacations." Toph replied.

"There's no time for vacations." Sokka retorted.

"I'm learning the elements as fast as I can. I practice hard every day with Toph and Katara. I've been training my arrow off." Aang pointed out. Naruto nodded. If there was one thing he noticed since Aang had finally managed to learn the basics of earthbending.... it's the fact that Aang had been making sure to take every opportunity to get better at it, as well as water bending. Much like how he was training to better utilize Shadow Clones and the Rasengan in battle.

'I just wish I was able to get Sasuke back to the Leaf and maybe then we would be training with Kakashi Sensei right now... or maybe I'd be training with Pervy Sage.' Naruto thought. When Naruto got out of his thought, he had missed a few lines of the conversation at hand.

"Should we just head west until we reach the Fire Lord's house?" Sokka asked sarcastically as he had his arms out towards the west of them. He then continued by saying "Knock, knock. Hello, Fire Lord! Anybody home?" He had also knocked on air and pretended to walk into the Fire Lord's house as he said this.

"I don't think so. We need some intelligence if we're going to win this war." Sokka said. Aang then played a short note, only for a groundhog creature to sing a note in the hole below where Sokka was standing, surprising the warrior. Katara giggled.

"Then we should do that after we finish our vacations. If we are going to fight the Fire Nation, we need to do that as a team, and if we are so worn out by constantly worrying about the war... our team will not be able to win. Iruka Sensei used to tell me that rest is just as important to a fighter as training." Naruto said. Sokka looked surprised... normally the blonde was a goofy, sometimes scatterbrained person... but there were moments of wisdom within the ninja that rivaled even Aang sometimes.

"Fine. You make a good point. Who chooses next?" Sokka asked. A map was then opened in front of them, and Aang held it in his hands.

"Your turn, Katara. Where would you like to go on your mini vacation?" Aang asked as Katara started to look at the map, considering her options.

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