CHAPTER 14: The fight.

Start from the beginning

"She needed time for some potion and I don't have it." Jacob said and added "She'll be here when she finish. "

The two walked the stairs and right then the front door opened revealing Clara. The two didn't know because they heard that the witch took the powers of the others to stay young but what was infront of them was an old harmless lady with a scar across her face.

"Emm, hello Ma'am. Do you live in here?" Jack asked.

".." . He was met with silence.

"Is there anybody.."


"Don't be rude. She may be deaf."

"She's evil. " Jacob said simply eying the woman suspiciously.

"Where are your mann.."

Jack didn't get to continue his scolding when he went flying with his Alpha. The two had been thrown 20 foot away from the mansion and as they get back on their feet to attack, they got surrounded by a pack of 40 of rogues.

"Alpha Jacob, welcome." Clara said transforming to a young woman.

"Clara." Both the alpha and beta said with gritted teeth.

"Oh, you too flatter me. I didn't know I was still popular. Wow, I love the attention. " Clara said embarrassed and blushing a little.

'Is she for real?' Jack asked Jacob in the mind link.

'She's crazy. ' He answered back and continued speaking to his dad next 'Dad, we found Clara and we are surrounded. '

'On our way, son.'

"Where is Jennie and lion ?!" Jacob asked.

"How do you know about.. EGHH. Never mind. Attack.!"

Clara was laughing at the outnumber infront of her but her laughter died down when she saw an army of wolves merge from the line of trees surrendering the mansion and in no time made a dash.

'Go son and we will take care of those.' Marc's voice informed in Jacob's mind.

Jacob transformed and ran jumping and avoiding the rogues with Jack by his side.

The two started chasing after her but they got stopped by the smell of their mates.

'What made you stop?'
'And what made you?'

'I smell Jennie in the opposite direction.'
'Mine, too.'

'Go there and I'll chase after her.' Jacob said and took off without waiting an answer from his beta.

After 5 minutes of running after Clara, Jacob felt something was off. Max wanted to go save Jennie but Jacob wanted to kill the witch that ruined a lot of people's lives.


Jacob stopped in his track and turned around to see an image blurred of Lili.

"That's not Clara. You're just chasing an illusion. Go back to the house and follow Jennie's smell. "

Jacob didn't need to be told twice as he bolted back towards the mansion.

He made it back in under a minute and give full control to Max to get them to his mate.

He started wondering in the woods but got in a cabin.

He tried to get to Jack but got no respond.

'It feels very suspicious and obviously this is a trap but we must continue. ' Max informed.

'I agree with you.' Jacob responded.

When he was about to transform and open the door, he was tackled down by two rogues.

'Sorry man. I didn't smell or feel them.'
Max informed.

'It's okay man. Let's just fight.'

In a second, he had the two rogues in the ground and saw multiple ones coming from both sides of the cabin.

He stared fighting and killed about seven of them when he saw his father coming with help.

They all together killed the rest.

Jacob transformed back and went inside the cabin. It was an ordinary one and nothing suspicious about it but then he picked up the smell of blood and he flinched when he smelled it mixed with his beta's smell.

'At least it's not our mate.' Max said .

'Really buddy. Really. So not the time.'

There was a living room with a small kitchen and three doors. The last door down the corridor was the one that smelled of his mate, beta and two other smells.

His father entered after him and they both sneaked around to the door.

"Just enter if you're planning to."

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