Snape strolled in, paying no mind to him, looking as if he knew his way around, having been there quite a few times. They crossed the threshold to enter the main hall and Hermione looked around to find the place completely stacked with magical artifacts and other collectibles, like Borgin and Burkes, only smaller and it looked like the place had seen better days but had not been maintained properly. It was dank and smelly but with a closer look, she bet there were hidden gems there that people would sell an arm or a leg for. It was a shop of some kind but she wondered why this place was not situated in a more open space with window displays in order to attract more customers. Perhaps because what these people traded or smuggled were probably not legal and those who wanted to deal with outlawed and Dark-magic items had other means of acquiring information about this place.

Like Snape. He went over straight to the reception desk at the head of the room where another goblin was. Perhaps trying to compensate for their lack of height, he was seen sitting on a high chair, like the ones at Gringotts, from where he dangled his legs ten feet above the ground and looked down his crooked pointy nose at the approaching couple.

"I wish to have an audience with the Dominus." stated Snape.

The other goblin had caught up to them by now and was making a fuss about them barging in without prior announcement. "Oo do you think you are? The Dominus would not wanna see the likes o you. Be gone!"

"I am Severus Snape and I know him personally. If you would just let him know I am here, he would grant us permission-"

"And who is this woman? She your latest squeeze?"

"She's with me."

"She's guzzled polyjuice potion, that one," he pointed his gnarled fingers accusingly at her, "I can smell it on her. You're a bunch of swindlers! Cons!"

"No, please," Hermione tried to argue, "I assure you-"

"Well, if she is indeed an imposter I certainly cannot risk her meeting the Dominus." the other goblin said and turned to Snape, "But maybe only you can. Let's see- if she means nothing to you, why don't we just get rid of her? I hope you haven't grown too attached-"


The other goblin was trying to grab for Hermione who was quick to draw her wand but they all stopped as Snape's voice reverberated off of the walls. He still hadn't touched his wand because he didn't want to give the impression that they were a threat at all. He knew things could escalate quickly from that and they might never get the thing that they came here for and so he maintained his cool. He simply looked at Hermione and gave her a nod to go ahead and undo the magic of the polyjuice potion.

She was dubious but she trusted him and waved her wand over herself, revealing her true form. "Good gods! It's Granger! Hermione Granger!" the goblin went into hysterics, "If they find her here with us..."

"Please, we wouldn't have come here if we weren't absolutely helpless," she appealed, "Please, just give us what we need and we'll be on our way."

Snape addressed the goblin seated at the desk, who seemed much calmer. "We are sorry about the deceit but it was a mere precaution. I know the Dominus would never cause her harm but it's to keep her identity secret from the people outside. You know the position we are in. We just need some information."

He looked at them for a long time, judging, before he finally adjusted the glasses over his nose and remarked, "I've heard a lot about you Mr. Snape and Mrs. Weasley- pardon me, Ms. Granger," he checked whether she approved of that title before continuing, "I am sorry for your loss and believe me I would do anything to help you if I could. However, the Dominus isn't here anymore."

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