Episode 29:Fun and confessions

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Aj:*laying on the couch*
Kefla:*grabs his arm* dude
Kefla:come on you gotta get dressed we're going
Kefla:yep this is gonna be fun
Aj:I hope so
Kefla:come on you gotta have some fun every once in a while
Aj:I can stay here and have fun
Kefla:come on you're gonna have fun with me today like you said you would
Aj:alright just let go of
Kefla:*pulls him up*
Kefla:*grabs him* now it's my turn to show you my family
Aj:which I've seen before several times
Kefla:well you can see us in our natural habitat
Aj:it's probably like a jungle in there
Kefla:hey we're not that bad
Aj:I'll be the judge of that
Aj:are we bringing green hair again
Kefla:no just leave a note or something because this one is just for us
Aj:alright if you say so *walks to the room*
Aj:*walks back in a white hoodie*
Kefla:oh wow we're matching
Aj:don't think anything of it I just happened to pick this one
Kefla:alright you ready to go now
Aj:*opens the door*
Akane:where are you going
Aj:none of your business
Akane:it's all of my business
Aj:hey did you listen to the new album
Aj:megalodon that song fits you perfectly
Akane:yeah I know
Aj:I'll see you when I get back okay take care of this place for me
Akane:okay I won't let you down
Both:*walk off*
Kefla:what new album
Aj:this rapper did a rock album but it's pretty good
Kefla:oh wow
Aj:he got a singer from a band I occasionally listen to on their and it's perfect
Kefla:I'm gonna have to listen to it later then
Aj:and then a new song is getting dropped tomorrow by another one of my favorites
Kefla:you love your music don't you
Aj:of course I do I started listening to rap more often
Kefla:so then
Aj:don't get it twisted I still listen to a lot of rock and things of the sort
Aj:these songs just go well with anime fight scenes
Kefla:makes sense
Aj:yeah and so that's why I always have a selection to choose from everyday
Kefla:sounds nice
Kefla:I guess we've both gotten soft
Kefla:I mean you finally opened up and we're even closer than before so maybe the change wasn't a bad thing
Aj:*looks at his hand* yeah right I'm not soft I'm still the same
Kefla:*puts her arm around him* no need to be ashamed everyone has a heart because we're all human
Aj:i don't think so
Aj:we're all monsters we just don't change until we give into our desires
Kefla:*smacks his back* you gotta stop reading all those webcomics they're gonna rot your brain
Aj:but they're speaking the truth
Kefla:*puts her hand on his chest over his heart* the truth comes from here and nowhere else
Aj:I really want to backhand you right now
Kefla:all you ever commit to is violence
Aj:so do you since all you do provoke me
Kefla:but that's for fun you know how we are with each other we always take jabs
Aj:yeah next time I'm gonna throw a jab
Kefla:I'll just smack the shit out of you
Aj:we can do it right now
Kefla:*smacks his back* I don't know where the violence in you comes from but it's not as playful as mine
Aj:I'm not really a playful person
Kefla:what do you mean you always have something smart to say that's playful
Aj:I don't get it
Kefla:you must not get a lot of things
Aj:so do you dumb ass
Kefla:see you're being playful right now
Kefla:let's have some fun when we get home too
Aj:what you want to play the game
Kefla:no I want to fight you
Aj:are you sure
Kefla:yeah I only saw a tiny ounce of your true skill and I want to see that
Aj:okay I'll warn you this once don't cry when you lose
Kefla:even if I lost I would be happy knowing how strong you really are
Aj:but I'll have you watch my fight with Akutsu from Highschool so you can learn something
Kefla:you recorded that
Aj:yeah I had a friend of mine set up cameras in the neighborhood
Kefla:that's smart
Aj:so I can show you the recording before we fight
Kefla:alright if you say so
Aj:it's the skill level that's gonna be a gap
Kefla:if your base is kicks I just have to take you to the ground
Aj:it won't be that easy
Kefla:that's fine with me you know I love a good challenge
Aj:oh this one will be more than good
Kefla:you know I'm always ready
Aj:*puts his fist in her face* so if we started right now would you be ready
Kefla:*grabs his hand* hell yeah
Kefla:it's that adorable smirk again
Aj:shut up
Kefla:*turns and picks him up*
Aj:hey put me down!
Kefla:you did this for me before so I'm repaying the favor *walks off*
Aj:you don't need to carry me
Kefla:you didn't have to do it every time I got wasted and you did it anyway
Aj:it's called having a good conscious I can't just let you fall over every 5 seconds
Kefla:see you do have a heart
Kefla:*rubs his head* this is nice wouldn't you agree
Aj:what do you mean we're not even there yet
Kefla:yeah but isn't it nice in the moment
Aj:I guess so
Kefla:it always feels so nice just hanging out with you
Kefla:you can fall asleep if you want
Aj:I'm not tired and I don't think this would be the most comfortable position
Kefla:even though you got two pillows right here
Aj:what do you mean I don't see any pillows
Kefla:forget it you probably forgot anyway
Kefla:we're gonna have to listen to that album together when we get home
Aj:after we fight
Kefla:yeah it's gonna be fun
Aj:you consider getting your ass handed to you fun
Kefla:okay mister no more head rubs for you
Aj:that's fine I never needed them
Kefla:I know you like it when I do that you're like a cat a small and vicious cat
Aj:what a way to put it
Kefla:but that's exactly what makes you cute and adorable my little fluffy head
Aj:stop I'm not used to affection like this
Kefla:I knew you would like it
Aj:*smiles* hmph
Kefla:seems like we're here
Aj:great let me down
Kefla:nah *knocks on the door*
Caulifla:I'm not getting that
Kale:you never do *walks over and opens the door*
Aj:does this belong to you
Kale:you made it
Caulifla:is it that old man
Aj:shut your trap
Kale:I see you two still don't get along
Aj:*hops down and stretches* well I guess you guys are like my third family
Kefla:then who's your second
Aj:Akutsu and Kioka with her mom
Kefla:oh yeah you usually stay there on your breaks
Aj:yeah but I'm gonna start seeing my actual family from here on out
Kefla:yep and I'm gonna go with you
Aj:no you're not you'll stay here with your family I can use the peace and quiet
Kefla:I know you enjoy my company
Aj(spirit):you enjoy more than her company you love being around her don't you
Aj:shut up
Caulifla:I didn't say anything
Aj:it's not you just me
Kefla:it's just something he's been dealing with after he changed
Kale:I don't see a difference
Kefla:I think it's more of a mental and emotional thing
Caulifla:did you mean what I heard you say the other day
Caulifla:that you'd find our mom
Aj:well it's for personal reasons don't think I'm doing this because of you I just want to meet the lady and refresh my memory
Caulifla:when I heard you it sounded like you were saying it specifically for her
Aj:I rarely make promises
Kefla:exactly and the only promises we have with each other is that we won't leave each other's side
Both:*look at each other*
Aj:do they always look at each other like that
Kefla:yeah it's a discussion thing
Kale:you don't think
Caulifla:that they're dating
Caulifla:I mean it's possible maybe he changed because of her
Kale:that's true
Aj:what are you saying behind my back
Kale:oh it's nothing
Caulifla:are you two dating
Caulifla:I said are you two dating
Aj:no I heard what you said but what gave you the idea to say something so stupid
Caulifla:okay before I do punch you again I'll just say this you two have gotten very close lately I wouldn't be surprised if you were dating
Kefla:we're not dating I just like to play around with him a lot
Caulifla:are you using protection
Kefla:*blushes* what no it's nothing like that I mean playing games!
Kale:yeah I didn't think you two would do something like that especially how he is
Aj:last time I ever did bedtime sparring was on Valentine's Day
Aj:just to get someone off my back
Kale:oh wow I guess you really did change
Aj:that was before the change
Kale:even worse than I thought
Aj:so this is your old house
Kefla:yeah I raised these two myself they're practically my daughters
Aj:*walks out*
Kefla:what did I say something wrong
Kale:maybe he got a phone call
Kefla:but I'm not done telling the story
Aj:*holding the phone up to his ear as his eyes widen* are you sure it was her
Akiara:yes it was you're acting like I forget people that's a trait I didn't give you
Aj:alright just give me the location I'll do it tomorrow
Kefla:can I tell you guys something
Aj:*walks in* you guys don't mind if I stay the night do you
Kale:not at all
Caulifla:no you can't
Aj:Kefla you break the tie
Kefla:of course you can stay the night
Aj:I knew you would be on my side
Kale:what were you going to tell us
Kefla:I'll tell you later
Aj:yeah don't be worried if I'm not here in the morning I have something important to do tomorrow
Kefla:oh alright just tell me when you get to the dorm or when you're coming back here because I can go home by myself if you don't
Aj:mhm *sits next to her* this time will be the last time I'm coming for you
Aj:just speaking lyrics
Kefla:oh alright
Aj:*lays back* what would you do if I brought your mom to you
Kefla:I don't know what I'd do
Aj:alright I see
Kefla:I would be so grateful and I'd definitely give you a reward
Aj:can you keep to your word about that
Aj:keep to what you said
Kefla:do you intend on bringing my mom to me
Aj:well, just keep to your word because who knows maybe your wish will come true
Kefla:okay this reward will definitely surprise you
Aj:*smirks* alright
Caulifla:see this is exactly what I'm talking about when did you guys ever become like this
Kale:true I expect a lot more resistance from him whenever you do stuff like that
Kefla:making a promise can change everything ya know
Aj:yeah and it's been awhile since I've felt human
Kefla:let's do hypotheticals so we're not all just sitting here quietly
Kale:okay who wants to go first
Aj:okay Kefla what if you got cloned let's say this clone represents your feelings how do you think that clone would be
Kefla:well first we're calling her Kafla and I guess she won't leave you alone
Aj:yeah I'd expect that
Kefla:maybe she'll express my deepest desires then
Aj:geez that just sounds like another Akane in my hands
Kefla:you can handle it instead of wanting sex she'd want to fight you
Aj:I guess I could get used to that but if she jumps me I'll really tear her apart
Kale:okay Aj if you could date anyone in this room who would it be
Aj:let's see based on preference and experience I'd either pick you or Kefla I mean it goes both ways since she's more like a student to me
Caulifla:okay if you could choose one of these ways to die by my hands what would it be
Aj:what are the options
Caulifla:I'll strangle you or I'll stab you in the heart
Aj:I'd take the stab wound since I would die faster
Kefla:of course you're out for his neck
Aj:if you could choose one technique to learn from me what would it be
Caulifla:what are my options
Aj:two step force or dragon's tail
Caulifla:I need an example or explanation idiot
Aj:two step force is what I would've did to you yesterday it's a two stage round kick with a massive amount of force that's why its called two step force
Kefla:because it's like the force of two massive steps
Caulifla:okay what about dragon's tail
Aj:this one is a combo attack from a leg sweep and you pivot off your palm and kick them in the stomach from there and if needed you can add a third attack
Caulifla:then I'll learn the two step force
Aj:it takes a lot of practice it's not something you can just learn in a day
Caulifla:that's fine so when do we start
Aj:it's a hypothetical not a question I don't share the family arts unless you're my child
Caulifla:okay I'm really about to hit you
Aj:*sits up and holds his arms out* go right ahead goddess
Caulifla:*blushes then charges at him* shut your trap!
Kefla:(I've felt this same feeling from him before)
Aj:*parries and turns her around*
Caulifla:*turns and kicks*
Aj:*blocks and pushes her to the side* you like that one I call it chan style aiki
Caulifla:*walks past him then turns around*
Aj:you got some more in you I can keep this up all day
Caulifla:*walks over to him*
Aj:(she figured it out she's smart)
Caulifla:*sticks her hand out*
Aj:*grabs her wrist and pulls her in*
Caulifla:*turns and kicks him in the back of the head*
Aj:*hits the ground* ow
Caulifla:*puts her foot on his head* proves you right all you need to counter is hard force so if I went soft you would have to attack first
Aj:I know I just wanted to see if you knew that
Aj:*gets up* I learned that counter watching anime because aiki requires force in order to counter so if you go soft they'll need to strike first
Aj:*rubs her head* but you learn fast your sister was right when she said you guys were geniuses in fighting just like my people
Caulifla:don't touch me
Aj:such a cute kid how old is she
Kefla:oh she just turned 8
Caulifla:stop ganging up on me that's not fair!
Aj:almost double digits
Caulifla:*punches him in the gut* call me short one more time I'll end your entire bloodline!
Aj:*steps back* not bad you improved since the first time you did that
Caulifla:*walks off and slams the door*
Aj:geez it's not that serious I was just playing with her
Kale:sis you're such a bad influence on him
Aj:*walks over to the room* hey
Caulifla:leave me alone
Aj:when someone offers to apologize you should listen to what they have to say
Caulifla:I don't care
Aj:you want to get along for once don't you
Caulifla:can you leave already
Aj:I'm good at kicking doors down so don't make me kick it down
Caulifla:if you do that I'll kick your ass
Aj:okay hit me as much as you like for 5 minutes straight
Caulifla:are you serious
Aj:yeah I'm good at taking hits
Caulifla:so I could-
Aj:nothing below the belt I'll die if you do that
Caulifla:okay let's do it
Aj:okay let me get ready
Caulifla:*opens the door*
Aj:don't get too embarrassed I'm gonna pull a Yujiro
Aj:*takes off his shirt and gets in stance*
Kale:he didn't mean that did he
Aj:*clenches his fists*
Kefla:wait a minute
Aj:I like to call this my inner demon!
Caulifla:hurry up already
Aj:*flexes his back muscles*
Kefla:you idiot that's plagiarism
Aj:it doesn't change okay I don't have that at all *smirks*
Caulifla:*gets in stance* alright then set the 5 minute timer
Kefla:*sets a timer* are you sure about this
Aj:*standing there*
Caulifla:*punches him in the gut then pulls back* damn that's time already
Kefla:so how was it
Kale:*walks over to him and looks at him*
Aj:*eyes blank*
Kale:he's out of it
Kefla:what do you mean he's out of it
Kale:he's knocked his eyes aren't there
Caulifla:that's what you get for underestimating me
Kefla:*walks over and smacks him on the back of the head*
Aj:*eyes fade in* whoa I almost lost myself for a second there
Kefla:there we go
Aj:do you guys have a spare room or anything
Kale:uh yeah it's down the hall
Aj:thanks *picks up his shirt and walks off*
Caulifla:that guy is a piece of work his body is a lot harder than it looks
Kefla:man how did things come this way he used to be the nerdy roommate I would tease but now he's an entirely different person
Kale:yeah he's really changed
Caulifla:he's still the same to me but I appreciate his toughness
Kefla:okay good he's gone now I can tell you guys
Both:you like him don't you
Kefla:how'd you figure it out
Kale:it was kinda obvious
Caulifla:your promise not to leave each other's side that's a dead giveaway
Kale:yeah did you tell him you grew attached or something
Kale:geez sis you can't be too straightforward with him
Kefla:I'm sure he feels the same way he said the exact same thing to me
Kale:well when are you going to tell him
Kefla:I'm gonna do it tomorrow since the last episode will happen then
Kale:last episode of what
Kefla:just a script he's writing
Caulifla:hope he reciprocates because if he doesn't I'll kick his ass
Kefla:it's fine I can do it besides I'm the oldest
Kale:hope everything goes well he has a soft heart so he's not all that tough
Kefla:I know I've been spending time with him for a year or two
Caulifla:yeah you have
Kefla:and my heart belongs to him now just like how his belongs to me

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