Episode 16:Confidence and a smart mind

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Aj:hey I'm gonna be a little late to gym okay so if you don't see me on time don't get scared
Kefla:you're a tough kid I don't think I'd have to be scared I mean if you're fighting again
Aj:just don't tell green hair you know how she gets
Kefla:don't worry your secret's safe with me
Aj:thanks besides I've never really met this person it's my first time but Akane told me he's a bit of a nut
Aj:he's got some screws loose
Kefla:come again
Aj:basically he's crazy
Kefla:nothing you can't handle I've seen your true colors
Aj:yeah that's more like a last resort to show my inner hatred
Kefla:okay dude have fun
Aj:I hope just to talk but if it's a fight he wants he'll definitely get it
Kefla:okay bye
Aj:yeah see you later *walks out*
Akane:*hugs him* baby!
Akane:I'm so excited to see you
Aj:yeah so where are we meeting
Akane:in an alleyway
Aj:I should've known this guy was shady
Akane:I'm sorry but he said that he just wanted to meet you
Aj:and you stayed in contact with that guy
Akane:yeah I mean he was my classmate
Aj:why can't I meet that buff guy you told me about he seems more friendly than this freak
Akane:I don't know Nagito just wanted to meet you for some reason
Aj:okay I'm making things quick
Akane:then we go for ice cream
Aj:no then we immediately leave the area and come back
Aj:you haven't changed at all since I first met you
Akane:oh yeah those were the good days
Aj:yeah I guess they were
Akane:and you were so sweet back then
Aj:why does everyone keep talking about the past me am I not good enough for you now
Akane:no that's not what I meant it's just back then you-
Aj:I don't want to hear about what I was before
Akane:of course the fact that I can still be with you is enough of a blessing as it is
Aj:just admit it you don't like me the way I am now
Akane:no Aj nobody is saying that it's just we didn't expect you to change that's all
Aj:*looks down* forget it I'm going back
Akane:*picks him up* no you're not you have to meet this guy and I'm not showing up without you *runs out the door*
Aj:you're annoying
Akane:I love you too
Aj:so do I have to fight this guy or something
Akane:I don't know maybe he just wants to have an ideological conversation with you
Aj:not all crazy people are smart
Akane:and not all smart people are crazy you taught me that
Aj:what's that supposed to mean
Akane:you're not as crazy as you say you are I mean Nagito got us into all sorts of trouble at school
Aj:now I really don't like this guy
Akane:yeah I get how you feel I never trusted him from the start
Aj:you changed me
Akane:I guess I did
Aj:I'll try not to lash out
Akane:no please feel free to do so
Aj:it's a good thing I awakened my Teen X
Aj:you don't have a Teen X
Akane:are you talking about the song
Aj:no it's what I call my ability
Akane:then what's your ability then
Aj:I have foresight I guess
Akane:what makes you say that
Aj:I can feel how a situation will end up I usually get premonitions if it's bad
Aj:yeah like I'll see a gate in front of me or if it's an easy win then I see an afterimage of my opponent
Akane:are you sure it's not because of your eyes
Aj:I think it's a special ability
Akane:it's probably your eyes
Aj:say whatever you want I'm special
Akane:oh you were always special to me baby
Aj:put me down I can walk you know
Akane:but I like babying you
Aj:yeah I can tell because it's clear you won't have a child to do it with
Akane:okay now you're asking for it
Aj:for what
Akane:*pulls him into her chest* say you're sorry and that you'll give me a child
Aj:*muffled* fat chance you crazy bastard
Akane:come on you have to promise me something that's how friendship works
Aj:then I promise you a good friend and support for the rest of your life
Akane:how about a relationship
Aj:*pulls back* no
Aj:I don't care what you do I won't do it
Akane:fine but you're missing out
Aj:so are you
Akane:I know you love me
Aj:*hops down and puts his hands in his pockets* whatever
Akane:*puts her arm around him*
Aj:are we almost there
Akane:yeah almost there
Nagito:*standing against the wall with a white hoodie on*
Aj:hold on let's stop
Akane:oh yeah we're here actually
Aj:*looks over*
Nagito:hey Akane you made it and you brought him here
Aj:*walks up to him*
Nagito:nice to meet you buddy
Aj:*sizes him up*
Nagito:what are you looking around me like that for
Aj:say you ever fought anyone before
Nagito:I've shot someone does that count and I've also tried to get most of my friends killed at some point does that count
Aj:and you were friends with this guy
Aj:you just made my day
Nagito:I'm honored
Aj:but can you see it though
Nagito:yeah I can
Aj:what do you see
Nagito:it's a red area
Aj:yeah you're right (I also saw a field of fire)
Nagito:I'm glad we see the same way
Akane:a red area? (is that what he was talking about)
Nagito:(this guy is no joke if I tried to pull anything he'll get me immediately)
Aj:Nagito Komaede huh
Nagito:yeah you're Aj Chan
Aj:in the flesh
Aj:you said you've shot someone before right
Nagito:yeah I have (that was a bluff I just pulled a gun on him instead)
Aj:how did it feel
Aj:was it good did you enjoy ending a life
Akane:(is he showing his true colors or is it a bluff)
Nagito:well I can say it was the best thing I've ever done
Aj:*grabs his hand* we'll be good friends
Nagito:yeah god-tama
Aj:*leg sweeps him*
Nagito:*steps back catching himself*
Aj:you said you tried to get your friends killed that includes Akane right
Nagito:you can say that
Aj:*hits him in the side then punches him in the face and lets go of his hand*
Nagito:*falls back* whoa
Aj:I'm sorry did I hit you just now that was my mistake I meant to shoot you instead
Nagito:(now he's getting on my nerves) you're a funny guy I like that
Aj:*smirks* hmph
Nagito:*gets up* you sure do pack a punch
Aj:yeah I've never experienced anyone as tactical as you
Nagito:oh you've noticed
Aj:yeah why else was it a red zone
Nagito:so you can see all the lining surrounding us
Akane:what lining?
Nagito:fishing line very sharp stuff it can cut off your ear if you're not careful
Aj:of course that's nothing if I didn't get rid of it
Nagito:oh really
Aj:*squats down and pulls a line as it all comes down*
Nagito:(he saw the starting point)
Aj:hey Akane you can go back I'll see you later alright
Akane:are you sure
Aj:yeah totally
Akane:okay be safe *walks around the corner*
Aj:man someone like you I wonder how you would fare against Shibumi and he's stronger than me
Nagito:stronger than you
Aj:yeah it's too bad you won't be seeing him anytime soon ya know
Nagito:*steps in*
Aj:*puts his foot forward and punches him several times*
Nagito:*steps back* you got me I could barely even move
Aj:yeah for a second there after she hit that corner it felt like you slit my throat
Nagito:oh yeah I'm really good at mind games
Aj:yeah but so am I
Nagito:is it just me or is blood dripping from my mouth
Aj:it's nothing that was just the same trick you played on me
Nagito:oh I see *drops to his knees*
Aj:*turns around and walks around the corner as blood drips from his arm* that line is rough stuff
Akane:*hugs him* you're okay
Aj:yeah he's smart and calculated I'll give him that but he's too weak he's more like Gray Yeon from Weak Hero
Akane:you're bleeding want me to patch that up
Aj:*holds his arm* no it was just some lining that cut my arm when I hit him the first time
Akane:oh okay
Aj:I thought he killed me one time but it was all in my head so I did the same to him
Akane:oh alright
Aj:so about that ice cream
Akane:alright let's go!
Akane:*grabs his hand* come on you want to make it back on time don't you
Aj:alright don't drag me
*in the gym*
Kefla:*sitting against the wall*
Aj:*sits next to her* you miss me
Kefla:*jumps* dude don't do that!
Aj:do what
Kefla:sorry you scared me for a second so how'd it go
Aj:oh yeah he tried to kill me
Aj:yeah with mind games
Aj:it felt like he slit my throat so I made him feel like blood was dripping from his mouth
Kefla:sounds cool
Aj:yeah I wonder how he would do against Shibumi since his plan was impressive
Kefla:oh alright
Aj:I wonder how 22 is doing
Kefla:I'm sure the dorm is fine
Aj:yeah I hope so
Hana:*walks over to him*
Aj:hey Hana
Hana:where were you
Aj:oh I didn't tell you anything had to go meet someone
Hana:who's so important that you had to miss class
Aj:it was some nut job but the guy was super fun and smart I liked playing with him
Aj:of course he almost killed me but I got him down with my superior skill
Hana:and your arm explaining that
Aj:just some fishing line
Hana:fishing line really
Aj:I'm not lying it's what happened
Hana:okay I'll believe you idiot
Aj:*stands up and hugs her* don't be like that you know I'm the best
Kefla:*stands up* when did you two get together
Aj:what do you mean she's just my friend
Hana:well listen you're gonna have to come over so I can tutor you
Aj:sure thing *smiles*
Hana:did something happen
Hana:you seem happier than usual
Aj:I don't know what you mean
Hana:*stretches his cheek* are you sure
Hana:it just feels different
Aj:like before
Hana:yeah just like that
Aj:can you let go now it's starting to hurt
Hana:*lets go* my bad
Aj:is Kazuko going to be there
Hana:I can send her on some errands if you don't want to see her right now I understand you're still recovering
Aj:no it's fine I think ready to see her again
Hana:oh alright
Aj:but hey you still up to studying right like we always do
Hana:of course I am you know that
Aj:great I'll see you there
Kefla:(he seems different) hey did someone tell you to act like you were before
Kefla:you don't need to change we like you the way you are even if you changed from who you were before
Aj:mind your business
Kefla:I'm just saying man besides I like the way you are now
Aj:shut up
Hana:*hugs him* she's right even if you changed I'm still going to be here no matter what
Aj:yeah I know
Hana:and maybe I'll be able to tell you when I change
Kefla:that's sweet
Aj:it's gonna be sweet when I kick your ass
Kefla:well let's go I'm open to go right now
Aj:I don't hit girls but-
Kefla:you can make an exception for me I know
Aj:no you're an exception Hana
Aj:I want you to fight me Hana
Hana:are you sure
Aj:yeah I want to fight you I always have
Hana:but why me though
Aj:you're strong I just know you are and I can tell by looking at your body
Aj:so fight me
Hana:*straight punches him in the gut*
Aj:*drops to the ground*
Hana:*squats down then lifts up his chin* there you got what you wanted
Aj:I want a rematch
Kefla:I think you've had enough
Aj:shut up
Akane:*walks in and sits him up* baby
Aj:can you give me his number
Akane:who, Nagito?
Aj:yeah he seems interesting I want to arrange something
Akane:okay sure
Hana:make sure not to be late okay
Aj:I promise
Hana:*rubs his head* good boy
Akane:*hugs him* hmph
Hana:*gets up and walks out*
Aj:guess I'll be seeing you later again
Kefla:yeah I guess so
Aj:keep the dorm safe and you know the rules
Aj:actually I'll spend the night so I'll see you in the morning
Kefla:don't miss me too much
Aj:I have a feeling you'll miss me more
Aj:god-tama I wonder what it means
Aj:*walks out*
Kefla:he needs to tell me what he's been up to
Mook Young:aw man I missed him again
Kefla:what are you looking for him
Mook Young:yeah I wanted him to help me with something but I guess that can wait for later since he's so busy
Kefla:yeah I know
Mook Young:besides you two seem close
Kefla:I mean we're roommates
Mook Young:yeah but I rarely ever see him talk to anyone like he does with you
Kefla:well you know we like to play around a lot but he seems different now like he's changed again but I don't know what
*in the dorm*
Aj:*walks in*
Aj:*looks over and smiles then walks to the room and grabs his earbuds then puts them in and walks out* I wonder if that guy could outsmart some of the people I fought
Akane:I think it was just a coincidence he got so far
Aj:of course you're here
Aj:*rubs her head*
Akane:hey I'm taller than you
Aj:and I'm older than you
Akane:by a couple months
Aj:still older
Akane:where are you going
Aj:to spend the night
Akane:with me that's so sweet
Aj:no with Hana
Aj:can you not get that crazy look in your eye whenever I mention a girl's name
Akane:I'm sorry but you only belong to me
Aj:I belong only to myself
Akane:and me
Aj:whatever crazy lady
Akane:just make sure to spend the night again with me soon it's boring without you
Aj:I'll think about it
Akane:thank you sweetie
Aj:uh huh
Akane:*kisses him on the cheek and walks off*
Aj:too happy for the way I am now *walks ahead*
*in her dorm*
Kazuko:*looking out the window*
Hana:what are you looking so down for
Kazuko:I don't know what to say
Aj:*walks in* hey
Hana:hey idiot
Aj:hey Hana and Kazuko
Kazuko:*turns around* hi
Aj:*walks up to her*
Aj:what's with that look are you not happy to see me
Kazuko:well of course I am
Aj:then show it you have no reason to fear my change *sits down and puts his earbuds in the case*
Kazuko:I'm not scared of you
Aj:didn't expect you to be
Kazuko:*squats down*
Kazuko:*gets in his face*
Aj:Hana please hold her back this is a little too close for my liking
Kazuko:if you turn into a monster I'll be the one to kill you
Aj:what are you Jisu this isn't Sweet Home
Kazuko:how'd you know
Aj:I've been reading that over and over for the last few months
Aj:so what did they teach you today
Aj:that's easy
Hana:with triangle ratios and sohcahtoa
Aj:still easy
Hana:you won't be saying that later
Aj:well then let's get started ladies

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