Episode 3:Fun and paranoia

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Aj:*looking out the window*
Kefla:so what was yesterday all about
Aj:what do you mean
Kefla:you just stopped out of nowhere and you looked panicked
Aj:it's nothing you should worry about
Kefla:as your roommate shouldn't I be worried about what happens
Aj:I never worry about you so what makes you have to worry about me
Kefla:what do you mean you've worried about me before
Aj:really then tell me when
Kefla:that time you picked me up from that party
Aj:you were just lucky I was free
Kefla:you don't have a social life
Aj:yeah you're right
Kefla:so I'm sure you were worried
Aj:I was definitely pissed having to carry you back
Kefla:oh right you don't have a car
Aj:because I don't want to drive it's a drag
Kefla:you need a car
Aj:then you go get one
Kefla:I don't have my license
Aj:guess that makes both of us
Kefla:stop dodging the question what happened yesterday
Aj:do you really want to know
Aj:*walks over and locks the door then closes the blinds*
Kefla:dude what are you doing
Aj:I'm making sure she can't hear this she could be watching
Kefla:geez what did you go through
Aj:all I'm gonna say is yandere's exist and it wasn't very pleasant
Kefla:did she rough you up when you had your first time
Aj:what no she was just too clingy and she doesn't leave me alone
Kefla:so I guess she must've took the breakup really bad
Aj:yeah she tried to mix up my words and get us married but I'm too clever for such a mishap
Kefla:you missed out man you could've had home cooked meals for life
Aj:I don't care if she could cook she was just too much for me
Kefla:so she could cook
Aj:that's not the point!
Kefla:alright alright
Aj:but I can't be mad she saw me as her soulmate for life and I didn't reciprocate I gave her false hope so only I am to blame for the outcome
Kefla:so what are you gonna do
Aj:I'll confront her someday but I'm just not ready yet
Kefla:so what are we doing today
Aj:don't just change the subject! And what do you mean "we"!
Kefla:I thought you had fun yesterday
Aj:it was alright until I felt her presence
Kefla:so then that's why you stay inside all the time
Kefla:oh alright
Aj:do the dorms have a rooftop
Kefla:yeah how do you not know that
Aj:I don't go outside a lot okay
Kefla:are you gonna go smoke
Aj:I'm not like you I go outside to breathe fresh air not nicotine *walks out*
Kefla:I haven't even smoked yet
Aj:*walking with his hands in his pockets* geez why did I have to get her as a roommate why couldn't I get Akutsu or Hana at least someone I knew
*on the rooftop*
Aj:*opens the door*
Caulifla:*looking over the railing*
Aj:(what's a kid doing here) hey kid
Caulifla:*turns around* what
Aj:*walks over and stands next to her* I don't think I've seen you around here did you enroll awhile ago
Caulifla:I don't live here
Aj:then why are you here
Caulifla:I can ask you the same thing
Aj:I live here
Caulifla:you don't seem like someone that sees the sunlight too often
Aj:how'd you know
Caulifla:I didn't but now you told me stupid
Aj:heh you're just a little kid why don't you go run on somewhere else
Caulifla:I'm 19
Aj:okay and I'm 20
Caulifla:so I'm not a kid
Aj:well you're short so you're a kid to me
Caulifla:okay well you don't look so bright either
Aj:and you're not bright enough to insult me
Caulifla:*punches him in the gut* shut up!
Aj:*grabs her hand and looks at it* well it's been awhile since somebody hit me
Aj:but if you really want it to hurt I can give you a tip
Caulifla:let go of me you old man
Aj:kid I'm a year older than you
Caulifla:then you're an old man to me
Aj:well then I'll tell you one thing you shouldn't cock your hand back it slows you down
Caulifla:so what
Aj:you want accuracy and speed not power
Caulifla:how would you know
Aj:*strikes stopping short of her face* because I had my fair share of fights so I know a thing or two
Aj:what's your name kid
Caulifla:why don't you tell me yours and I'll say mine then
Aj:forget it I thought you were interesting but you're just a brat *turns around*
Caulifla:I'm not a kid or a brat my name is Caulifla you old man!
Aj:nice to meet you I'm Aj *walks out*
Aj:*walking with his hands in his pockets* she gives me the same vibe as Kefla except she's easier to provoke
Hana:what are you doing out here you rarely leave the dorm
Aj:oh hey Hana
Hana:what's up with you
Aj:it's nothing I thought I saw something interesting but I guess not
Hana:remember to send me your half
Aj:yeah I know
Hana:*grabs him by his collar* aren't you forgetting something
Aj:did something come up
Hana:*stares at him*
Aj:now you're just acting weird
Hana:what's wrong with you
Aj:what did I even do
Hana:you seem troubled do you want to go for some coffee
Aj:I don't drink that trash
Hana:I meant go for some sweets
Aj:nah I'm good but if something comes up give me a call
Hana:sure if she shows up in the area one of us will give you a call
Aj:no I'll deal with her when the time comes so leave it be
Hana:if you say so I'm not gonna save you
Aj:I doubt you'd need to *walks inside*
Kefla:*watching tv* there's rarely anything good on
Aj:(she's still the same)
Kefla:*looks over* hey buddy you got a call
Aj:did you answer it
Aj:good then it's nothing important that person doesn't know I don't expect phone calls
Kefla:wait really
Aj:unless you're a contact I won't answer
Kefla:so if I called you with a different number
Aj:I wouldn't pick up
Kefla:good to know
Aj:*sits next to her* yeah
Kefla:what's up with you
Aj:why does everyone keep saying that
Kefla:you have this hostile air about you and you're usually pretty passive
Aj:I got a little excited earlier it's nothing to worry about
Kefla:*puts down the remote and stands in front of him*
Aj:*looks up at her* what
Kefla:*cocks her hand back*
Aj:what are you an amateur
Kefla:*swiftly uppercuts with her other hand*
Aj:*dodges then rolls off the couch* I'm not stupid I'm not a novice
Kefla:*starts hopping* good then this should be fun
Aj:I don't hit girls
Kefla:well you're gonna have to hit me one time if you want me to stop
Aj:guess you won't be stopping then
Kefla:*charges at him and strikes*
Aj:*dodges and goes to the side*
Kefla:*steps in front of him*
Aj:*jumps back then goes to the other side*
Kefla:*steps in front of him* you must think you're pretty fast but you don't know how to fight in enclosed spaces do you
Aj:*steps back then fast steps around her* you're wrong this is my environment
Kefla:*back kicks*
Aj:*narrowly dodges then overhand hooks*
Kefla:*knees to his gut*
Aj:*blocks with his hand stopping short*
Both:*staring at each other*
Kefla:you really won't hit me
Aj:I told you
Kefla:but you're definitely experienced
Aj:yeah you're not like that kid I met on the rooftop
Kefla:what kid
Aj:well she was 19 but she gave me similar vibes to you
Kefla:sounds interesting you know her name
Aj:I forgot
Kefla:that's so like you
Aj:*looks over and starts shaking*
Kefla:what's wrong
Aj:no that's impossible I blocked her number
Kefla:*grabs him by his shoulders and shakes him* what are you talking about
Aj:*walks over and grabs his phone*
Kefla:how do you even know it's her
Aj:there's a heart at the end of the message
Kefla:that's cute
Aj:if I don't respond she'll pester me but if I do she'll still be a bother
Kefla:then get ready to face her like you said
Aj:fine I'll face her but you're coming with me
Kefla:why do I have to come
Aj:if things go wrong I need someone to bury my body
Aj:*puts on his white hoodie*
Kefla:oh wow we're matching
Aj:*changes to a black hoodie* if we match she'll take it the wrong way
Kefla:you seem awfully prepared yet you were freaking out a few seconds ago
Aj:yeah yeah let's just get this over with
Aj:*texts her back* she'll meet us on the rooftop
Kefla:good I get to see who you fear so much
Aj:I don't fear her

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