Episode 19:Boredom and a sparking bond

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Aj:*laying on the couch* well today is going to be boring
Kefla:well I'm gonna get going I'll see you later so don't die while I'm gone
Aj:as if something that stupid would happen
Kefla:and if I had an apocalypse team it would be you and my sisters
Aj:how sweet of you
Kefla:can't leave family behind
Aj:me and you think the opposite
Kefla:you wouldn't at least bring your sister
Aj:so she can steal most of the fun of course she's not coming
Kefla:that's just cruel
Aj:well sometimes it takes being cruel to survive
Kefla:I think your new friend is gonna miss you
Aj:forget about her she'd just try to cripple me
Kefla:good to know
Aj:how is that good to know
Kefla:never mind could you beat her in a fight
Aj:if I can beat Shibumi once then yeah I can
Kefla:have you beat Shibumi once
Aj:yeah I told you remember
Kefla:oh yeah
Aj:of course kicks are in my main base so if you factor that out she might win
Kefla:I thought you were good with your hands
Aj:yeah when I'm by myself or when I'm boxing someone but I'm not one for parrying attacks I like to end things quickly
Kefla:that's just nasty
Aj:what did I say
Kefla:forget it I'm gonna go
Aj:alright see you later then
Aj:oh yeah if you see Akane told her I just fell and sprained my ankle it's for his safety
Kefla:alright *walks out*
Aj:*lays back* now what am I gonna do today
*in the classroom*
Hana:this is just great
Hana:he's not answering his phone
Hana:yeah he must be sleeping or he's skipping again
Akane:no he wouldn't skip on a day like this
Hana:how could you be so sure
Akane:when you get to know him well you'll understand *gets up and walks out*
Hana:but I do know him
Hua:(so he's not here I wonder what happened after he left)
Aj:*looking at his phone* these artists just get their inspiration so easily if only I could draw to match my writing
Akane:*knocks on the door*
22:I'll get it
Aj:if it's someone you don't know shut the door
22:okay *walks over and opens the door* oh uh hello
Akane:where's my sweet little darling
22:darling there's someone here for you
Aj:I told you not to call me that
Akane:(he is here) *walks past her*
Aj:*puts his phone down and looks over* what the
Akane:*hugs him* I was so worried I thought something happened
Aj:I'm fine I just need some rest
Akane:what happened
Aj:I sprained my ankle
Akane:*looks into his eyes* who did it
Aj:relax I just fell on my way back to the dorm you know it's happened to you before
Akane:yeah I guess so
Aj:I'll be fine just go back to class you'll see me tomorrow
Akane:then as your future wife I will stay here and take care of you
Aj:I'm fine really you don't have to be here
Akane:but I want to be here
Aj:(I don't want you here) and I have green hair to keep my company I'll be fine
Akane:so what you can have my company
Aj:come on you don't have to
Akane:too bad I'm staying anyway
Aj:you're such an annoyance
Akane:I love you too
Aj:*sits up* forget it I'll just take a walk
Akane:not with that ankle let me carry you
Aj:woman I am fine so if you do not stop pestering me with your positivity I will remove you by force!
*in the hallway*
Akane:*carrying him in her arms*
Aj:how the hell did this happen
Akane:remember when we used to do this all the time
Aj:yeah sure
Akane:I just wish we could go back to those days
Aj:maybe if you didn't threaten my best friend we would still have these moments
Akane:well I promised not to do it again so can we go back to it
Akane:come on don't be a downer baby
Akane:I know deep down in your heart you still love me
Aj:you do realize that if it's deep down then it's not very good
Akane:what do you mean people say from the bottom of their heart all the time
Aj:yeah the bottom is darkness so it's coming from a dark place that doesn't sound good
Akane:then how would you say it
Aj:from my heart and above I still love you
Akane:aww I knew you still had feelings for me
Aj:I was giving you an example
Akane:sounded genuine to me
Aj:in your dreams
Akane:you're right I dream about it every night
Aj:how typical of you
Akane:so then where will our first location be today
Aj:I just wanted some fresh air not to walk around the whole dorms
Akane:we're going to the gym
Aj:but isn't first class still going on
Akane:exactly I want to see whether anyone is there this early
Aj:besides gym freaks I can't think of anyone who would be here
Akane:exactly wouldn't it be exciting to see someone there
Aj:how is that exciting
Akane:maybe you can make a new friend
Aj:I have enough friends
Akane:that aren't girls
Aj:okay then let's go
Akane:alright sweetie *walks in*
Ohma:*shadow boxing*
Aj:(shadow boxing) put me down
Akane:what about your ankle
Aj:I'll be fine I had enough rest *walks over to him*
Ohma:*turns and strikes*
Ohma:who are you
Aj:I remember now you were in a tournament I fought a friend of yours the other day he really fucked up my ankle
Ohma:Cosmo Imai
Aj:that was his name
Ohma:did you do something to him
Aj:nah I gave him my mercy but seeing as I have a handicap you can help me train
Aj:now try and hit me
Ohma:is that it
Aj:yeah I can't parry or block I either need to take it like a man or dodge it
Ohma:sounds fun
Aj:alright let's start
Akane:I thought he sprained it himself
Aj:(from what I saw he's not joke he has speed and power but speed is his forte but my eyes can recognize his patterns even if he speeds up)
Ohma:(this guy he's giving off some serious vibes I can't take him lightly so I'll start off at 50% speed)
Aj:well what are you waiting for
Ohma:nothing just thinking
Aj:*leans back*
Ohma:*strikes to his body*
Aj:*steps back*
Ohma:*overhand hooks*
Aj:*squats down*
Ohma:*spinning leg sweeps*
Akane:Aj look out!
Aj:*pushes himself to the left and stands up*
Ohma:*left hooks*
Ohma:*high kicks*
Aj:*leans back* that kinda hurt
Ohma:but you didn't get hit
Aj:I'm talking about my ankle I should take it easy
Ohma:*starts striking*
Ohma:(he's doing good only for 50% speed) wanna keep this up
Aj:nah I've had a good workout but what's your name
Ohma:Ohma Tokita
Aj:Tokita that sounds familiar
Ohma:I wonder where you heard it
Aj:oh right my grandpa and my dad said that name before that guy was as strong as they come *walks over*
Ohma:I tend to disagree he died because he was weak
Aj:*looks over* just because you die it doesn't make you weak I once thought the same way a long time ago
Ohma:and what do you think now
Aj:you can't compare the two because if you're weak you can at least get stronger but if you die there's nothing you can do about that you just had a sorry life
Akane:want me to pick you up
Aj:no I think that just lifted my spirits
Students:*walk in*
Hua:*looks over at him*
Aj:hey Akane want to see something cool
Akane:are you gonna pop your shoulder again
Aj:*sits down then grabs his ankle and twists it*
Kefla:dude what are you doing
Aj:*twists it back in place* there we go all fixed
Aj:I just had to go opposite of the way it was twisted now that all the fun people are gathered in one place *gets up and starts jumping*
Kefla:you're not planning something are you
Aj:*stands then gets in stance* yeah I'm definitely in the right mind
Hua:*walks over*
Aj:well then now that I'm better I need a good warmup
Hua:I was wondering what happened to you
Shibumi:*looking over at them*
Aj:this is really good all of us are here in one place so shall we let the games begin
Akane:Aj did Nagito put you up to this
Aj:nah *stretches his arms* I just felt like testing myself today since I got bored
Kefla:hold on Aj something happened
Kefla:Absalon episode 10 came out
Aj:okay forget the games I'll see you guys tomorrow I have anime to watch
Kefla:great let's go
Aj:you said it
Both:*walk out*
Hua:what a waste of my time
Ohma:what an interesting guy
Aj:so did it really drop
Kefla:yeah I saw the notification while I was in class
Aj:and you wanted to watch it with me
Aj:that's sweet of you
Kefla:well after yesterday I wanted to bond some more I guess
Aj:you sound feminine for once it's funny
Kefla:what's that supposed to mean
Aj:you're basically a tomboy
Kefla:so what if I am
Aj:I don't mind that's my type of woman anyone
Kefla:so a woman that could kick your ass
Aj:well I'm very competitive so I don't know if I'd let myself lose
Kefla:I'd definitely be a woman to kick your ass
Aj:I don't know my Teen X might foresee your movements
Kefla:Aj that's a song not an ability
Aj:that's what I like to call my senses
Kefla:but Teen X you couldn't pick a more original name
Aj:like what
Kefla:I don't know maybe X sight, Geass or Clans eye
Aj:the second one is from an anime
Kefla:yeah you're right
Aj:I'll stick with Teen X
Kefla:whatever man
Aj:I can't wait to see the animation
Kefla:yeah he really knows how to do a fight scene
Aj:yeah he can depict a lot of speed and power within just one combo
Kefla:I guess he inspired how you write fight scenes
Aj:well I like to envision it while I'm writing it's better to paint a picture using one line than to paint a picture with nothing at all
Kefla:wow man you should really put your quotes online you'd get a lot of attention for that
Aj:maybe I will
Kefla:*puts her arm around him* if you could've fixed your ankle you should've done so in the first place
Aj:well it was a gamble it would either fix it or I'd just be crippled for life
Kefla:then never do something like that again you hear me
Aj:quit acting like such a mom you don't need to care so much
Kefla:but you're important
Aj:I don't plan on keeping this body for long I intend to change one more time and reach the end
Kefla:well I'm gonna be here even if you change I'll make sure you won't forget me
Aj:that means a lot coming from you
Kefla:well thanks buddy
Aj:uh huh
Both:*walk in*
22:you're back
22:and you seem better since you're walking
Aj:yeah I fixed the problem myself
Kefla:how about some hypotheticals
Aj:like what
Kefla:let's say you have a one night stand with someone and you get them pregnant out of all the girls you know which one would stress you out the least
Aj:wow that's a hard one because I'm screwed either way since my family will show way too much support
Aj:I guess Kale I mean she's coolheaded she can definitely keep a straight face in that situation
Kefla:you're wrong she would be very excited she may not show it often but she quite likes your presence
Aj:yeah I know
Kefla:I already know who would stress you the most then
Aj:Akane obviously
Kefla:yeah I expected that
Aj:I mean that's a dream come true for her but that's of course if she could tempt me which is very hard to do
Kefla:I bet I could
Aj:oh uh I'm neutral so sexual tension doesn't get to me
Kefla:so I could take off my shirt and you wouldn't feel the slightest bit flustered
Aj:if I can do it with green hair then of course I can do it with you
Kefla:okay how about Akane
Aj:forget I made the statement I'd be on edge with that
Kefla:are you sure you don't want to get back with her
Aj:yes I made my point clear
Kefla:but you said it'll put you on edge and I'm the sure the sexual tension would be very high
Aj:I may have warmed up to her a little bit in the last few days but if it wasn't for you I'd be inside 24/7
Kefla:well I'm glad I boosted your social life
Aj:not really I'm just cocky around people
Kefla:yeah I can tell you seem a bit too calm in most situations
Aj:I've had my fair share of encounters so I always approach with a calm attitude
Kefla:that's a good trait whoever has kids with you in the future definitely made the right choice
Aj:oh I don't intend to have kids
Kefla:no kids
Aj:yeah I mean maybe a successor but not a biological successor that's like a last resort
Aj:besides that's not genetic I got this way over time
Kefla:well it's still a good skill to have
Aj:I know now can we just watch it already all this thinking is making me tired
Kefla:okay then I'll put it on
Both:*sit down*
Aj:*lays his head on her shoulder*
Kefla:*puts her hand on his head* fluffy head
Aj:party animal
22:*sits on the arm of the couch* is this what a family is like
Aj:I guess you guys are kinda like family to me
Kefla:yeah it's definitely like that isn't it
22:I enjoy it you guys are the best family I could ask for
Aj:you're making me get sentimental
Kefla:that's sweet of you to say
22:no problem
Aj:*looks up* boredom and a sparking bond that's what I'll call this episode
Kefla:you were writing earlier
Aj:yeah pretty good
Kefla:you'll have to show me

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