Mia was wearing a black dress that fit her figure perfectly.She really is beautiful but her personality is what makes her ugly.Her blonde hair in curls,high cheekbones,her brown orbs which are illuminating,and her pink plump lips hat look plumper than usual.

Her blonde hair in curls,high cheekbones,her brown orbs which are illuminating,and her pink plump lips hat look plumper than usual

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I stand there glaring at Epifiano who only grins ear to ear.Suddenly Epifiano is taking slow steps towards me till he is eye to eye with me.I take in his brown orbs that held anger and desire.He ain't shit he lost me when he slept with that bitch.But who gives a shit at least I never slept with him thank god .Hes an arrogant bastard I can't stand.

"Que putos haces aqui Epifiano"(what the fuck are you doing here),I say whispering sternly to him ,looking directly into his eyes.My eyes held anger towards him .He only smirked back in response.

"Who invited you Epifiano?"I ask in a softer tone hoping he'd respond back.

Suddenly I feel his hands go to my waist and pull me chest to chest with him.His hands travel down to cup my ass ,I push him back and slap him hard across the face.His face held pure raw anger now.

"That's wasn't very nice sweetheart"Epifiano mutters his jaw clenching and unclenching.

"Joder, te hice una pregunta"(i fucken asked you a question), I ask getting irritated by the second.

"I'm here for business Tesoro"he says smirking proudly.

I freeze at the nickname only one person has named me that ,Maurizio .I push his chest hard making him stumble back a bit.He grabs my wrist painfully,I whimper .I see papa and my brothers get up but I put my hand up indicating them to sit back down.

"What the hell did you do"I ask letting my emotionless face facade.His smile only widens as he sees my face.

"I did nothing TESORO"he whispers as he crouched down in my ear.I push his chest again hoping for something.What did he do.

I grab the collar if his suit in my hands bringing him breath to breath.I crouch down to whisper something in his ear.Inhaling his strong cologne.

"If I find out you had something to do with Maurizio's death I'm gonna kill you Epifiano you hear me I will kill you"i whisper deadly to his ear

He whispers back to me ,his breath bringing goosebumps to my skin .Not the good one .

"You'll here from me again sweetheart"he says as his figure walks down to another room.I see his family follow him except Emmanuel who gazes at me
painfully.I see the hurt and anger in his eyes .I start walking to him but he slowly backs away leaving me speechless .I sprint towards him as his back is towards me.I grab his elbow indicating him to turn around.He try's to let go of my grasp but I grip it  tighter.

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